Chapter 146 Unbearable, new skills (5/5)

With the end of today’s duel exercise between the two, Jiang Xiaobai’s attention is also placed in the system.

“Jiang Xiaobai”

“Nine-level Star Mechanics Apprentice 89”

“Power: 26.

“Agility: 28.

“Physique: 18.

“Will: 36.

“Basic Skills Section: Basic Fighting Skills:, Falling Waves Nine Brocades:, Basic Longbow Skills: 1, Nine Stars Linking 1, Astral Fighting Skills: 1”

“Achievement Points: 13″

After this month, although Jiang Xiaobai did not continue to toss in the dimensional space for the time being, he trained according to Xu Yan’s training method every day, but this one month was “four nine three”.

The progress is clearly visible.

Other than that, Jiang Xiaobai’s current physical fitness is not inferior to those…the awakened people of the second or third level of the ordinary stardust realm.

If you use combat skills, even if you don’t use talent skills, Jiang Xiaobai can still fight with those…the fourth or even fifth floor of the Stardust Realm.

Compared with a month ago, the changes are not too big.

Sitting on the ground, feeling the little star power left in his body, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but shook his head slightly.

It has to be said that after practicing “Astral Fighting Techniques”, Jiang Xiaobai knew why Xu Yan said that this thing is right…The cost of star power is not acceptable to ordinary people.

Regarding Jiang Xiaobai’s current situation, using this “Astral Fighting Technique”, it was originally at level 1 or 2 that it was easy to use…that is, it takes almost hundreds of star power.

And now, as the level of “Astral Fighting Techniques” increases, if you want to exert the corresponding power, you will need to draw almost a thousand points of star power in one go.

And this is only under Jiang Xiaobai’s suppression.

With a full blow, you can consume one-tenth of 10% of your star power at a time.

After changing to an ordinary awakened person, I will do my best, I am afraid I will be able to squeeze myself dry.

This has changed for ordinary awakeners. Where can the game be changed and the most important thing is to practice the “Astral Fighting Techniques”. The process of practicing “Astral Fighting Techniques” must constantly use the star power, and be careful not to fail, so as not to let yourself be backlashed by the star power. And injured.

It is no wonder that Xu Yan is now proficient in Astral Fighting Techniques.

It is too difficult to practice this fighting technique.

Even Jiang Xiaobai, in the middle, used the achievement sheet to forcibly raise two levels to be able to raise his level to 7 in this short month.

While thinking, Jiang Xiaobai took out a star orb to restore the star power consumed in his body.

The star beads in Jiang Xiaobai’s hands are not bronze-level beads, but silver-level beads.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai’s current star power points, even ninth-level bronze star orbs, are not enough to replenish one-tenth 10% of his star power points.

That is, the silver-level star beads are barely enough.

Glancing at the silver star bead in Jiang Xiaobai’s hand, Xu Yan was just… speechless in her heart.

Since half a month ago, Jiang Xiaobai would take out a 1 or even two silver star beads to restore star power during each training process.

By now, Jiang Xiaobai had already spent almost a hundred silver star beads just in front of Xu Yan.

Xu Yan couldn’t help being speechless for a while, and she couldn’t figure out where Jiang Xiaobai, a first-year high school student, had so many silver star beads in her hand.

But Xu Yan is not the kind of person… who likes to get to the bottom, anyway… Star Orb’s cost is Jiang Xiaobai and not herself, so what is going on here, she glances over there and lowers her head and doesn’t know what she is thinking, With Xu Yan on his face full of unhappy, Jiang Xiaobai absorbed the star power in the silver star bead in his hand, Jiang Xiaobai quietly replaced another silver star bead and continued to restore his star power.

However, this time, after Jiang Xiaobai had replenished the star power in his body, the original star power had also quietly increased a bit.

The next moment, a wave of fluctuation suddenly emerged from Jiang Xiaobai’s body.

At the same time, a feeling of warmth as the sun was shining suddenly filled Jiang Xiaobai’s body.

In this feeling like a horse killing a chicken, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but “hum” lightly.

There was a sound.

In the training room, Xu Yan, who was leaning on the wall at this moment, felt the fluctuations coming from Jiang Xiaobai’s body, and Xu Yan’s eyelids jumped fiercely. Unique fluctuations.

Originally, Xu Yan was faintly frustrated because of Jiang Xiaobai’s progress this month, and now she is secretly sad.

Finally, it was through self-comfort to reduce these frustrations.

But before Xu Yan could suppress these…the slightly negative feelings in her heart, Jiang Xiaobai broke through here.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai, who was sitting on the ground with his eyes lightly closed, and the strong fluctuations of star power spreading over his body, Xu Yan couldn’t help covering her chest and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

You know, even if it is full of calculations, it will only take a month and a half from Jiang Xiaobai’s awakening to the present.

It was also at this point in time that Jiang Xiaobai went straight through the three or even four years of effort required by the Ordinary Awakened, and entered the Stardust Realm.

At this moment, Xu Yan couldn’t help but recall in her heart how much time she had spent from waking up to entering the Stardust Realm.

It looks like a year and two months is like the last straw to crush the camel, the original frustration plus the moment Jiang Xiaobai breaks through with a disagreement.

Finally reached the point of being intolerable, one sentence “”

Suddenly echoed in my heart.

At the same time, as Jiang Xiaobai’s star power points reached the upper limit, after successfully entering the Stardust Realm from the original Astral Mechanic Apprentice, the system’s prompt sound was already in Jiang Xiaobai’s brain 1.

1 There was a ringing in the sea.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully opening a new skill, please check it out.”

As this prompt sound appeared, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes lit up and he quickly focused on the skill tree in his mind.

After noticing the newly lit icon at the bottom of the skill tree, Jiang Xiaobai focused quickly.

Suddenly, the information about the fourth skill that was turned on already appeared in Jiang Xiaobai’s mind.

“One shot into the soul level 1, it needs 100 achievement points to upgrade.

: When the skill is released, it can achieve a certain healing effect on the used target.At the same time, during the healing period, it will make the target feel inexplicable, and its power is determined by the intensity of the host’s star power.

The effect is affected by the enemy’s strength.”


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