The author has something to say:

Familiar recipe, familiar taste. Private Li, I'm broadcasting live in Otonogizaka.

Chapter 164 Cute Charm

Niconico live broadcast, the most popular painting area is Teacher Eromanga's Room, with more than 30,000 people online at present. In the picture, Izumi Sagiri wears a kawaii mask and speaks through a voice changer. Therefore, hardcore fans don't know the true identity of the teacher, and they speculate that she is a girl based on her petite figure.

Well, today we are going to learn how to draw butt... buttocks. Due to different physiological structures, women's pelvis is much wider than men's, so the proportion of waist, buttocks and thighs is very particular... Sagiri passed. I am addicted to being a teacher, even though I am playing truant at home.

There was a barrage of excitement.

“Dirty dirty wwwww”

Teacher, you must be shy, right? I heard you talk about your butt!

Anyone who likes butts is not a bad person!

The barrage was quickly dominated by the gentleman. Except for a few fans who are serious about learning human body painting, most of them come here for the erotica. Strictly speaking, the content of Sagiri's paintings is not even R15, but it is full of color and energy that makes people want to stop.

Sagiri glanced at the lower right corner of the computer and said in her heart: Time is up.

She turned off the drawing software, switched the live broadcast screen back to the computer desktop, and said, Hey, that's it for today's drawing class. For the rest of the time, I have a host who I pay more attention to.

get out of class is over!

Teacher, you left early again...

Shawu clicked into the entertainment area and found μ’s live broadcast room in a remote corner of the website. In China, this would be called ward rounds. Sagiri doesn't know how to interact with the audience, so she looks on with gusto.

Otonogizaka, I know. The one who is about to abolish the school.

“Muse actually started a live broadcast, I’m so happy. I’m μ’serくくく (raise your hand)”

Today, the person sitting in the live broadcast room is Nico Yazawa. There are over a hundred people online, and most of them are μ’ser who come here because of the reputation. Before this, people only knew the screen images of the nine people, and it was the first time they came into contact with real people. In fact, the cute girl is just a character, and only Hanabi knows that guy's bad character.

I'll sing a song for everyone. It's as cute as Nicole's. Nicole turned on the accompaniment and quietly clicked on the demo on her phone. She put on her headphones and cleared her throat, Please listen, Love Cycle .”

But that won't work

They all said that, you see

The heart will evolve, constantly, constantly

Nicole sang with a sweet voice and fiddled with her twin tails. She couldn't help laughing when she heard Hanabi's humming coming from the headphones.

(That guy sings so cutely, it’s so embarrassing~ I really want to laugh at him in person.)

The live broadcast effect was perfect. A lolita with two ponytails sang a cute song and laughed. She immediately conquered the hearts of countless young boys.

Well, I'm going to die! Nico is great!

Tell the teacher that I dropped out of school.

Everyone at Muse used their mobile phones to monitor the number of people in real time, and said ecstatically: The popularity has exceeded 1,000! It's strange why it increased so fast...

After singing the song, Nicole clicked the mouse a few times and saw the soaring popularity. She said proudly: It's nothing strange. I must have been conquered by Nicole's cuteness.

I'm speechless.

One commenter praised: It's a very nice song. I want to make it into a ringtone. I didn't expect that the anchor is a talented woman. Is this a song written by the anchor himself?

Nicole's eyes dodge and she says sheepishly: Well...

In fact, the demo of the song and the accompaniment were all sent by Hanabi. Nicole was not comfortable explaining it, nor was she willing to admit it.

School is about to be over here, and Muse's live broadcast will end here today. Tomorrow is a very arrogant piano class, and I think it's okay not to come... Nicole said.

Zhenji ran into the camera range, angrily took off Nicole's headphones, and said, Nicole, please finish it seriously!

Tch, trouble. Nicole held her cheek, like an awkward primary school student.

The audience in the live broadcast room doubted whether Ji Qing would be staged.

The official lily is the deadliest!

Nikki recommends it for life!

After Nicole expelled Maki, she sat back in front of the computer and said, Then, everyone must recite Niconi a hundred times before going to bed at night. Even if your father is around, you must shout out the last words without fear of shame~

I don't want to lose face!

Nicole took a deep breath, made cute gestures with her hands, placed them on both sides of her twin ponytails, and said the classic line: Niconiconi☆ Let your heart smile too! To spread the smile of Nico Yazawa, love Nico Remember little Nicole~

The barrage was suffocating for a moment, and then drifted like snowflakes, like a cult carnival: Niconiconi~

Sagiri was confused until Muse's live broadcast room turned to black, and then she came back to her senses and said: This is a bit powerful. I am considering whether to go to Otonogizaka for further study. Because of... the influence of my family.

Hey, is Teacher Eromanga a junior high school student?

Is it possible that the teacher is also a fan of Muse?

Sagiri cursed: The Ayase family is full of lesbians, can I tell you?

The broadcast was also closed here. Sagiri took off her mask and breathed a sigh of relief, finally completing the task assigned by her brother. She jumped to the floor with her bare feet and stepped hard twice.

Not long after, Hanabi pushed the door open and said with a smile: I saw it. Thank you for your hard work, Sagiri.

Then brother, are you willing to help me with something? Sagiri said weakly.

The younger sister is sitting on the bed holding a doll, with a pair of big white legs exposed under a green hoodie, wearing only pink pajamas, which makes people feel like they are in a vacuum.

Sagiri herself is the most perfect erotic manga.

Hanabi looked away and said, Of course, I will promise you even if I don't owe you any favors.

I want to draw Ou...Ojin! Sagiri shouted shyly, Like last time, I need to accurately grasp Onii-chan's Oujin! Otherwise, I won't be able to draw a qualified eroge!

Stop! Can't we just put a mosaic on that kind of thing?

No, you're not a child anymore. Onii-chan, please take off the fat girl quickly! Sagiri's face turned red with embarrassment, her eyes turning into circles, and she stubbornly tugged at the waistband of Hanabi's pants.

It was night, Hanabi returned to the room holding on to the wall, feeling that her body had been hollowed out. At the end of the plan, he opened the video editing software, sorted out the live broadcast materials during the day, and started secondary creation.

In the past life, there was a video of Nicole on Station B, which had more than five million views. It can be said to be the source of all evil. Hanabi replayed every poisonous syllable in her memory.

Muse’s live broadcast is just a cover. From the beginning, Hanabi had only one purpose - to make Nicole famous. Nico Yazawa is a born idol. To be honest, everyone else in Muse cannot complete their transformation in a short period of time. Hanabi, a half-time idol producer, is keenly aware and makes decisions.

That guy is going to be the best calling card.

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