(So ​​this is the Bidong in the TV series? I like it so much~)

Passers-by saw it from a distance and pointed at the boys and girls, thinking they were filming a TV series and staged a scene of kissing each other goodbye at the airport.

Their lips parted for a long time, Hanabi stared at the bird intently, until a faint blush appeared on the girl's cheeks, which was really pretty.

Hanabi, your hand... has been touching mine since just now... Xiaotiao was a little embarrassed to say.

Do you have any opinion?

No, no matter what Hanabi does, I'm willing to do it, as long as you like it. Kotori said playfully, Yesterday, when you and Riko-chan were kissing, you were also touching... Well, Hanabi prefers breasts. ?

The little bird quietly moved its buttocks, allowing Hanabi's claws to do whatever they wanted between the softness and the wall.

You saw me, catching a treacherous bird. Hua Huo said with shame, That's for the sake of romance.

It's flirting, right?

Hanabi squeezed the delicate buttocks comfortably and said with a smile: A hard-mouthed bird, and also a pussy-catching bird. I will do more excessive things in the future, and there will be no chance of regret.

Please teach the little bird various things. The little bird stuck out his sweet tongue, looking very naive.

Hanabi was aroused by the unknown fire, took the bird's hand, and said: Let's elope.


I hit and run on the way here, and I'm probably wanted by the police. If I'm caught, I'll be sentenced to several years. And everyone thinks you got on the plane, and no one will suspect you even if you can't be contacted. So, let's run away together, and we'll get there. Our world of two.

Is it okay?

Kotori is worried about Hanabi's situation, but with her character, if she likes someone, she will only give infinitely. So, fingers intertwined, never leaving.

The girl smiled: Then, the little bird is also an accomplice.

They left their luggage at the airport and headed out. Under the overpass, Hua Huo's scrapped car was billowing smoke. The traffic police had pulled a yellow line and called a tow truck. They were probably investigating the identity of the car owner. The two looked at each other and smiled, then sneaked out of the crowd and ran to a shopping mall.

There is a store that specializes in selling Cos clothing. The dazzling array of clothing is dazzling. The most girly thing about Xiaoniao is that she has no resistance to beautiful clothes. She walked around the rows of clothes racks, marveling.

Hanabi said with a smile: My little girlfriend, please cosplay into my favorite anime character.

Sorry, Xiaoniao hasn't seen it much. But, I will try my best! Xiaoniao felt like he was facing a formidable enemy.

Hanabi chose a maid outfit, put it on Xiaotiao, and helped her put on a lace black and white headband.

The girl in the mirror has long, smooth, flaxen hair, straight bangs on the left side, a ponytail on the right side, amber eyes, and a beautiful, natural and cute face that makes people look comfortable. Wearing a black and white maid uniform, she is elegant and charming.

She pinched the hem of her skirt, turned it around in front of the mirror, and said, It's a maid outfit that she often wears. What kind of character is this cosplayer?

Hanabi suppressed a smile and said, My favorite character is Minami Kotori.

The little bird was stunned for a moment, then realized that Hanabi had tricked him, and smiled happily.

The clerk was a nerdy girl wearing thick glasses. She might have poor eyesight. She said enviously: Sir, your girlfriend looks like Minami Kotori, the school idol muse who became famous overnight.

That's right, I just fell in love with her, so I dated her. Hanabi smiled narrowly.

The shop assistant reached out and touched Xiaoniao's hair and said in surprise: Where did you buy this wig? It's so lifelike.

Kotori hid behind Hanabi, too embarrassed to show his face.

It's dyed. Hanabi continued to talk nonsense.

The other party was so moved that she burst into tears and said, Your girlfriend is so kind, but she got dyed like this just to cater to your hobbies.

Hanabi and Kotori looked at each other, hurriedly checked out and ran out of the store, laughing in a deserted corner. The two held hands and ran happily down the street. Xiaoniao held up her skirt with her other hand, feeling ashamed but happy to wear it like this.

As a result, people looked at him like crazy.

One generation is worse than the other. The current Heisei abandoned house... Yamato is going to be finished!

Just like that, Hanabi led the Cos maid's little bird to go online. A more accurate name is Manga Cafe. A good student like Xiaoniao has never been to a place like this.

The girl's eyes sparkled and she said, I'm very curious!

The hall is magnificent and has everything you need. Free drinks, vending machines...a dazzling array of comic books, and even bad publications. Hanabi smiled, picked up a small yellow book, and opened it in front of the bird. The girl was so embarrassed that she quickly covered her eyes and looked through her fingers.

Hanabi blew gently into her ear and teased, Have you learned it yet?

The little bird blushed and nodded honestly.

Let's do happy things together~


Hanabi is determined to take her girlfriend to an Internet cafe. We opened a private room and the eight-hour overnight package cost 1,800 yen.

On the way, Hanabi turned back and smiled: There are even people who don't rent a house and live here directly. I have wanted to do this for a long time. Spending a few days here, carefree and without family to worry about, will let all the troubles go away. Go to hell!

The little bird also clenched its little fists and said excitedly: Okay!

Nan Xiaoniao has always played the role of a good girl in the eyes of adults. That's why I followed my mother's arrangement to study abroad, feeling reluctant to leave everyone behind. Now, under the influence of fireworks, the girl is gradually releasing her true nature. Xiaoniao is actually a playful, naughty, and sinister girl.

In Hanabi's heart, a thousand words turned into one cute.

Nan Xiaotiao

The author has something to say:

PS: Warning for meaty drama ahead.

Because of his cruelty to birds, he persuaded a long-time book friend, Sakura-chan, to quit. At the beginning of this book, Sharun also forced away classmate Shido, and then I disbanded the book club; Black Cat broke up and forced some people away; did not push Yukino and forced away classmate Ash; did not accept Yumeko, and let others go misunderstood. Actually I remember them all.

Originally, we were going to torture the birds in the mid-term, but because someone raised some objections, we ended the seabird scene with an extra chapter hastily. Now, it's just about getting back on track. The one who can be persuaded to quit by the cruel bird is probably the true love cook, which is a good thing. I don’t have to worry so much that when I write a pornographic scene, I will incur the resentment of my true fans and be reported.

Chapter 255 Water Replenishing Bird


The private rooms in Japanese Internet cafes are very exquisite. You can open the door with the key you got from the bar, and you will see a small entrance hall when you enter. Hanabi and Kotori took off their shoes and entered, stepping on the soft leather mat, which was as comfortable as a trampoline.

Small but complete. Looking around, this is a long small room with a computer desk and LCD screen at one end, where you can watch TV and connect a computer host. There is air conditioning and the room temperature is just right; there is a small folding leather stool in the corner where you can lean on it comfortably; there are even emerging equipment such as VR.

Japanese people have the habit of sleeping on the floor. This small world is isolated from the rest of the world, and I fall asleep when I feel sleepy. The width of the room is just enough for an adult to roll around a few times.

The little bird knelt down and sat upright, exclaiming: It's amazing! It's like a small home.

Then, are we a couple? Or are we just pretending to be drinking together? Hanabi teased.

The little bird closed the maid's dress, holding the lace with her little hands, and said sweetly: My dear, welcome home. Do you want to eat first or take a shower first? Or...eat me~

For a moment, Hanabi was so cute that she felt like she had a nosebleed and couldn't help but touch her nose.

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