Chapter 149 Free subjects

In the end, after a full ten minutes of silence, Jiang Xiaobai could clearly feel the eager urge to do something in Xu Yan’s eyes.

Perceiving this, Jiang Xiaobai wisely chose to go one step further.

Then involuntarily hugged Daha who fell asleep on the side and fled and left.

After Jiang Xiaobai left, Xu Yan, who was sitting against the wall in the room at the moment, suddenly let out a long sigh of relief.

Then after adjusting her sitting posture, she felt the faint strange feeling in her body.Xu Yan’s face was… immediately flushed.


Almost gritted his teeth and cursed.

I just don’t know if this sentence is scolding Jiang Xiaobai himself or talking about Jiang Xiaobai’s skill.

But thinking of the feeling just now, Xu Yan suddenly couldn’t help but feel the feeling of trying again.

But after a while, the thought was… was forcibly suppressed by Xu Yan.

In order to calm down quickly, the dull sound of hitting sandbags began to reverberate throughout the training room.

Here, after walking out of the training ground, Jiang Xiaobai shook his head.

It’s a pity that when she used her skills on Xu Yan just now, Xu Yan didn’t have any injuries on her body.

Naturally, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t judge how effective his new skill was.

493 Xu Yan, after all, every day besides… assisting Jiang Xiaobai, there are other Jiang Xiaoxin and other students who will represent the school in the national college competition in half a month.

So even for pair training, the time of day is not fixed.

Just like today, it is always at night when Xu Yan has time to train Jiang Xiaobai.

But after today, looking at Xu Yan’s previous reaction and attitude, it has almost reached a stage in her training.

This made Jiang Xiaobai feel a little melancholy.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai has not reached the full level in “Astral Fighting Techniques”.If Xu Yan stops training here, Jiang Xiaobai wants to raise the level later: he can only spend achievement points.

“Eh, you said, the guy from the attached high school…Wang Yang hasn’t been caught yet. I seem to hear that another student was killed yesterday. The body was found in a garbage truck on Jiuhua Street. It was seen cut into more than a dozen pieces.”

“Hey, those guys in the Yucheng Awakening Coordinating Bureau, you don’t know what basically happened. There can be no progress without ten and a half days. Like the policemen in the movie, they are typically paid for nothing. .”

“But if this continues, we will panic in our hearts! I don’t care about it recently…

It is the third middle school, the fifth middle school or the affiliated middle school. There are already students in the accident. Our school is not far from the affiliated middle school. Who knows if someday people from our school will be targeted.”

“Hey, why do you care about this? Anyway…A few of us.

It’s okay if this guy doesn’t show up. If you dare to come, you will be able to get a bonus just by catching him. It’s simply beautiful.”

“Cut, it’s you. I guess I saw that guy took the scared pee and grabbed the bonus. I’m afraid you haven’t woken up yet!”

…Just when Jiang Xiaobai walked from the training ground of the school, there happened to be a few students walking behind Jiang Xiaobai towards the school gate.

During the move, the things that several people talked about came to Jiang Xiaobai’s ears, and Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but look slightly.

After a while, Jiang Xiaobai remembered it, and it seemed that after returning home two days ago, Zhou Jia also suddenly mentioned this matter.

It is said that he was an awakened person in the fifth middle school.

Directly and brutally killed all the awakened students in the fifth middle school, and then the personality became distorted: extremely negative and crazy, and even afterwards he paid attention to those in other schools…The awakened Body.

It seems that after a few days, more than a dozen students have been affected.

It is said that these students seemed to have experienced torture before they died, and their deaths were extremely miserable.

Regarding this matter, Jiang Xiaobai did not take it to heart.

Even in the peaceful society of the previous life, there were often students who could not bear the pressure and chose to jump off the building.

Not to mention this world where the awakened is supreme, I don’t know how many people have been affected by the awakening problem or innate ability, which has led to the distortion of their minds and embarked on the path of crime.

Similar to this kind of thing, no matter…

It is often seen all over the world.

It’s not a particularly unusual thing.

Therefore, after listening to a few sentences, Jiang Xiaobai withdrew his attention, and Yibu also tended to walk outside.

But Jiang Xiaobai didn’t notice. At the entrance of the school, there was a dark corner: Among them, a pair of eyes first stared at the few students behind Jiang Xiaobai who were walking and laughing and joking.

After waiting for a few seconds, these eyes set their sights on Jiang Xiaobai, who was walking alone in front of him, and never looked away.

A pair of hazy eyes were bloodshot, faintly filled with hatred and madness.

Jiang Xiaobai lives not far from the school, only ten minutes away.

So there is nothing important, Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia basically choose to walk home.

Perhaps it was because of the recent…Wang Yang attack on the students, which caused the school students to go home quickly after school was…

On the street, it felt a bit cold.


But at this moment, while walking, Daha, who was originally in Jiang Xiaobai’s arms, seemed to perceive something, and suddenly turned his head and looked in a certain direction.The hair all over his body was faintly standing up.

Perceiving the change of Daha in his arms, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but glanced at a certain position along Daha.

Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes when he glanced at the figure that flashed by and hid somewhere from the corner of his eyes.

After thinking about the things the students were talking about before, Jiang Xiaobai raised his brows lightly, “It won’t be a coincidence!”

But after a while, a touch of arc was quietly picked up at the corner of Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth, “It looks like a free test subject has taken the initiative to send it to the door.”

After that, he touched Daha’s head, and when Daha returned to normal, Companion didn’t notice anything, and continued to walk on this somewhat dim street.

It’s just that before going forward, Jiang Xiaobai’s walking direction has gradually deviated from the original route home, and walked toward some more remote places.

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