Chapter 126 Meet frankly to prove that you are not an outsider? (6/7)

During Yuan Xiaoning’s house, Jiang Xiaobai asked Yuan Xiaoning if he could exchange some combat skills from Jiangnan University, and he could pay through Star Beads.

After all, the three consecutive skills are strictly supportive.

It’s just that the ability is relatively powerful.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai also hopes that his own strength can continue to increase, and even achieve a posture that can be crushed even if the talent skills are not applied.

But it is a pity that Yuan Xiaoning’s answer dispelled Jiang Xiaobai’s thoughts.

The resources in Jiangnan University can be exchanged for credits, and credits can only be obtained by completing some tasks issued by Jiangnan University or meeting some internal requirements of the school.

In the case of Xingzhu, in Jiangnan University, it can be exchanged for credits, and the value is even lower than the market price.

And “four nine three”

Moreover, even if the combat skills in Jiangnan University are learned, it is strictly forbidden to pass it out privately.

Otherwise, as long as you learn the combat skills from school and then sell them, isn’t it a great profit?So, if someone dared to pass the combat skills privately, it will be severely punished.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai sighed and could only temporarily dispel this idea.

Only find a chance to think of other ways.

In the evening, when returning home from Yuan Xiaoning’s side, Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin were called out. Amidst their doubts, Jiang Xiaobai took out the trophies he had harvested today.

When looking at the space ring and space bracelet on the table, the two women’s eyes brightened.

Zhou Jia couldn’t help but “wow”

Pounced on to play with two space equipment.

Expressionlessly, he took the space ring in Zhou Jia’s hand and called it into Jiang Xiaoxin’s hands. Jiang Xiaobai pointed to the space watch on Zhou Jia’s wrist and said, “The ring belongs to Xiaoxin, and the bracelet is yours. of.”

Zhou Jia “Teng”

He stood up and said, “Why is the ring…Xiaoxin’s”

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, “Oh, just relying on Xiaoxin’s surname Jiang, from your family, you, at most…a Cengfan, can you compare?”

Zhou Jia patted the table and said, “Jiang Xiaojian, they are all under the same roof. You actually used me as an outsider.”

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, “Oh, I’m still not convinced. When I was a child, I took a bath with Xiao Xin naked. Should we meet frankly tonight and prove that you are not an outsider.”

As soon as he said this, Zhou Jia’s eyes widened, and after a while, she smiled meaningfully.

“It turns out that you are playing this attention!”

Seeing Zhou Jia’s face that he thought he could see through Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt a little pain in his head.

After Jiang Xiaoxin glanced at the ring in her hand, although her expression was as usual, she quietly turned red after the root of her ears.

“In addition, Xiaoxin, there is a first-grade awakening medicine in your ring. You can take the medicine directly after some time, and there will be a second-grade awakening medicine for Zhou Jia after a while.”

Hearing the awakening potion, the two women were really moved.

“Where did you get this thing, the awakening potion is too scarce.

Although everyone knows it, very people may not be able to get an awakening potion in their lifetime, even on the black market, they are out of stock for a long time.

Therefore, knowing that Jiang Xiaobai actually got the awakening potion, or two, both Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin’s expressions changed slightly.

Jiang Xiaobai said quietly: “Today I helped Yuan Yang a little bit. This space equipment and medicine are all rewards afterwards.”

“Remuneration after the fact. What kind of thing would have such a generous reward.”

Jiang Xiaoxin turned her head to look at Jiang Xiaobai with a serious expression.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai is just a freshman in high school, regardless of these things…

Is it space equipment or awakening potion?

Therefore, it is difficult for Jiang Xiaoxin to think about what is going to make the rewards so generous.

After seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai said the matter again after hesitated slightly.

When they learned that Jiang Xiaobai was invited to deal with several Jiangnan University students in the Stardust Realm, the two women were shocked.

And after knowing that the other party would take medicine to suppress the level and enter the dimensional space where Daha was originally located, this was a little bit relieved.

After getting a general understanding of the content of the matter, no matter what…

Whether it was Jiang Xiaoxin or Zhou Jia was speechless for a long time.

After a while, Jiang Xiaoxin took out the awakened potion from the spatial ring.

“You should take this medicine for the awakened first! After all, the time of our two awakening is 0…”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, “Don’t worry, I have taken an Awakener’s potion before, and now I am a Level 9 Star Mechanic Apprentice.”

While talking, Jiang Xiaobai still mobilized the star power in his body to make the two women feel it.

Feeling the vigorous fluctuations of star power on Jiang Xiaobai’s body, Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin both shook their bodies.

“Nine, Level Nine Star Mechanic Apprentice”

After confirming that Jiang Xiaobai’s star power fluctuation was indeed a ninth-level star mechanic, Zhou Jia was shocked.

Slowly turning his head to calculate the time, Zhou Jia couldn’t help but stare, “It’s been less than half a month since I awakened, and you went directly to the 9th-level star mechanics apprentice.”

Zhou Jia suddenly felt that she had received 10,000 critical damage.

I was exhausted and lived for almost a year, or during this period of time, I jumped two levels by leaps and bounds before reaching the sixth-level star mechanics apprentice.

Now Jiang Xiaobai has just awakened less than half a month before becoming a Level 9 Star Mechanic Apprentice.

Who can accept this change?Don’t say Zhou Jia, Jiang Xiaoxin is also shocked by this news for a long time and has not recovered.

After a while, Jiang Xiaoxin picked up the Awakener potion on the table without saying a word and returned to the room.

And Zhou Jia looked at Jiang Xiaobai faintly, and slowly spit out “You are not a human.”

Later, he turned around angrily and returned to the room.

It was too shocking.

Originally, Zhou Jia still wanted to wait until 1.

1 If you improve your strength a little bit, you will press Jiang Xiaobai on the ground and rub it well and repair it.

I don’t want to know that after an afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai’s level is… there have been several great leaps, and he has directly risen from the fifth-level star mechanics to the ninth level star mechanics apprentice.

Although Jiang Xiaobai said that it was because of taking the awakening potion, but less than half of the time was… from just awakening to the current ninth-level star mechanics apprentice, this comparison, Zhou Jia really feels that she has cultivated to the dog. went.

Facing the shocked look of the two women, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but shook his head.

Both women are of the kind who have strong hearts. Now that they see their progress, they are obviously not stimulated.

Even Zhou Jia rarely had any troubles.

: This chapter is too much, so it will be a little flat!!

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