Chapter 124 When my brother-in-law, then take me to pretend than take me to fly (4/7)

Following Chu Xianglan’s extremely hideous death, Yuan Xiaoning, who was now holding his weapon again, walked over.

When watching the seven holes bleed, his eyes were staring until he died, and the blood in his eyes seemed to be filled with anger and unwilling Chu Xianglan. After pondering for a while, Yuan Xiaoning asked: “How did she die?”

Don’t blame Yuan Xiaoning for asking this sentence now, it is indeed the bloody appearance of Chu Xianglan’s seven holes at this moment, and it indeed looks a bit too miserable.

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged and said: “She just stood in front of me and stared at me all the time. She stared and died.”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Yuan Xiaoning’s mouth twitched.

God, he stared and died, if you have the ability, you stare at me to see if it will bleed like this.Looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s sincere face, Yuan Xiaoning’s mouth twitched.

But this time entering the dimensional space, the purpose of the few people was to kill Chu Xianglan and the others.

Now that the goal has been achieved, the other Yuan Xiaoning didn’t ask much.

Sometimes, it is not a good thing to get to the bottom of it.Yuan Xiaoning knows this very well.

After groping, the bodies of Chu Xianglan and three of them were collected.

In Jiang Xiaobai’s hands, there are already two more rings and one bracelet.

Many dimensional creatures have special skills, and these…After the dimensional creatures are killed, some bones, meridians and even eyeballs on their bodies will also carry these… …The abilities of dimensional creatures.

Just like these three pieces of jewelry in Jiang Xiao 493 Bai’s hands, among them are…the space props made by the fusion of the bones of a gold-level dimensional creature.

Like the three sword space props in Jiang Xiaobai’s hands.

Even if it is only a few cubic meters in size, it requires hundreds of seven-level silver-level star beads.

Not to mention other things, just these three 3-space props, Jiang Xiaobai can be described as a blood profit this time.

Not to mention that among the three space props, there are still more than 300 silver star orbs and thousands of bronze-level star orbs. It is a great harvest! A quick check, Jiang Xiaobai is already belonging In Chu Xianglan’s space ring, he looked for the tube-level medicine Yuan Xiaoning said earlier.

“About the tube-level medicine that I said before, I will send it to you after I return to school and exchange points. It can take up to a week. In addition, in the next two days, I will find a way to solve Chu Xianglan’s brother. , Will not leave a potential threat.”

When Jiang Xiaobai was counting the trophies as he walked toward the dimensional space gate, Yuan Xiaoning said.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, “Look at what the senior sister said, it’s not an outsider, am I still worried about you”

Maybe it was because of killing Chu Xianglan, Yuan Xiaoning was in a good mood, and after smiling, she didn’t speak.

When Yuan Yang saw that the conversation between the two was over, he suddenly pulled Jiang Xiaobai.

A somewhat confused Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and looked at Yuan Yang. After waiting a little distance from Yuan Xiaoning, Yuan Yang looked very serious and said, “Xiao Bai, what do you think of my sister?”

Some did not understand the meaning of Yuan Yang’s words, but Jiang Xian was still placed on Yuan Xiaoning, who was in front of him, and then nodded slightly after a slight pause: “Yes, white, beautiful and long legs.”

Hearing this, Yuan Yang got closer and said with an inexplicable smile: “In this way, I will introduce my sister to you, and you will be my brother-in-law in the future, and then take me to pretend than take me to fly, how about?”

After today’s dimensional space, I finally determined that my best friend has already turned into a big golden leg without knowing it.

Dealing with a few enemies of the same level as Yuan Xiaoning is completely as simple as beating the little cub.

If you don’t hug this thigh, it’s hard to tolerate it! Hearing Yuan Yang’s words, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes brightened.

I have to say that Yuan Yang’s proposal is very heartwarming, and it is difficult for Jiang Xiaobai to refuse it! But wait: Jiang Xiaobai responded, and a star power flashed directly on Yuan Yang’s forehead.

Suddenly, Yuan Yang, who was still shining in his eyes and looking forward to it, was… he fell directly on his back by this blow.

Turning her head to look, it was Yuan Xiaoning who turned her head in front of him who didn’t know when, staring at Yuan Yang with a bad look.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai slapped a haha, and rebuked Yuan Yang next to him: “It wasn’t me who said it, how can I say these things in front of my senior sister?”

With that said, Jiang Xiaobai gave Yuan Yang a look.

It’s not easy to talk about Yuan Xiaoning, so let’s talk in private.

Yuan Yang, who received Jiang Xiaobai’s meaning, immediately understood, his hand behind the blade raised a thumb, and secretly reached an opinion.

…After walking for more than an hour, when he walked to the door of the dimension space, Yuan Yang’s footsteps paused:, his eyes turned to behind him and the others.

Looking at the three blood wolf kings and the hundreds of bloodthirsty wolves behind, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but ask: “I said, these… We go out”

Jiang Xiaobai turned his head, his face went dark when he looked at the blood wolf king and bloodthirsty wolf behind him.

Dammit, forget this.

Although it was right…Hundreds of bloodthirsty wolves followed, it looked like it was really cool.

But the problem is that Jiang Xiaobai is not an awakened beast-taming talent skill, and can’t command these at all…Bloodthirsty wolf.

Otherwise, with the previous order, these bloodthirsty wolves will kill Chu Xianglan and others directly.Where else do they need to do it themselves? And, even if Jiang Xiaobai can command these… bloodthirsty wolves , Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t let this… all the bloodthirsty wolves followed him.

After all, with the system in place, Jiang Xiaobai’s strength has improved so fast that ordinary people can hardly imagine it.

As far as Jiang Xiaobai’s strength is now, he has reached the level 9 star mechanics apprentice, these… the bloodthirsty wolf is not a mutant dimensional creature like Daha, and the strength and level will continue. Improvement.

Therefore, these…Bloodthirsty wolves are also limited in helping… Jiang Xiaobai.

Therefore, glancing at these…Continuing to follow his bloodthirsty wolf and the three wolf kings, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help scratching his head with a headache.

Can it be said that he will lead the team to run like the last time it seems that he has felt Jiang Xiaobai’s entanglement.At this moment, Daha in Jiang Xiaobai’s arms tilted his head, and suddenly raised his head and let out a milky roar.

After the sound fell, the three blood wolf kings at the foremost hesitated, and the three blood wolf kings stepped forward and arched Jiang Xiaobai’s hands.

It was with a roar, and quickly left with the other bloodthirsty wolves.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai first glanced at Daha in surprise, then rolled his eyes.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized that he seemed to be stuck in a fixed mind before this time.

With Daha’s intelligence, he can fully understand some of his simple commands.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai’s face darkened, and he slapped Daha’s head directly with a slap, “After a while…Go back to the keyboard.”


Inexplicably, he was slapped in the slap, and then went back to kneel on the keyboard, Daha couldn’t help looking at Jiang Xiaobai blankly.

I don’t know what I’ve done wrong again, I don’t dare to be angry or speak, I only dare to complain.


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