When the two reached the top of the Ferris wheel, fireballs appeared in the distance, like bullets, flying into the night sky. Fireworks took off brilliantly into the sky and burst into bloom. Colorful lights reflected on the faces of boys and girls, flickering on and off, turning into silent and beautiful photos in memory.

In the slightly shaking carriage, Hanabi suddenly knelt down on one knee and opened an exquisite box, revealing a brilliant diamond ring. Eri covered her mouth and cried in surprise.

Sister, this is a Valentine's Day gift for you.

Eri put her hand on her chest, then stretched out her slender hand, and said movedly: I... like it very much. Help me put it on.

This is a little test for my sister. Hanabi recalled how to wear the ring and its meaning, and finally took Eri's right hand and gently put it on the middle finger, which meant that the famous flower had its owner.

Even for one day, we are not siblings, but men and women in love.

It's raining, mixed with snowflakes, perhaps the last snow of this winter, as if the snowflakes were melted into rain by the hot feelings of the world before falling. Hanabi held an umbrella and held Eri in her arms, walking in the rain.

Unfortunately, this year's Valentine's Day ended in bad weather with rain, sleet, and snow. Let's take to the streets to interview couples. A reporter said to the camera.

Unfortunately, Hanabi and Eri hit the jackpot. At first I wanted to take a detour, but ended up failing.

Hello, what's your name? the reporter said, handing the microphone to Hanabi.

Eri covered her face, held Hanabi's arm, and shrank into an ostrich shape, as if she was too shy to look at the camera. In fact, I am afraid that my idol’s identity will be recognized.

Ayase Hanabi. Hanabi scratched her head, glanced at Eri, and smiled softly, Her name is Ayase Eri.

The reporter was shocked: Huh? Same last name... are you married?

This guy is my sister. She is still single. She dragged me out for the holidays. By the way, I have a girlfriend. Hanabi spread her hands in front of the camera, and Eri punched him in annoyance.

In other words, is a sister more important than a girlfriend? The reporter was amused.

Such a loving scene will soon be shown to the audience in front of the TV. Many people recognize light novelist Hanabi Ayase and current idol Ayase Eri. This loving pair of siblings has countless fans.

Hanabi spoke politely and said goodbye to the press team.

The two siblings walked hand in hand into the snow.

Hanabi! You keep talking nonsense, how can I face the fans online? Everyone at Muse... Eri caught the snow falling outside the umbrella and covered Hanabi's neck.

Okay, okay, I was wrong. But, who was the one who said they wanted to practice love? Hanabi actually enjoyed the touch of her sister's little hands.

younger brother!

Hey, sister, let's celebrate Valentine's Day together next year. I want to see you in your wedding dress.


I was thinking, how long can the so-called lovers in this world last? A lifetime, a year, a month...a week, a day...I repeat the love cycle. In this incomparably vast time, in this infinitely shortened life, even if I love you every minute, my sister.

(Valentine's Day \u0026 New Year's Extra, Eri Line Ending)

The author has something to say:

PS: Because according to my plan, there is no such innocent ending. At that time, Eri and Hanabi didn’t know how far apart they would be in the future (spoiler). It's so clever of me to be able to fool readers with a side story after procrastinating for a whole day without having to read the main text. So, pong friends, happy new year, see you next year.

Chapter 166 Tianjing Zhonglu

That's all for today's class.

Mio Akiyama stood up from the piano bench wearing office clothes and a tight skirt. The long straight black hair is slightly rippling. This gentle, Yamato Nadeshiko-type beauty teacher is admired by countless students. In Hanabi's view, she has another identity, the consultant teacher of the idol club.

Hanabi quickly followed and said, Mio-sensei.

What's wrong, Hanabi-kun?

Holding the lesson plan in hand, Mio stopped and looked at his protégé curiously. Ayase Hanabi's absolute sense of music is really rare, and I can see the shadow of Xiao Wei in him. Strictly speaking, she let Hanabi perform the duties of an advisor on her behalf, and she usually didn’t interfere much with μ’s affairs.

It's something related to Muse's preparation for the war. I would like to ask Mio-sensei for advice. Hanabi said humbly.

Akiyama Mio is the only teacher worthy of respect, because she is talented and completely different from Xiaojing's violent maniac.

Mio nodded and said, Stop standing here and come to my office to chat.

