Chapter 115 All the information on the Internet is deceptive? (2/7)

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai, who was on the opposite side, Chu Xianglan couldn’t help laughing.

I’m afraid it’s not a fool, don’t you see the current situation? Do you still have the mind to tease the dog, but if you look at Jiang Xiaobai and the school uniform like Yuan Yang, you know that Jiang Xiaobai is obviously the same as Yuan Yang, Yucheng High school students.

For this kind of kid, Chu Xianglan is too lazy to care, wait: just kill it.

Immediately, Chu Xianglan was already looking at Yuan Ningxiao again.


However, at this moment, a wolf howling suddenly sounded from the side of the canyon.

Hearing this voice, all the people present turned their heads to look.

In the line of sight, originally located at the entrance of the canyon, I don’t know when, there are already a hundred more bloodthirsty wolves.

And when people are particularly eye-catching, it is in front of these hundred bloodthirsty wolves.The body of a bloodthirsty wolf is completely larger than that of an ordinary bloodthirsty wolf, and the hair on and off the body is completely red.

The wolf howl just came from this bloodthirsty wolf.

Of course, if it’s just 493, that’s all.

The key is that the whole blood-red bloodthirsty wolf in the line of sight at this moment exudes the psychology, fluctuations, and it belongs to the power of the ninth-level star mechanic.

In other words, this bloodthirsty wolf is equivalent to an eighth-level star mechanic.

Therefore, seeing this scene, Chu Xianglan and the others were just…stunned.

“How is it possible that this bronze-level dimensional space is only a seventh-level bronze dimensional space, and how can there be dimensional creatures with ninth-level star mechanics”

At the same time, here, at the moment when he saw this bloodthirsty wolf, Jiang Xiaobai instantly recognized the identity of this bloodthirsty wolf, and he was also a blood wolf king.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help looking at the Daha in his arms in a daze.

Isn’t it that the Blood Wolf King will only appear for many years? It’s because Jiang Xiaobai met after Mao entered the dimensional space last time. After the blood wolf king let out a loud howl, after a few seconds, two similar wolf howls emerged one after another, as if responding.

After waiting for a minute, all the people present could feel a slight vibration.

Soon, two other bloodthirsty wolf packs appeared in other locations in this canyon, and each bloodthirsty wolf pack had nearly a hundred wolves.

Moreover, it is particularly eye-catching that the leader of these two wolves is also the blood wolf king.

At the same time, there are three blood wolf kings in sight.

This made Jiang Xiaobai dumbfounded.

Three blood wolf kings, I’m just afraid to check the information when this thing can be mass-produced.At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai also suddenly understood why when he entered the space today, there was no awakened person around him.

With three blood wolf kings, which awakened person would dare to enter this dimensional space without saying Jiang Xiaobai, even Yuan Xiaoning is looking at the surroundings at this moment……Bloodthirsty The expressions of the wolf pack and the three blood wolf kings in front of them were extremely shocked.

After all, Yuan Xiaoning and Chu Xianglan don’t know, but Yuan Xiaoning also knows about the blood wolf king.

But it was also because of understanding that I was even more surprised.

The blood wolf king originally mutated from the wolf king in the bloodthirsty wolf pack.

It hasn’t been possible to produce one for decades, but now there are three suddenly appearing. This is totally unreasonable!

Suddenly, looking at the three blood wolf kings, Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and noticed something strange.

The blood wolf king evolved as a bloodthirsty wolf king. Once he becomes the blood wolf king, his level is directly equivalent to the nine-level star mechanics apprentice.

However, the star power fluctuations from these blood wolf kings were not ninth-level star mechanics apprentices, but eighth-level star mechanics apprentices.

Moreover, only one of the eyes of the three blood wolf kings is blood-red, and the other eye is blue-blue.

It looks like that…there is no complete evolution.

Jiang Xiaobai looked around at these…When the blood wolf king felt strange in his heart, on the other hand, watching the surrounding bloodthirsty wolves gradually gather, the number has reached more than three hundred bloodthirsty wolves, Chu Xianglan etc. The complexion of people has changed drastically.

This number of bloodthirsty wolves would naturally not be seen in their heyday.

But now each of them has drastically dropped because of their strength.

Even facing the hundreds of ordinary bloodthirsty wolves, I am afraid that they are all dangerous, let alone these… Among the bloodthirsty wolves, there are three that are equivalent to level 8. A dimensional creature of the astrology mechanic.

Once they fight, there is absolutely no chance of them surviving.

Thinking of this, the expressions of Chu Xianglan and the two teammates around him changed again and again.

In the face of such a sudden change, the three of 3 and even Yuan Xiaoning, who was still looking at the upper side, corresponded back to back, and looked at those in the distance…from three different directions. A pack of bloodthirsty wolves appeared.

“It’s over, this is over”

Yuan Yang behind Jiang Xiaobai looked at the bloodthirsty wolves around him, the blood on his face faded quickly, and his body was a little soft.

After Yuan Xiaoning came back to his senses, although he didn’t say anything, the hand holding the weapon was a little trembling.

Regardless of….

Either Yuan Xiaoning or Chu Xianglan can say that the organs are exhausted, and they are ready to settle hatred in this dimensional space.

How can I imagine that such a change happened in the middle.

Don’t talk about ending the hatred between each other, whether you can leave this dimensional space alive is still a question.

Facing the bloodthirsty wolf pack that is approaching from three places around, at this moment, no matter…

It was Chu Xianglan or Yuan Xiaoning that both looked extremely solemn.

The cold sweat dripped from the backs of several people.

“Aooo…, aooo…, aooo…”

Suddenly, in the sight of a few people, the blood wolf king who took the lead among the three bloodthirsty wolves around him suddenly howled.

In the next moment, the three bloodthirsty wolves all set off at the same time, and quickly rushed towards the few people located in the center of the canyon.

Hundreds of bloodthirsty wolves rushed from all around at the same time, not to mention other things, the momentum and the picture alone are already thrilling.

Even people like Yuan Xiaoning and Chu Xianglan have never faced so many dimensional creatures at the same time.

Every face was a little more pale, completely frightened.


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