Honoka handed the remaining half of the mineral water to Hanabi. The latter was not pretentious and drank it all in one go.

Indirect kiss?! Huayang's voice broke.

Umi blushed and said, How shameless, Honoka!

The two parties involved didn't find it strange, after all, they were used to petty fights.

Honoka said blankly: Is there something wrong? Umi-chan had a kiss with Hana-chan before, and so did Kotori-chan.

Hanabi started to tease Umi and joked: In this case, Honoka and I kissed indirectly, that is Umi and Honoka...

Haiwei didn't know what scene came up in his mind. Maybe it was an exciting scene between the three of them. The girl blushed with a bang and fainted.

Kotori exclaimed: Umi-chan!

Let's see, let's just let Honono jam perform artificial respiration. No need to think about it, it must be Nozomi who came up with such a bad idea.

Everyone was in a fuss. Hanabi and Eri stayed out of it.

Eri clenched the water glass tightly, looked at Hanabi resentfully, and whispered: I don't care if my brother uses his own water glass. Indirect kiss or something...

Hanabi seemed to comfort her coquettish sister and said with a smile: Okay, okay, I know.

His eyes lingered more on the girl's newly moisturized lips, which looked breakable, tender and juicy. Hanabi hides the little Jiujiu in her heart, but Eri can understand every look in her brother's eyes.

Sister, I'm thirsty.

The author has something to say:

Thanks for the reward. I suddenly discovered that every time there was an update, someone would throw a razor blade or something. If I stop updating seven days a week, wouldn’t I make a fortune? No, I have to keep trying.

Chapter 162 Break up after the next meal

In the classroom of Grade 2 Class B, during lunch break, students were immersed in the afterglow of summer vacation, gathering together in twos and threes to chat. Some classmates who were close friends put their desks together and ate lunch. This is what the Sea Bird Fruit trio did in the past.

Umi opened the lunch box and asked strangely: Honoka, where is your lunch?

Before this, Honoka often complained that her mother would not make lunch boxes for her, but would always give her flavors that were not sold in the store. She was also taught that the daughter of a confectionery store must get used to it.

Did you forget to bring it?

Kotori thoughtfully pushed his lunch box in front of Honoka and said with a smile: Half for each person, and Umi-chan will share another half. Honoka-chan will be full.

Honoka said with tears in her eyes: Arigado, but...

At this time, Hanabi passed by Honoka carrying a lunch box that was obviously a larger size, knocked on the desk lightly, and then walked out of the classroom.

Honoka received the code and clasped her hands together to apologize: I'm sorry! Hana-chan and I made an appointment... Umi-chan and Kotori-chan, I can't have lunch with you.

Umi and Kotori looked at each other and could only watch Honoka follow Hanabi's footsteps, feeling suddenly disappointed.

That's right, we need to leave some space for them. Xiaoniao forced a smile.

Umi grabbed the chopsticks and poked the food hard, and said, I know. You don't have to be like a mother and talk about Honoka, asking her to eat well. Because Hanabi's cooking is delicious...

Having said this, Hai Wei was startled and fell into silence.

Umi-chan has tasted the food he cooked by himself. It's so good. Kotori smiled softly and changed the subject, Umi-chan has been working hard on making bento recently. Kotori, I also want to try Umi-chan's cooking today.


The key to the rooftop is in the hands of Muse, so Hanabi and Honoka can easily enter the forbidden place for lunch break. The scenery here is beautiful and off-the-beaten-path, so it is naturally a good place for couples to have a tryst.

Hanabi opened the lunch box, separated the upper and lower layers, handed it to Honoka, and said, Take it, it's your portion. Not eating well is not good for your health, especially girls who need to pay attention to their development.

After saying that, he glanced at Honoka, which looked like it was not lacking in nutrients.

Thank you, my boyfriend is the best. Honoka smiled sweetly and said words that made people blush.

She picked up the sausage and stuffed it into her mouth, feeling strange: Hey, the 'love bento' you made for Umi-chan before didn't taste like this.

My brother made it. Hanabi ate with gusto and praised him profusely, His cooking skills are much better than mine. Sure enough, will I always be the worst cook in the Ayase family? If I don't count a certain squatter at home. if……

It's delicious though. Honoka said gloomily.

Generally speaking, even if your girlfriend doesn't make a love lunch, she will still give you a cup of warm tea after the meal, such as the unique tea-making secrets inherited from your mother. Honoka is obviously not the type to take care of others, but is the one being taken care of.

Honoka ate and drank enough, stroking her swollen belly with satisfaction, as lazy as a pig. Hanabi took out a tissue and gently wiped away the oil stains from the corners of the girl's mouth. The lips were glossy and looked delicate and plump, and the slightly curved curve was really beautiful. Hanabi couldn't help but play a few more times before she gave up her complaints.

Hana-chan, I'm sleepy. Honoka blinked.

I have to add one more criterion for choosing a mate. On a sunny afternoon, let me enjoy my girlfriend's lap pillow. Hanabi sighed, patted her thigh and said, Get some sleep, I will do it before class. Wake you up.

Honoka lay on Hana Ham and said with a smile: Didn't I fulfill your wish? Don't thank me too much~

I'm your girlfriend, okay. Hanabi rolled her eyes, Dear Guoguo-san, when will we break up? I can't wait.

No hurry, no rush, we'll break up after the next meal.

I guess you will say the same thing next time. Hanabi pinched the soft flesh of the girl's waist and mocked, It's interesting that school idols can't meet people because they have become fat. I want to think about where to find new members. Woolen cloth?

Hey, dear, help me! Honoka pretended to wipe away her tears.

Come on, you foodie.

Honoka's orange hair is scattered in Hanabi's arms, and she looks a bit delicate and cute at first glance. She opened her hands as if clasping the sun. The sunlight drained from between my fingers, looking up at the blue sky and snow-white clouds. In fact, she wanted to boldly touch Hanabi's face, but there was a hint of shyness in the girl's heart.

In Honoka's understanding, when she was hungry, Hanabi would bring her a lunch, and when she was sleepy, Hanabi would give her a pillow. This almighty boyfriend made her reluctant to leave, and she really wanted to hug her thighs and never let go.

Honoka had a question: Do lovers interact like this? I remember that on TV they were always hugging each other inexplicably, and Kiss...

Although Hanabi is a fake boyfriend, Honoka doesn't resist. Hanabi had a chance to eat it up long ago, but he never crossed the line. This unsuspecting idiot would help him count the money after he was sold, how could he bear to do it. For him, the muse has extraordinary significance, and he does not want to tarnish the beauty in his heart. As for the sperm that is ready to move, of course there is a real girlfriend to deal with it.

How old are you? TV dramas are all lies. Hanabi said without changing her face. Isn't it unhygienic to flick your tongue on the other person's lips? Do you want to eat my saliva?

Honoka believed it to be true and nodded repeatedly: It's true, Kiss is so weird.

Hanabi twirled the girl's hair. She felt itchy, as if she had been put to sleep by her mother in a cradle when she was a child.

(As long as Hana-chan is by your side, you will feel a warm sense of security. Is this love?)

Honoka closed her eyes and opened them again, her eyelashes slightly raised, staring blankly at Hanabi's face. At this moment, the boy's lips had infinite attraction, making her want to touch them with her other half.

I can't sleep. Hana-chan, can you kiss me? Honoka said pitifully.

Hanabi refused without hesitation: No, your mouth is too oily.

Okay~ Humph, we obviously kissed Umi-chan and Kotori-chan.

Hanabi shuddered and said, Your coquettishness makes my skin crawl. Well, after all, besides tongue kiss, there is something called lip kiss...

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