Akiyama Mio led Hanabi to her desk. She was about to pour tea when she suddenly froze. Because there is only one tea cup, it is her favorite small and exquisite style. Mio had a slight mysophobia, or she was overly shy, but she still poured steaming tea and served it to Hanabi.

Hanabi touched the rim of the cup lightly, took a sip and said, Thank you.

Mio's sitting posture was very ladylike, with her legs close together and slanted, and her slender feet on high heels were tense.

But Hanabi couldn't tell, so she put down her tea cup and said, What Muse lacks now is practical experience and the ability to perform on the spot. Mio-sensei, you have played in a band before. I want to know how much you know about Live House?

Akiyama Mio was startled for a moment, then sighed and said, I see, have those children reached this point? I don't know where you heard it from, but it is a cruel underground world. It was hard for us to break into it back then. A little bit of fame, but they are still pure white paper, do you understand?

But, everyone wants to save the school with their own strength. Hanabi said, Although I don't know much about what happened in the past. Mio also liked it here very much, so she became a music teacher after graduation, right? What if the light music club We are still here, our former partners are still there, what is Teacher Mio’s choice?”

Mio showed dark eyes and said full of nostalgia: Tsumi has told you our story too. Me, Xiao Wei, Tsumugi, Azi Miao... the last one is my shameless and former best friend, She should be able to help you.

The former drummer of the band After School Tea Party - Ritsu Tai - is now the manager of a Live House. Live house is a small underground performance form that originated in Tokyo, Japan. This is where almost all musicians live. There are currently nearly 200 live houses in Tokyo, large and small.

Hanabi asked people about Tianjing.

The strange woman took a look at Hanabi and saw that he looked handsome. She smiled and shouted: Team Law, someone is looking for you. He is a young guy.

Here, let me take a look. A person came out of the backstage.

Hanabi finally sees the true face of Ritsu Taizuki. This is a young woman in her twenties. She has regular features and cannot be said to be very beautiful. She has a bold and bold personality. Wearing a jet black dress, dotted with sparkling silver jewelry, she wore a sleeveless top, exposing her sexy shoulders.

Tian Jingzhong said doubtfully: You are...

I thought he was another young boy who didn't know the world and wanted to break into the outside world, but at first glance, he looked too good. To be honest, why are you playing music when you can just rely on your face to make a living? With this level of talent, he has already been recruited by talent scouts to become a trainee in a big company.

Hanabi said: Can I buy you a drink after get off work?

An hour later, in Tokyo, a city that never sleeps, the two of them were sitting at an oden stall, with heat and light coming from the curtains.

Taizhong drank a pint of beer, smashed it on the table, threw his arms around Hanabi's neck like a drunken maniac, and yelled: What? It turns out he's Tsumugi's younger brother and Mio-chan's student! After all, you still have to shout Call me Senior Sister. Call me quickly and I’ll listen!”

Hanabi's face twitched.

Is this guy really reliable? Tsumugi-san, Mio-sensei, it was not easy for you to last so long before disbanding.

Hanabi explained her intention.

Tian Jingzhong was slightly startled, watching the oden in the bowl gradually cool down, and said, That's it. It turns out that Mio still cares about what happened back then. Are you willing to listen to an old woman's nagging before agreeing to you?

Four years ago, Tsumugi Kotobuki finished college and was ordered to go home. The band fell apart and its members scattered. Yui Hirasawa transformed into a musician; Azusa Nakano felt betrayed and started his solo career as an idol, which quickly dimmed like a shooting star; finally, the close friends Mio Akiyama and Ritsu Takai also had differences.

Mio-chan is very beautiful, smart and hard-working, and she likes children. She is good at bass, can play guitar, and can even pass the piano exam easily. So, she successfully returned to her alma mater to be a music teacher. As for me... it won't work. . Tian Jingzhong looked at the sparkling wine, with ripples in his eyes.

Friends who share the same goals when they are young will accidentally part ways at a fork in the road and become farther and farther apart. That's what life is like.

Ritsu Tianai suddenly looked back and looked at the noisy and bustling Tokyo. The nightlife has just begun. It seems like you can hear harsh and manic music coming from countless Live Houses, but it is exciting. In front of Hanabi, this woman who dared to face life took a deep breath, regained her carefree expression, and rolled up her sleeves to show off her biceps.

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