I developed it slowly.

Because you often take care of girls? Dongma said, feeling jealous in his heart, So, don't put vinegar in the porridge. This... the taste will become strange.


I said yes, yes.

The two people stared at each other. Finally, Hanabi said helplessly: It's my sister.


I practiced cooking before to take care of my cousin.

That's it. Dongma finished the porridge in one go and couldn't help but turn up the corners of his mouth. She asked again: What's going on between you and Beiyuan? Your attitude just now was very strange.

Hanabi smiled slightly: That's a battle between men.

——One party will eventually usher in despair.

In the corner of the school auditorium, Kitahara Haruki opened her eyes wide and saw the desperate girl huddled against the wall. She completely lost her optimistic and cheerful demeanor, and even the orange twin ponytails were dull and drooping. When Haruki tried to reach out, Yukina ran away faster as if encountering a savage beast. The girl had no choice but to retreat and clung to the cold wall, wrapping her arms around her body and shivering.

(What on earth...forced you to this point? The so-called dream, or being called a companion?)

Xuecai wiped her tears and said with a sad smile: I'm sorry, I failed. Without everyone, I wouldn't be able to sing.

At this moment, the girl's thoughts were bathed in sadness: Why, the person who is with me at this time is not you? Hanabi-kun.

Haruki opened her mouth, and her thousand words turned into a sigh of relief: It's okay, soon... When Touma-san gets better, Ayase will be back.

(The younger brother you rely on most.)

Yes, that's right. Xue Cai smiled through tears and hurriedly wiped away her tears, I can't let him see me embarrassed. It will definitely make him worried. This is not the behavior of a good sister.

For a moment, Xue Cai's face was radiant, and she raised her little fist to cheer herself up: Okay, let's cheer together! Believe in my teammates and myself, I am the lead singer of the band.

Kitahara Haruki lowered her head, a shadow under her bangs, and ran out without saying a word. On the way, he threw away Wu Ye's obstruction and staggered towards the abyss of pain without looking back, feeling as if he was dead.

Why do girls like Ogiso, Touma... all the girls they like hang around him? How am I inferior to him? I've been practicing hard, and I just want everyone to laugh together. What's wrong with this? The world is so... so unfair.

In an inaccessible place, Kitahara Haruki raised her head, tears streaming down her delicate and pale face. He suddenly bowed down, showing a slightly stomachache expression. Licking the wounds alone like a wounded beast, letting the roar of pain float in the wind.


Scum has freshness, just like the moisture locked in plastic wrap.

Hanabi smiled lightly, put away the dishes, and cast one last look at the girl on the bed before leaving the room. The love in her eyes was far less than that of Xuecai. However, Dong Ma's tender eyes were filled with unexplained emotions.

You are sick, I am sick too, and the disease is called love.

Ayase Hanabi stayed outside the door and closed her eyes. In a daze, Ogiso Yukina gently held his bangs and said with a smile that it felt good. It feels very much like my sister. He must have been cured by the smile at that moment, and he is still alive today.

Now, Sister Yukina, who do you really like, Haruki Kitahara? Everyone is good, if he is a scumbag, I will take away everything from him, any object that I can spend my time with. In this way, he can love you wholeheartedly for the rest of his life, right?

Yes, you have met the right person, and I think he will be a good man.

This is all a scumbag brother can do for his sister's happiness - Hanabi's theory of happiness.

My word, it doesn't matter. Because he is the worst scumbag, he constantly takes away the freshness of scumbag men, he can survive on women, and he drowns in unrequited love.

May you be treated gently by this world one day.

The author has something to say:

PS: You are really not good at stomach medicine, Watasi. Oops, I accidentally discouraged readers again. That's it for now, I'm keeping my guard down so as not to surprise myself. Don’t you think that Jingu can write novels about sending out girls?

I was finishing up White Album 2 and writing the Bai Xue chapter at the same time, but I almost didn't want to write it in the middle. It's because of Kitahara Haruki. I haven't read much in recent years, and for the first time I felt angry. He likes to preach, speaks eloquently, and uses various tricks to seduce girls, so I just tolerate it.

You fucking kissed another woman in front of your girlfriend, acting innocent like it was nothing, and how dare you say you love her? I don’t want to see the woman in my arms shed tears, so let my real girlfriend cry to death. Okay, that's gentle.

I just want you to have a taste of what it feels like to watch the one you love fall into the arms of someone else.

Jingu: Wait...Hanabi, please don't leave. I'm really not talking about you. Hey, I won’t torture you, come back quickly! Here comes the wife of this number (holds out a hand).

Hanabi: Deal!

Chapter 210 My Soul

It's night at Dongma's house, and the piano room is brightly lit.

Ayase Hanabi held the bass and perfectly performed the bass part of the song. A low melody continued to flow towards the darkness outside the window.

The vibrating of the strings gradually stopped. Hanabi put the heavy bass aside, sweat dripping from her forehead, and turned around and said, There won't be any mistakes in the three songs I'm going to perform. So, are you relieved?

There is a quilt on the floor of the piano room, which Hanabi helped lay. Touma rolled himself into a spring roll, lay comfortably on the warm quilt, and enjoyed the performance of fireworks. The bass, which was obviously very monotonous, seemed to come alive in Hanabi's hands. These long and white hands seemed to have some kind of magic power.

...Have you finished playing it once? Dongma said reluctantly.

Hanabi smiled and said: Yes, you worry-loving senior. It's time to go to bed, right? Lack of sleep is a girl's natural enemy.

You know women very well. Touma muttered softly.

I won't come tomorrow. I called your housekeeper and she said she would come over to take care of you.

Dongma's eyes widened and he said, How do you know...

Because this is the only number on the phone. Hanabi said, I heard that before your father left, you were assigned a personal doctor, a piano teacher, and a nanny who cooked the meals. Why did you send them all away? Otherwise, you won’t be sick at home alone.”

Dongma was stunned for a moment, and sadness slowly crept up to his brows. Maybe she wanted to find someone to talk to, so the girl with long black hair curled up in bed began to tell the story of the past. The quilt covered the mouth, as if telling another person's story.

When Touma Kazusa first entered high school, she was still a young girl. Suddenly one day, her mother, Touma Yoko, packed her luggage and said she wanted to move to Paris.

Why...don't you want to take me with you?!

Mother said flatly: Now is not the time.

Touma Yaozi looked at her daughter with eyes full of love, but not reluctance. Touma Yoko, a world-class pianist, is such a woman. Apart from music, he doesn't care about anything, not even his precious daughter.

I have always chased the shadow of that woman and saw her as the best mother and teacher.

At that time, Touma Kazusa showed a silent and stubborn expression, and her tears couldn't stop flowing down.

I'm too weak. Genius piano girl? What a joke. No matter how hard I try, I can't catch up with my mother, so I was abandoned. The so-called 'genius' has its limits, and some people can't catch up with her throughout their lives. Entering the palace. It can only prove my talent... nothing more.

The truth about the genius girl that people admire is a blank confusion.

At this point, the muffled voice under the quilt was faintly tinged with tears.

Hanabi was moved and shook her head with a smile: Don't be joking. If you are a genius who is 'that's all', then what are Nishikino Maki, Sakurauchi Riko, and even everyone who came out of Otonogizaka? ?”

Touma's reddish eyes stared at Hanabi, and his heart skipped a beat, just like meeting a musical instrument that pleased his eyes.

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