Chapter 113 Jealousy separates me from nature (7/7)

As Jiang Xiaobai followed the two talents who had just stepped into the dimensional space gate, the picture turned and appeared in the dimensional space again.

In the line of sight, Yuan Xiaoning was in front of him, already holding a weapon in his hand, while Yuan Yang was holding a large sword more than one meter long.

The length of the knife is almost the same as Yuan Yang’s height.

Moreover, the knife was forty or fifty catties at a glance, and Yuan Yang had to hold it in two hands.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth twitched unconsciously, “I said, you are holding such a big knife, do you want to make me laugh?”

Yuan Yang obviously knew that his knife was a bit exaggerated, and said with a wry smile: “I don’t want to, the problem is that my old sister ordered me the weapon.”

Yuan Xiaoning glanced at Yuan Yang and explained to Jiang Xiaobai: “My father is in the army, so what he taught in the past is also those in the army…The sword technique, the moves are relatively open and close. Therefore, the weapons are larger than those of the usual Awakeners.”

“All right!”

Jiang Xiaobai accepted this explanation.

Perhaps it was because the previous dimension 07 space damaged more than a dozen awakened people at one time, and the news of the blood wolf king spread.

As a result, the dimensional space where the awakened was originally gathered is now not entered by the awakened.

After returning to his hometown, Daha in Jiang Xiaobai’s arms was also full of interest.

He jumped up from Jiang Xiaobai’s arms and ran wildly around him like a happy smile, with a few smiling wolf howls in his mouth, which looked extraordinarily cute.

In the outside world, because he was worried that Daha would hurt other people, Jiang Xiaobai was…

Now that you have entered the dimension space, and it is still Daha’s hometown, Jiang Xiaobai has no restrictions on Daha, letting this stuff play crazy.

Anyway… this time in Metaspace, Daha is definitely at the top level, and there is no need to worry about the danger.

According to what Yuan Xiaoning said, the reason why this dimensional space was selected is entirely because the terrain in this dimensional space is more difficult to hide than other dimensional spaces.

After all, most of the other dimensional spaces around Yucheng are dense forests.

Only in this dimensional space dominated by bloodthirsty wolves, in addition to…Maolin, there are also terrains such as canyons and plains.

Therefore, in order to avoid being attacked, Yuan Xiaoning chose this dimensional space for the location this time.

Therefore, after selecting the location of the canyon area in the dimensional space, several people have already moved.

“Xiaobai, are you sure there is really no danger this time”

While walking, Yuan Yang stepped back a few steps later and then asked Jiang Xiaobai in a low voice.

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged and said: “What is afraid of, your current strength, even if you encounter danger, it is estimated that no one will look at you, and it is estimated that no one will pay attention to you in battle.”

Yuan Yang: Yuan Yang feels that Jiang Xiaobai is somewhat reasonable, and what he wants is to get comfort from Jiang Xiaobai, not from these words.

From Yuan Xiaoning, Yuan Yang already knew that Bai was now a Level 5 Star Mechanic apprentice.

You know, Yuan Yang was clearly only a Level 3 star mechanics apprentice a few months before Jiang Xiao awakened, but when Jiang Xiaobai awakened, his strength skyrocketed like crazy.

So what makes Yuan Yang look for to reason, but for Jiang Xiaobai’s skills, Yuan Yang has also learned about Jiang Xiaobai’s skills in the past few days.

Even Jiang Xiaobai’s second talent ability is understood.

That’s a cruel.

Therefore, seeing Jiang Xiaobai so calm, Yuan Yang also relaxed a lot.

While the three of them were walking, Yuan Xiao kept gazing around to prevent a bloodthirsty wolf from suddenly coming out and attacking.

After all, the current Yuan Xiaoning’s level has been greatly suppressed after taking the medicine.

The bronze-level dimensional space, which was not very much in his eyes, also made Yuan Xiaoning at this moment not dare to overextend it.

Yuan Yang, who entered the dimensional space for the first time, was chattering with the gods and gods.

Only Jiang Xiaobai, with one hand playing with the dagger in his hand, with the other hand in his trouser pocket, looking around, humming a song in his mouth, with an expression of an outing.

Although the purpose this time is for the Yin enemy, Yuan Xiaoning also has the idea of ​​letting Yuan Yang get used to the dimensional space, and finds a way to make Yuan Yang also familiar with the battle with the dimensional creatures.

Yuan Xiaoning’s way of guiding Yuan Yang is also very simple.After killing the other bloodthirsty wolves, the last bloodthirsty wolf is left, and then one leg is interrupted to limit the speed of the bloodthirsty wolf, and then Yuan Yang is allowed to do it.

It was also after seeing Yuan Yang starting to fight with the bloodthirsty wolf who had broken a leg, Jiang Xiaobai really understood what a dish is.

It was obvious that Yuan Yang could easily kill the bloodthirsty wolf in front of him several times, but it was either because of his lack of combat experience or because he was too nervous in his heart.

Moreover, watching Yuan Yang wielding a long knife almost as high as himself in battle, no matter how you look at it, it gives people an inexplicable sense of joy.

Even after Daha watched it for a while, he turned his head away in disgust.

Fortunately, in these days, Yuan Xiaoning is training Yuan Yang every day, so that Yuan Yang knows in terms of skills, what is missing is only with these…The familiarity and mentality in the battle between dimensional creatures The problem.

And Yuan Yang’s own talent in combat is not bad.

After a few battles, Yuan Yang behaved…It was like that.

In the field, after finally waiting for a bloodthirsty wolf to be solved at this moment, Yuan Yang let out a long sigh of 493, with an inexplicable sense of accomplishment in his heart.

But when Yuan Yang raised his head, he looked at Jiang Xiaobai, who was holding a piece of grass and teasing Daha, who looked idle and panicked, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but his face went dark.

I am here to fight to death for Mao, but you are playing with the dog over there. Can you take care of my feelings dammit, jealousy separates me.

At the same time, glancing at Yuan Yang who was resting there, Jiang Xiaobai… suddenly the idea of ​​pulling Yuan Yang into the team behind him emerged.

Jiang Xiaoxin’s awakening talent is a long-range talent skill, and Zhou Jia also took the route of sensitive station.

It just so happened that there was a melee combat focused on strength like Yuan Yang, plus Chu Hai’s words and his own words, it was… just right.

But after a while, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Yuan Yang with disgust.

Nothing else, the level is too low, and it feels a bit slow.

It was also when Yuan Xiaoning and Jiang Xiaobai pressed the formation to let Yuan Yang practice in actual combat.At this moment, at the dimensional space gate a few kilometers away, there are already three figures who have crossed the dimensional space gate and entered this piece of dimensional space.

After a brief pause, the eyes of these people were already where Jiang Xiaobai, Yuan Xiaoning and Yuan Yang were moving forward before Qiqi turned.

After a while, the three figures were already moving quickly like a ghost.


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