Chapter 122 I’m afraid this is not a sufferer, right? (2/7)

After all is the awakened, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t use his full strength with this kick, although he kicked Yuan Yang a few meters away, after landing, Yuan Yang except…Pain, the injury is not that much. In the eyes.

But don’t wait: Yuan Yang jumped up and raised his head to ask Jiang Xiaobai why he kicked himself upright. In his eyes, looking at the bloodthirsty wolf that was constantly wailing to death, Yuan Yang was just… an exciting body in his body. , I reacted with hindsight.

Yuan Xiaoning sorted out the information about Chu Xianglan before, when Jiang Xiaobai read it, Yuan Yang also took a look at it.

Therefore, Yuan Yang also knows that Chu Xianglan’s talent ability to awaken after entering the Stardust Realm is called Spirit Storm.

It is very strange to be able to directly generate an invisible storm to sweep away through the mental power to attack.

However, according to Yuan Xiaoning’s understanding, Chu Xianglan has not fully mastered this talent skill until now, and there will be great sequelae after using it.

So even Yuan Xiaoning doesn’t know much about this skill.

Almost after Jiang Xiaobai just kicked Yuan Yang and the three blood wolf kings in front of him were also kicked, and the Daha in his hand was also thrown by Yuan Yang’s side, 07 1 Chu Xianglan’s talent skills have diverged to Jiang. Xiaobai is here.

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai felt a buzzing in his head, as if someone was gently tapping his head.

Suddenly, with this feeling, Jiang Xiaobai just… couldn’t help taking a breath.

Not to mention, the feeling like this is really like the previous Jiang Xiaobai’s previous life in a massage parlor to let people massage the head by themselves. The weight is just right, the more strength is painful, and the less strength will feel no light. itchy.

It feels okay! He is a master.

Wei Wei closed his eyes and snorted softly, Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and commented in his heart.

Jiang Xiaobai knows that at this time, the addition of the will attribute on his own has played a role.

You know, of all the attribute points, the will attribute is the most difficult to improve.

Unless it is a spiritual talent that is awakened, it can be continuously exercised through talent skills.

Otherwise, even if it is outstanding in the same realm of Yuan Xiaoning, after entering the Stardust Realm, the current will attribute is only a dozen points.

From this it can be seen that Jiang Xiaobai is now as high as: how exaggerated the will of thirty points is.

At that moment, the bloodthirsty wolves around him could be directly shaken to death, and even Yuan Xiaoning could not bear the mental attack, but Jiang Xiaobai’s side was just a massage.

Here, when Chu Xianglan screamed the user’s own talent skills, blood suddenly flowed out of her nose.

At the same time, Chu Xianglan’s face was a little paler than before.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, as dozens of bloodthirsty wolves around ten meters around were directly killed by Chu Xianglan’s talent skill, some bloodthirsty wolves in the distance temporarily lost their ability to move, and Chu Xianglan finally stopped. .

Looking at the surrounding bloodthirsty wolves and Yuan Xiaoning, who was also pale, Chu Xianglan couldn’t help but sway.

Feeling her abnormal condition, Chu Xianglan cursed in her heart, “No, if you run away directly in the current situation, Yuan Xiaoning and the others will not be able to run far.”

Chu Xianglan’s awakening was originally a long-range talent skill.Although it was also a combat type, it was a lot slower than Yuan Xiaoning’s sensitive combat route.

Not to mention that there are three bloodthirsty wolf leaders over there, and it is impossible to leave.

Thinking of this, Chu Xianglan turned his eyes, and the result of his gaze was Jiang Xiaobai, who was standing there slightly in a daze.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai over there, Chu Xianglan’s eyes were already mixed with heavy unwillingness and hatred.

Two of his teammates, one was killed by the dog Jiang Xiaobai had teased before, and the other was killed by Jiang Xiaobai himself.

It’s also funny.

The two teammates were both the proud sons of Jiangnan University, but now they are successively lost in the hands of a high school student.

And the fact that things have developed to this point is entirely because of Jiang Xiaobai.

At this moment, Chu Xianglan’s hatred for Jiang Xiaobai is definitely no less than Yuan Xiaoning.

After a quick turn of his mind, Chu Xianglan forcibly gathered star power, and while Yuan Xiaoning still hadn’t recovered from her talent skills, she tapped her toes and flashed through the air like lightning.

“Boy, come over to me.”

When he was about to approach Jiang Xiaobai, the long whip in Chu Xianglan’s hand was already swept towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Glancing at the movements of Chu Xianglan, Jiang Xiaobai was not in a hurry, even watching Chu Xianglan faintly jumping off the wall and still wanting to laugh a little.

As a cluster of star power in the body dissipated, a skill quietly drowned Chu Xianglan.


Suddenly, behind Chu Xianglan, who was moving at high speed, a bursting sound suddenly sounded.

In the next moment, the powerfulness accompanied by the stimulus like the tide directly made Chu Xianglan’s entire face…change.


A sound that seemed to be enjoyable and like a painful hum came from Chu Xianglan’s mouth.

You know, there are many nerves covered in a person’s local location.

It even connects some nerve lines in the legs.

Therefore, 49 with this powerful pain accompanied by an inexplicable sensation, Chu Xianglan’s leg muscles and even nerves were inevitably affected.

Some are out of control.

In addition, at this moment, Chu Xianglan was already moving fast.This change immediately caused Chu Xianglan’s front and back feet to kick on the slightly stiff back heels, her body suddenly became unbalanced, and her entire body was lying on the ground.

Lie on the ground like a dog eating shit.

Moreover, the momentum brought by the movement still drove Chu Xianglan to slide for a certain distance.

After stopping, Chu Xianglan’s body still twitched fiercely.

In addition, a red cloud appeared on his pale face at this moment, and the expression in his eyes suddenly became a little complicated.

With Chu Xianglan’s series of reactions in his eyes, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but his eyelids twitched wildly.

“Fuck, this reaction, this guy, won’t it be a bad thing, right”

Jiang Xiaobai knows that, for some people, the feeling that the local position is sometimes affected will be more intense.

It’s like Yuan Xiaoning.

But Yuan Xiaoning’s reaction at the beginning was definitely not as big as Chu Xianglan’s.

Thinking about it, glancing at Chu Xianglan, who was still in the dog-eating position in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai seemed to feel that he had discovered something special.


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