Hanabi glanced at the call time.

I don’t know how long this phone call will last. If a little cat calls in and hears that the line is busy, it will be another bloody storm. Ah, it’s so troublesome. I really want to give each girlfriend a separate number and mobile phone. I can call ten.

After a while, the sound of gurgling water really came from the other end, and Hanabi felt her mouth go dry.

Bathroom perk? It’s a pity that I couldn’t feast my eyes on it.

Human beings are really incredible creatures. Sight and hearing are obviously five senses. Why are girls not allowed to see, but only hear?

Xuecai smiled and said: So?

So Yukina-san, let's have a video call. Hanabi said seriously.

What a beautiful idea! Xuecai spat.

The author has something to say:

PS: Some book friends reported that the girls in the novel fell in love with the protagonist too easily and developed too quickly. I humbly accepted the opinions, learned from the experience, and decided to make it super easy for boys to fall in love with the protagonist, no...

Don't worry, Yukina and Touma are different from the past, and they won't be killed in dozens of chapters. It's time to show the real Bai Xue. The last person who forced the pacing was Yukino, and I was able to conquer it for a year.

I will probably write a lot of boring daily life. At this time, I need @sister in charge of emotional scenes and @Mio in charge of sexual scenes. So Mio-chan was really miserable, getting slapped every three days. Shengong raced when he thought of it, and hid it when he didn't think of it.

Chapter 200 Heard her singing

Except for the absence of Minister Takeshi, everyone came to Ogiso's house one after another, giving the impression that it was an ordinary Japanese family. His father is an office worker and is quite dignified; his mother is a gentle and kind full-time wife; but his younger brother hides in his room and does not show up.

Entering Xuecai's room, I saw that the carpet was spotless and there were small square tables and cushions. It is worth mentioning that Hanabi was not used to sitting on her knees, so she crossed her legs casually, which was not very polite. Fortunately, we are all young people and don't care about everything.

Xuecai brought tea and snacks and entertained her warmly. After working for a while, she sat down. Everyone sat together and chatted easily.

It was surprising that Touma actually agreed to Yukina's invitation. Xuecai probably used the excuse of friends gathering to coax this guy over. Dongma was not used to this kind of situation and behaved quite silently. Basically, when Xuecai asked a question, she would reply.

Another wooden person is Ayase Hanabi. Everyone present was a senior, so Hanabi kept a low profile, smiled, and acted as an audience.

Xuecai felt strange and frequently cast inquiring glances.

(Where have the students who have always been cynical and fond of talking nonsense gone?)

Haruki and Yukina have high emotional intelligence and try to liven up the atmosphere. Hanabi and Touma were unmoved, and it eventually turned into a situation where the two dumb eyes were staring at each other.

After a while, Dongma couldn't help but said: What do you think I do?

From a probability perspective, the probability of my eyes falling on everyone is one-third. So there's nothing surprising, Touma-senpai.

Touma's face froze and he said: You guys, do you know that I am a bad student and you are talking like this? A sophomore who has always been the first in the grade.

Thank you. Hanabi smiled softly.

I didn't praise you!

The two are naturally at odds with each other, or Touma is more concerned about his other identity - Ayase Eri's younger brother.

Yukina thought about how to break into the topic and persuade Touma to join the light music club, but she never found the opportunity. Seeing Hanabi and Touma arguing so much, Yukina felt that this party was such a failure.

Chun Xi waved her hand and tried to persuade her: Well, please stop saying a few words.

Shut up, now is the time for me to teach the younger generation a lesson. Can you be considered a man with such a weak look? Touma said rudely.

Chunxi was speechless, she was shot even while lying down.

Dongma unknowingly lowered his guard and unleashed his poisonous tongue attribute. Hanabi has been influenced by Kasumigaoka Shiu and Yukinoshita Yukino, and can handle it completely. He thought about it, maybe the poisonous tongue and Hei Changzhi were a perfect match.

Hua Huo, fearing that the world would not be in chaos, shouted, That's right, Brother Haru, be tougher and fight this woman back.

Chun...Brother Chun? Chunxi was so shocked that she was so shocked that she gritted her teeth and said, Don't give people nicknames casually. You guy, I really want to beat you.

In fact, Haruki and Hanabi have a good relationship, so they can joke around.

Dongma thought deeply and said: Right?

If this continues, Ayase Hanabi will probably be bullied by her seniors and senior sisters together, and will be forced to tremble in a corner. The quarrel coming from outside attracted everyone's attention.

I don't know when Xuecai went out and was arguing with her father: I... just want to participate in club activities with my friends and perform at the school festival. Why can't dad understand?

Yukina's father said sternly: You secretly participated in some beauty pageants before, and your reputation has been ruined. Miss Otonogizaka is not a nice name. Girls should not show their faces and do things that are degrading to politeness. No matter what you say, Should I ask my family for their opinions?”

Xuecai's face looked ugly. When she turned around, she saw everyone standing at the door with worried faces. She forced a smile and whispered, My friends are still here.

Xuecai's mother whispered: Dear...

The father realized that he had made a mistake, but could not keep his face down and softened it, so he kept a straight face.

Kitahara Haruki is an exquisite and clear character. She made eye contact with her companions and said with a smile: It's getting late. I have to seize the time to practice guitar. I'll leave first. Ayase, Fuyuma?

Let's go together.

Xuecai passed by her father and said generously, I'll see you off.

There was a long silence as they walked along the road in front of the door. Things have developed like this, and I feel embarrassed even saying a word.

I'm sorry. Xuecai smiled palely, I may not be able to sing with everyone. Sorry, Touma, I still thought about joining the band together.

Xue Cai...

At this moment, Dongma truly recognized Xuecai as his first friend in life. On the way, she realized she had left something behind, so she turned back to Ogiso's house. She heard the sound of fireworks outside the door and stopped in surprise.

(When did a person come back quietly?)

Touma looked in from the window.

Ayase Hanabi faced her elders, her stern expression completely different from the previous gentleness. Facing Xuecai's father, mother and younger brother at the same time, there was no stage fright at all.

Boy, what exactly do you want to say?

Hanabi chuckled and said: I mean, cherishing your face is like cherishing your feathers. Is this what traditional Japanese men and heads of families do?

Xuecai's father shouted like an angry lion: Kid, do you know what you are talking about? How could Xuecai have a rude friend like you? It seems that it is right not to let her do messy things.

Yes, you are always right. You are so right that your daughter can't stand up in front of her friends. Have you really considered her feelings?

The father's expression froze and he stopped talking.

Ogiso Yukina is a well-known top student in school, and I am not yet qualified to be friends. However, there are many things you don't know. Is the reason why she is admired by her classmates just because she inherited her outstanding talents from her parents? What about her appearance? Hanabi said calmly, Her hobbies, what songs she likes to listen to, which idols she chases, and the same dreams as ordinary girls. I think you haven't even heard her singing. No wonder , it’s difficult to even talk and communicate, how can we be considered family members?”

Hanabi's aggressive and strong attitude caused the scene to fall into silence.

They remembered that Xuecai loved to laugh when she was a child.

(Since when did it become rare to even see a smile?)

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