Chapter 166 History is always surprisingly similar (5/5)

Li Zixuan suddenly threw the stone to attract his attention, and then rushed towards the remote place without saying a word.

As long as you are not stupid, it is not clear that Li Zixuan is deliberately trying to lead Jiang Xiaobai to other places.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai can be sure, I’m afraid that there will be people in ambush where Li Zixuan ran.

What to do if the bear child throws a stone directly on the street. The bear child is not obedient and can’t get used to it. Just clean up.

So I walked toward the alley where Li Zixuan ran in without rushing.

After Jiang Xiaobai entered the alley, as expected, several people suddenly fell from the sky and surrounded Jiang Xiaobai.

At the same time, Li Zixuan looked at Jiang Xiaobai triumphantly, and said in a mocking tone: “Jiang Xiaobai, you are really stupid enough, you really dare to chase him.”

Circling around the people who surrounded him and Li Zixuan, who had mockery on his face over there, Jiang Xiaobai teased Daha in his arms and chuckled, “Li Zixuan, I wonder if you have listened to 07.” A word of truth”

Maybe it is because Jiang Xiaobai is already a turtle in the urn, or maybe there are Zhao Jie and others, Li Zixuan believes that Jiang Xiaobai’s ability can’t overcome any storms at all.

He put his arms around his chest and sneered and asked: “What do you want to say”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled softly and said, “The most logical thing is…history is always surprisingly similar.”

I heard that Li Zixuan still didn’t understand that Jiang Xiaobai was referring to the last time he asked someone to block Jiang Xiaobai.

Li Zixuan’s face turned black. “Jiang Xiaobai, see clearly, this time I didn’t find the trash from last time, but the awakened person whose level is far above you. Do you think you can still be as arrogant as the last time?”

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled and prepared to speak.

But before he spoke, the phone in his pocket was already vibrating.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

Today Jiang Xiaobai is wearing jeans and his pockets are a little tight.

So when I took out my phone…I didn’t pay attention, and even dropped a certificate from my pocket.

Zhao Jie and Li Zixuan, who were originally surrounded by Jiang Xiaobai, saw the document that Jiang Xiaobai had called out in his pocket.

Originally, they glanced casually, but when they saw the appearance of the ID and the information on it, Zhao Jie and Li Zixuan all had a physical meal.

Zhao Jie: …. Zhao Jie and Li Zixuan present are all awakened students. As students, why don’t you want to be able to enter the Stardust Realm early and become awakened, for… the awakened certificate is such a thing? Several people are familiar with things that can express the identity of the awakened.

It is also for this reason that when looking at the Awakened Person’s ID and Jiang Xiaobai’s photo on the ID, Zhao Jie suffered a lot.

With the credentials of the Awakened, Jiang Xiaobai’s level naturally goes without saying.

He has definitely entered the Stardust Realm.

Thinking of this, Zhao Jie and several of his companions looked at Xiao Bai in shock, and then turned their heads to look at Li Zixuan in a little astonishment.

Didn’t I just say that I just awakened for more than a month? What does this awakened ID mean? Not to mention other people, even the… ID that Li Zixuan had on himself was stupid.

At this moment, looking at the information on the screen of the phone, it is the news of the dinner scheduled for the week.

To be able to send a message, it is obvious that Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin have already come out of the dimension space.

After putting the phone back in his pocket, and picking up the Awakened ID that fell on the ground and putting it back in the pocket as well, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the people in front of him again and asked, “In other words, all of you are him. Find a helper to deal with me today”

If it was the first few seconds, if you heard Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Zhao Jie and others would definitely say “yes” to Jiang Xiaobai.

But after learning that Jiang Xiaobai turned out to be an official Awakener, Zhao Jie and the others were already panicked.

Hearing this, Zhao Jie immediately said: “Misunderstanding, it’s a complete misunderstanding, we just passed by.”

“Passing by, do you think I will believe it?”

Jiang Xiaobai sneered.

Seeing this, after Zhao Jie and the others looked at each other, they bowed together and said: “Big brother, we are wrong, please let it go.”

Jiang Xiaobai: ….. Looking at the opposite side, it was very decisive that…the Zhao Jie who had accepted their mistakes, Jiang Xiaobai was slightly stunned.

No, your backbone is so easy to be subdued. Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t know, Zhao Jie and others are already senior high school students.

For: Social perception is obviously clearer than Li Zixuan.

Today, it was they who took the initiative to trouble Jiang Xiaobai, but now they are not in the school, and those teachers will be used to them.

In such a situation, even if Jiang Xiaobai interrupted their leg, Jiang Xiaobai was not at fault afterwards.

Hard spirit, non-existent, it is wise to know the time and be a good man.

Seeing that the helper he had found was directly stunned, after Li Zixuan recovered, his body was already shaking, and he wanted to run without saying a word.

Noting Li Zixuan’s movements, Jiang Xiaobai already gave a cold snort.

Without a word, the two-shot skill is already a two-shot combo and has been lost.


In an instant, Li Zixuan, who had just turned around and hadn’t started to run away, felt the familiar feeling in the part, and the familiar voice directly made Li Zixuan show a look of mourning.

At the same time, a scream full of pain and sorrow suddenly sounded in this alley.

4 However, at this moment, Zhao Jie and several people are… bend over ninety degrees and admit their mistakes.

Noting Li Zixuan’s reaction later, Zhao Jie and the others subconsciously stood and looked over.

The other people are not good, but Zhao Jie himself is behind Li Zixuan at this moment.

When Li Zixuan’s first partially shot blood arrow splashed on Zhao Jie’s body, it made Zhao Jie feel, and subconsciously turned his head to look.

At this time, it happened to be in time for Li Zixuan’s second partial burst of bloody arrows to shoot.

Plus the height of Zhao Jie’s own head at this moment.

As a blood arrow shot out from the part of Li Zixuan, the moment Zhao Jie’s head turned around, he was smeared with the blood rushing out of that special place.


Suddenly, looking at the place where Li Zixuan’s partially bursting blood overflowed in front, Zhao Jie, who reacted, experienced a series of rapid thought and emotional changes such as dazed, shocked, unbelievable, and nauseous. Screams of grief and anger.


Looking at the blood-stained Zhao Jie, the eyes of several of Zhao Jie’s friends around him suddenly burst. They glanced at the slightly bent over Li Zixuan, and took a few steps back with a cold and horrified expression, fearing to avoid it. Too much.

Not to mention other people, even Jiang Xiaobai himself saw Zhao Jie, whose face was bloodied by Li Zixuan’s uncle, and his heart jumped.

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