Chapter 103 The woman gets up cruelly, the man can only stand aside (4/7)

After school, I still gained a wave of achievement points. Seeing that the achievement points increased by only a thousand, Jiang Xiaobai smashed his mouth, and suddenly felt a little frustrated.

“It’s still swollen after all, and the 1,000 achievement points are no longer in the eyes.”

Then he returned to Yuan Yang’s home with Yuan Yang.

Today, Yuan Xiaoning wears a relatively casual purple dress.

It made Yuan Ningxiao, who was originally walking in the Onee-san style, added a sense of purity.

Knowing that Jiang Xiaobai would come in the evening, Yuan Xiaoning had already ordered his servants to prepare a table of dishes as a treat.

As an awakened person, if there is no star orb, the refinement of star power will require a lot of energy.

Therefore, if there is a certain economic foundation, what the awakened person uses in their homes are those…The energy contained in the food materials of the dimensional creatures far exceeds those… …The energy contained in ordinary poultry meat.

Just like Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Xiaoxin, they also buy special these…

In the end, it is much richer than Jiang Xiaobai’s family.Just because of the value of the dish on the table now, I am afraid that it needs more than a dozen first-class bronze star beads.

That is hundreds of thousands.


From this 07 alone, we can see how big the world is between the awakened and ordinary people.

Many ordinary people come down in a year, and it is almost hundreds of thousands.

When placed here, it is only the value of a meal.

After digesting all the dishes on the table, touching his bulging stomach and holding a glass of red wine on the sofa, Yuan Xiaoning said, “This is not the first time I have seen each other, and I am not too nonsense. Based on your relationship with Xiao Yangzi, he should have told you in a few days that I will take him into the dimensional space for an interview!”

Jiang Xiaobai paused slightly, but still nodded and said, “I just found out this afternoon.”

Yuan Xiaoning nodded slightly and said, “You should have guessed it with your cleverness. I also want to invite you this time.”

Jiang Xiaobai glanced sideways at Yuan Yang, who had a bewildered look at this moment, and then he withdrew his gaze and asked, “It’s just an ordinary trial. With the strength of your… team, even the silver dimensional space around Yucheng. , I don’t need my help at all.”

Yuan Ningxiao shook his head, “This time I don’t prepare for my… team, there are only three of us.”

After speaking, after a slight pause, Yuan Xiaoning continued: “And this time the goal is not the silver dimension space, but the bronze dimension space.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai was really surprised.

“You are already in the Bronze Dimensional Space in the Stardust Realm and can enter”

Yuan Xiaoning knew what Jiang Xiaobai meant, and said: “Yes, but I need a special medicine to suppress my own level.”

In this way, Jiang Xiaobai feels even more.

After pondering a little, Jiang Xiaobai said slowly: “I need to know what is going on.”

Regarding… Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Yuan Xiao was surprised and said lightly, “Do you remember that I told you before that another awakened team in my school also accepted the same task as hunting and killing the Spider King? ”

Jiang Xiaobai thought about it for a while and nodded slightly.

Yuan Xiaoning continued: “We met the team this morning, but there was a dispute in the middle, but the two hands were scrapped and the other hand was pierced and scrapped. The daughter only came out of the intensive care unit at noon. Not awake.”

In Yuan Xiaoning’s words, Keer and Nun Nun, Jiang Xiaobai are naturally no strangers.

It was the two girls who entered the dimensional space of the colorful spider last time, especially Zhao Kerer, who clearly looked weak, but they were holding a big sword like a door, which impressed Jiang Xiaobai.

When he said this, although Yuan Xiaoning seemed very casual and calm, Xiao Bai could see the anger in Yuan Ningxiao’s heart from Yuan Ningxiao’s clenched fist.

“They are all from Jiangnan University, they have such a big hatred”

After hesitating for a while, Jiang Xiaobai asked a little bit puzzled.

Yuan Xiaoning shook her head and said, “Jiangnan University…The top ten universities are originally the elites of the awakened, but as an elite, it is naturally impossible to look like ordinary ones… …Like the awakened, like a flower in a greenhouse.

Therefore, the credit system in the school also makes the students in the school have to constantly rely on themselves to compete to be able to improve faster, and the possibility of the future will be greater.

Under this system, some enemies will inevitably appear.”

After Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while, then he said, “If I didn’t infer that I made a mistake, you want to use the potion to allow yourself to enter the bronze-level dimensional space, and then let the news spread out, attracting the other party to lower the level like you. Let me help and get rid of those people.”

Yuan Xiaoning did not speak, but this attitude was undoubtedly tacitly agreed.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai scratched his head, “But there is a question, how can you be sure that the opponent will depress the level and enter the dimensional space like you?”


In the face of Jiang Xiaobai’s problem, Yuan Xiaoning cut the line firmly.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai looked respectful.

Yuan Xiaoning didn’t conceal it, and directly explained the identity of the other party and some of the circumstances.

Yuan Xiaoning’s target team this time is the same as Yuan Xiaoning’s, they are freshmen from Jiangnan University, and the opponent who leads the team is also an awakened person named Chu Xianglan who has reached the fourth level of the Stardust Realm.

However, the difference is that in Chu 493 Xianglan’s team, his own younger brother is also a freshman at Jiangnan University, and he was naturally absorbed into his team by Chu Xianglan.

In today’s conflict, even though the opposing team severely injured two of Yuan Xiaoning’s team, the opposing team did not retreat.

Except for…After one person died, Yuan Xiaoning even scrapped Chu Xianglan’s brother’s little nail.

“Fuck, so ruthless”

After understanding the reason, Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Yang next to him took a breath at the first time.

He couldn’t help but put his two legs together, and at the same time bends slightly, subconsciously protecting his brother.

Seeing the light and breezy way Yuan Xiaoning spoke, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but tremble.

There is a saying that is good, don’t compare with men, because when a man is arrogant, there is nothing wrong with a woman.

Similarly, men should not be cruel to women, because when a woman is cruel, a man can only stand aside.

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t believe this before, but today, he suddenly believed it.

Just kidding, if a word is disagreeable, Xiaoding Ding will be abolished and he will enter the palace successfully, which is a man who can bear it.

It is no wonder that Yu Yuan Xiaoning can be so sure that the other party will not give up, co-authoring for this reason.

Suddenly, thinking of Jiang Xiaobai’s naughty treatment of Yuan Xiaoning before, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly became a little worried.


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