Under the colorful lights cast from the ceiling, the girl's face turned slightly red, and her eyes boldly looked directly at Hanabi.

Hanabi moved the phone away slightly and whispered softly: Stop teasing me. You clearly only regard me as your younger brother, don't you? That's why our relationship has become different.

What Yukina said to Touma that day echoed in her ears - the scumbag Hanabi was only suitable as a younger brother, not a lover.

Ogiso Yukina, which one of you is the real one?

What did you say? I can't hear you!

No, I just...

Hanabi felt the soreness in her stomach, and she slowly bent down and pressed the hard end of the microphone against her stomach to make herself feel better.

My stomach hurts a little.

Hanabi-kun, are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?

Yukina held Hanabi's hand worriedly, and this intimate gesture made him feel even stronger labor pains.

It's okay, I'm sorry, I just want to listen to you singing. Sister Xue Cai sings very well, maybe she can be cured in the next second.

The author has something to say:

PS: Some people actually believe that I and the koala are the same person. There are honest people here! Come and bully him!

Of course Koala and I are... different personalities of the same person. Why is the update so late today? Because I lent my body to the second personality, I asked him to update Sister Ji first. It was agreed that the protagonist would take a nap first and then update Sister Painting in another shift.

The third personality, wake up soon, it’s your turn to go to work.

Chapter 207 The Worst Scumbag

In the third-grade classroom, in the back row by the window, Touma Kazusa was writing and drawing in a notebook.

Next, students, put your things away and take a short test. Although the school festival is approaching, don't just play around and focus on your studies. This will affect your final grades. The middle-aged uncle The handsome teacher was chattering on the podium.


There were complaints in the classroom.

The teacher looked around and noticed Touma's little movements with sharp eyes. He frowned, walked quickly down the stage, took off the notebook on Dongma's desk, and glanced at it.

Fuyuma-san, you are a habitual offender. Don't do irrelevant things during class.

Dongma lowered his head and said: I'm sorry...

(That’s why I hate apologizing.)

The teacher sighed, thinking of Dongma's situation, but unable to punish him, so he said calmly: This... I confiscated it. Prepare for the test.

Dongma was shocked, and his eyes covered by his bangs suddenly became sharp and angry for no reason.

Haruki on the side saw the prelude of the girl going crazy and whispered to dissuade her: Calm down.

What do you mean by confiscation? What on earth do you know, just to tell me what to do? Haven't I already apologized? You have no idea what it means to me!

Dongma was like a powder keg that was about to explode, and it exploded in the class. The girl was so domineering that even the teacher couldn't help but give in. The whole class remained silent, not daring to touch her.

The teacher's face turned blue and white, and he said, You...

give me back!

Touma grabbed the notebook and rushed out of the classroom. Only the handsome back with flying long hair is left. The biting wind and tears all the way.

(This is my entire life, every bit of my creation with Hanabi. How could I throw it away in a place like this? Sure enough, the only person who can understand me is...)

During class, Hanabi heard about what happened in the third grade. Touma Kazusa becomes the talk of the town wherever he goes, the most rebellious genius.

The students whispered: There will be no good end to confronting the teacher. Hasn't that person been demoted from the music department to the ordinary class? If he is demoted further...

Hanabi said to the class monitor: Umi, I have something to do and I need to leave for a while. If the teacher asks about it next class, you can make up any excuse.

Huh? Hai Wei was in trouble.

Sonoda Umi is not a girl who can lie, but she can't ignore her ex-boyfriend's request. In the end, the girl will probably end up lying with a red face. I was really spoiled by the fireworks.

Hanabi went straight to the second music room. Sure enough, Touma, Yukina and Haruki are all here.

Dongma lay on the piano cover and said gloomily: Why are you here too?

A certain senior's feat has spread throughout the school.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Dongma was so crowded that she couldn't get off the stage, but she felt much better.

Haruki said sincerely: Let's skip class together. Since Touma-san doesn't want to go back, we just have time to practice.

Touma was slightly startled, touched by everyone's concern. Because with such a group of friends by my side, I no longer have to fight alone.

That's right. Xuecai smiled, Afterwards, I will accompany you to apologize to the teacher, Fuyuma-san.

You... thank you. Dongma's eyes sparkled.

Surprisingly, Hanabi said nothing. He narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Haruki.

Kitahara Haruki, what are you thinking about? A gentle person is gentle to everyone. In the end, the choice is yours. It's so cruel and gentle. That's how you become the source of tragedy.

Undoubtedly the same kind.

For the first time, Hanabi felt disgusted with the way scum lived, and then began to loathe herself.

Hanabi-kun, what about you? Xuecai's hint was obvious.

Hanabi smiled and said: Touma-senpai said that the bass is the soul of the band. Of course I will stay with you.

Maybe you will repeat the grade with me and fail to graduate in the end. Doesn't that matter? Touma said hesitantly.

Hanabi teased: It's good to repeat a grade. You just happen to be in the same grade as me, Touma-senpai.

Dongma regained his strength and gave him a sharp look, with a smile on his brows.

The hearts of everyone in the light music section are gradually approaching and stirring in the melody.

After school, Touma made up his mind to go to the office, and it didn't matter if he bowed to the annoying teacher. The only thing I can't do is implicate everyone.

Hanabi saw this and quietly stopped her, saying, There's no need to apologize.

But, I did something wrong...

Only children can say right and wrong, good and bad. In front of the teacher's authority, you have underestimated yourself from the beginning, right? Hanabi smiled calmly, I once said to you, 'Never say I'm sorry again' I'll leave you with this. I'll take care of the rest. Don't forget, my surname is Ayase.

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