Chapter 172 Poor baby! (1/5)

After a wave, dozens of dimensional creatures, Jiang Xiaobai easily received 30,000 achievement points.

However, such achievement points did not make Jiang Xiaobai feel the slightest joy, but rather melancholy.

Jiang Xiaobai found that his system seemed to have changed. In the past, when the Level 9 Astral Mechanic Apprentice, those…the dimension creatures of the 5th and 6th Astral Mechanic Apprentice were able to bring hundreds of points to himself. Achievement points.

But now, as they enter the Stardust Realm, these dimensional creatures that have reached the first level of the Stardust Realm will only have about one hundred achievement points after being hit by their own skills.

Jiang Xiaobai discovered that it seems that his achievement points may be calculated based on dimensional creatures.

For example, these are now…The level of the lava lion and the lava monster are the same as themselves at the first level of the Stardust Realm. After the skills are hit, the achievement points obtained after feedback are also controlled Less than two hundred, not more.

And if Jiang Xiaobai lowers the standard to deal with the dimensional creatures who turn his head and dominate…Astral Mechanic Apprentice level creatures, the acquisition of achievement points will be directly reduced to single digits.

This made me think that after I arrived in the Stardust Realm, I would easily… the first skill is… the idea of ​​being able to gain thousands of achievement points is obviously a waste of water.

Fortunately, even so, it can’t hold up the large number of creatures in the dimension space.

As long as they are strong, courageous, and wave enough, they will take root in the dimensional space in the future, and the achievement point will be slower.

Quandang is to comprehend the scenery of different dimensional spaces along the way.

Thinking about this, Jiang Xiaobai felt a lot of comfort in his heart.

Originally, when he first entered the Stardust Realm, Jiang Xiaobai was…thinking about entering the dimensional space by himself.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai’s current personal strength is not inferior to those…six or seven layers of awakened people.

Even if one person acts, the problem is not too big.

But after thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai suppressed this idea again.

Not to mention those…the number of dimensional creatures in the dimensional space, the uncertainty in the dimensional space alone is… people have to pay attention.

And in general, those who drown are with good swimming skills.

Jiang Xiaobai likes waves, but he doesn’t want to wave himself to death.It is always better to leave some room.

Just like this time, even though it is one-to-one, Jiang Xiaobai can completely abuse these… lava monsters and lava lions.

But I have to say that there are dozens of dimensional creatures behind him at the same time, and the pressure Jiang Xiaobai feels is indeed greater than before facing those…the bronze-level dimensional creatures. Quite a lot.

So in terms of attracting monsters, I don’t dare to be as easily as in the Bronze Dimensional Space… that is… hundreds of dimensional creatures.

Liu Yingying and others can indeed share the pressure of leaving.

Jiang Xiaobai, riding a big ha, rushed freely while cleaning up some lava monsters.

When there was a Jiang Xiaobai deliberately leaving one or two dimensional creatures on the ground in the process, Liu Yingying and the three of them would quickly surround themselves with weapons.

After a gang fight killed the creature without the ability to fight back, he hid his merits and turned back to the side and hid it again, waiting for the next hapless person to be delivered to the door.

In the following battles, Liu Yingying, Yang Meng, and Wang Gang have gradually realized the fun of the old coin and are sinking into decline.

But often walking behind, where can I not wet my shoes is like now, this time Jiang Xiaobai left one more dimensional creature than before.

With this time Liu Yingying, Yang Meng and Wang Gang rushed forward, and after quickly solving two of them, the remaining lava lion forelimb had already recovered consciousness.

Glancing at Yang Meng, who was close at hand and ready to release his talent skills, he directly roared and stood up and rushed towards Yang Meng.

Liu Yingying and Wang Gang next to them noticed this scene, and their expressions changed suddenly.

But at such a close distance, the attack came almost instantaneously.

Not to mention the two, even Yang Meng noticed the movement of the lava lion in front of him at this moment, and Yang Meng’s eyes suddenly tightened.

As he was thrown to the ground, in his sight, when the lava magic lion opened his mouth and bit towards his head, only one thought remained in Yang Meng’s heart.

“It’s over…”

Just when the lava magic lion swooped Yang to the ground, a big mouth was already open, and when it was about to bite Yang Meng’s body in the next moment, a golden light flashed in the air like a bullet out of its chamber. No.

After that, the lava demon lion suddenly paused for a moment and even whispered, before looking at Yang Meng in front of him, there was an inexplicable luster in his eyes.

The next moment, in the sight of a few people’s worries and consternation, the lava magic lion that threw Yang to the ground once again whispered, and it turned back and forth at Yang Meng.

And the front and back of it is the position of the back half of the body.

And in the process, the lava magic lion continued to make a low hum.

However, Yang Meng, who was already desperate in his eyes, felt the sensation of touching the lava lion on his body.After a moment of loss, he didn’t know what he thought of.

He lowered his head slightly, looked at the hard thing that was constantly kicking on his body, and looked up at the humanized and comfortable look in the eyes and face of the fierce lava lion in front of him.

Yang Meng, who had already understood what he was suffering at the moment, buzzed his head directly, and went stupidly on the spot.

“Mano is next to me, watching the movement of this lava lion at this moment, no matter…

Whether it was Liu Yingying or Wang Gang watching the scene of the ghost animal in front of him was struck by lightning and stopped on the spot.

Even in surprise, Wang Gang unknowingly let go of his hand, and he didn’t even react when the shield in his hand fell to the ground.

At the same time, the other side just turned Jiang Xiaobai, who had solved the last dimensional creature in front of him, and saw this scene.

Glancing at that moment, he turned into a lava magic lion like a small electric motor like Teddy, and Yang Meng was completely stunned under the lava magic lion.

The stimulating picture made Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth slam the peasant fiercely.

Afterwards, not knowing whether he felt hot eyes or because he couldn’t stand it, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but turned his head. In his heart, Yang Meng, who was suffering from this inhuman treatment at this moment, said in silence, “Poor baby!”

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