My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 27, what to do, steal the first place

After waiting for about ten minutes, Pei Xian saw Pei Zhuxuan coming out, without saying a word, she threw an unknown object over, hurriedly caught it, and saw that it was a can of ice coke.

Wow, it really is our dear sister, thank you, this is for you

With the Coke, Pei Xian's tone became more relaxed. After opening it and taking a few sips, he took out the bag from the backpack and handed it to her. Looking at Pei Zhuxuan's current look, the half-dyed pink hair is very eye-catching. But it's also pretty.

What? Food? Seeing that the nylon bag contained small packages of snacks, Pei Zhuxuan subconsciously looked into the company and was relieved when he didn't find the manager. The manager found out, otherwise I wouldn't be able to eat this thing.

Take it in secretly, eat it secretly. Pei Xian raised his eyebrows and smiled at her unconscionably, that gloating look was almost written on his face.

But he's like this, it's no different from writing on his face.

Pei Zhuxuan really wanted to throw the can of Coke in his hand and hit him in the face, but he stopped and threw it, what should he drink.

He looked him up and down, hesitated, and said hesitantly, I didn't get hurt during the filming, I read the news that there are a lot of fight scenes in this movie.

It's okay, I haven't filmed the most exciting part yet, and I won't shoot until a few days later. Hearing the phrase 'I'm not hurt', Pei Xian scratched his hair subconsciously, just as he was filming the first part of 'Thoughts' When mourning', I knocked hard on the injured part of my head.

It seems that the news did not break out, but Li Junyi concealed it thoroughly, except for the crew, no one else knew.

Turning around to see the worry in Pei Zhuxuan's eyes, he smiled brightly and said, I don't have a schedule tonight, how about going out for dinner, just right, I want to make a video call with my parents

In the evening, I'm going to record in the evening. I don't know if it's okay. I can leave then, so I can go directly to your place. Anyway, my manager will send me there. Pei Zhuxuan thought for a while, and she also had a lot of concerns. I haven't called my parents for a long time. It's good to have a video call with Pei Xian. If I'm in the dormitory, it will be somewhat inconvenient and will disturb them.

Okay. Pei Xian nodded, drank the rest of the coke, then returned the empty can to her, and said with a smile, I'll leave it to you. There is no trash can outside. Remember to eat the things in it. They are all seafood. , I’m leaving first, I’m going home to turn on the air conditioner, it’s too hot outside”

Pei Zhuxuan held the empty Coke can, stared at him speechlessly, and said in distaste, Let's go, really, a few more words with me can warm you up.

Usually it's you who want to go back first, okay? Where is me? You don't practice anymore? You don't record? Pei Xian replied depressedly, sitting on his car, turning the key to start the car, and then turning the key Put on the helmet I'm leaving, if it ends early and the manager is not free, call me and I'll pick you up

Okay. Be careful on the road, don't ride too fast. Pei Zhuxuan muttered, thinking that you are obviously afraid of the heat, and you are still using excuses on me.

Standing where she was, she watched Pei Xian drive away along the road, and when she disappeared, she drank her can of Coke slowly. After that, she had to be wary of whether her manager was around, and then ran back lightly. Go to practice room.

The first thing is to hide the snacks, and the second thing is to keep the members from talking about it.

Oni, what is this? Sun Shengwan looked curiously at the dark nylon bag, which Pei Zhuxuan stuffed at the bottom of the closet and covered it with several coats.

Could it be gold?

Pei Zhuxuan closed the cabinet door, turned her head and glanced at the door, and replied softly, My brother happened to be filming in Busan a while ago, and he bought some snacks when he came back. Don't tell me, you know, otherwise we won't have anything to eat.

There are quite a lot of small packaged snacks in the bag. According to the way they eat secretly, they can still eat many times.

Eat? Really? Woohoo, Unnie, your brother is really handsome and kind-hearted. The only person who can say this is Jiang Seulgi here, and now she is staring at the inside of the closet, and she is almost there. Robbed.

Calm down~ Seul Gi, the manager Ouba doesn't know when she will come out, I will pack some in my bag and take it back later. Pei Zhuxuan helplessly persuaded this sister who only wanted to eat and die, and then saw that Park Xiurong was already stunned In the past, there was a green light in his eyes, and he couldn't help laughing, Xiurong, just go back.

Oni Park Xiurong came back to his senses, swallowed the saliva stimulated by the snacks, and looked at the elder sister very sincerely, with a very serious expression, although the serious expression on her face was a little cute.

Your brother is really a good man.

Um? ? ? ? ? ?

Is this a good card? ? ? ?

Ah Choo!

Pei Xian was still riding his bicycle, just waiting for the red light, so he sneezed inexplicably, stared at the front in a daze, thinking in a daze that I caught a cold in summer?

When I got home, I turned on the air conditioner without even putting down my backpack. It was so hot outside that I was sweating a lot, and even my short sleeves were wet a lot.

After crossing his hands and taking off the short sleeves, Pei Xian could see that the top of his short sleeves was wet with sweat, and the water would come out after twisting them hard. He went to the bathroom speechlessly to take a shower.

It was approaching noon, and the weather was getting hotter and hotter outside, but it was cool inside the apartment. Pei Xian sat on the sofa and read the script comfortably. There were summer tea and mung bean cakes on the coffee table. He heard the voice of entering the password from the direction of the door. look up.

The person who came was Lin Danni. She knew that Pei Xian must be at home today, so she ran over to remind her of the itinerary. As soon as she entered the door, she felt that the heat from the sun had been completely wiped out by the air conditioner.

Wow, sure enough, this air conditioner, I thank the person who invented the air conditioner

It's hot outside, come in first, what are you doing standing at the door?

Pei Xian raised his eyebrows and pushed the pastry on the coffee table to the opposite position, took out a water glass again, and poured her a cup of tea made from Korean medicine for relieving heat, Have a cup of tea, for relieving heat

Lin Danni sighed deeply. The closer she walked, the more she could feel the coolness of the air conditioner. After sitting in the seat, she took a few sips of water and downed it, Ouba, why do you still understand this? ?”

I interviewed a Korean medicine expert before, and he taught me. Pei Xian explained, picked up the script again and read it, and he was relieved. Fortunately, he changed into short-sleeved sweatpants when he came out of the shower, otherwise Lin Danni came over, maybe how embarrassing it would be.

Ouba, I'm going to the company to practice action guidance this afternoon, specifically for the last two fight scenes. Lin Danni explained her intentions while eating mung bean cake.

Afternoon? Alright? Pei Xian turned his head to look at the time. It's past eleven o'clock now. When he saw the time, he looked back at her again, Have you eaten yet?

I was just about to say, let's go eat, Mei Shuoni ordered lunch at the company

Well, don't even worry about lunch.

Since there was class, Pei Xian didn't sit still, got up and went back to the room to get a set of clean clothes, took the script, mobile wallet and went out with Lin Danni, the moment he closed the door, he felt the warm care of Mrs. Sun .

Lin Danni stretched out her hand to press the elevator, turned her head and saw Pei Xian's extremely disgusted and uncomfortable expression, knowing that he was afraid of the heat and didn't want to get out of the air-conditioned room, she couldn't help laughing and said, Ouba, there is also an air-conditioner in the car, and the company also has a special practice room”

I know, but this summer is really annoying. Pei Xian sighed, walked into the elevator with nothing to love, and said something that would make him slap himself in the face crazily in the future.

Thank you, Wanqin, Old Hot Dog Nobody Loves, Hoto? Feimar's tip, (smiling with squinting eyes)

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