Hanabi said helplessly: Am I air?

For the next time, Honoka watched Hanabi without concealing it.

... By making an auxiliary line here, you can prove AC=BE. To sum up... Hanabi was eloquent and explained the exercises in simple and in-depth terms.

He used to work part-time as a tutor and was often surrounded by girls asking questions at school. Although the little girls all listened with great interest, it was not clear whether the real purpose was to study. Science teacher Ayase Hanabi looks a bit elegant.

Honoka lay on her stomach with her face pressed against the table, looking up at Hanabi's side face. A handsome boy with blond hair and a handsome face. He looks as good-looking as a white jade bun if you look closely. He has focused and bright eyes that never squint. People say serious men are the most handsome.

(It turns out that Hanabi-chan is a boy.)

Honoka didn't understand the sudden palpitations in her heart. The infatuated girl turned her head silently, resting her forehead against the edge of the table, suppressing her bangs, and her hair hanging down from her ears.

She remembered Hanabi's interactions with Umi Kotori. However, the two romances did not easily come to fruition.

To this day, still waiting.

Umi and Kotori occasionally show lonely expressions. The three people were obviously childhood sweethearts in their carefree time, but what stood between them was the memory of falling in love with the same boy. Sometimes Honoka feels isolated, and the seabirds chat about him and lick each other's wounds like injured animals.

(I want to take back our daily life!)

Are you listening? Hanabi asked depressedly.

It profoundly explains what one ear goes in and the other ear goes out.

I've decided! Honoka stood up and grabbed Hanabi's hand. If I can successfully complete today's study task, promise me one thing, Hanabi!

Hanabi felt uncomfortable being stared at, so she calmly evacuated her hand and said, Well, if it's within my ability. Also, change that name quickly.

Okay, I'm going to burn! Study! Honoka just tied a red headband on her forehead and wrote Love Study, but she actually immersed herself in her homework wholeheartedly.

Hanabi muttered to herself: What happened to this guy suddenly?

The author has something to say:

Haiwei: Don’t I want to lose face? My ex-boyfriend is flirting with my best friend in front of me, what should I do? Waiting online, quite urgent.

Kotori: Wait for me, Umi-chan, I'll be there soon. Of course, all the snacks turned into birds~ (°8°) tweeted

Chapter 159 Two or three incidents in Suicun

Honoka pushed away the hill-like exercise book, stretched out her arms, put her head on the table, and sighed: Finally done, I'm exhausted!

The stupid girl has a lot of enthusiasm, and she is always enthusiastic about doing things for three minutes. When she encounters trouble, she loses her energy. However, she becomes strong for the people who matter to her. Honoka Takasaka is this type. Overall, she seems to be an overly ordinary and even cute girl.

Thank you for your hard work. Please use it as a reward. Hanabi handed over a steamed bun.

Honoka was like a monkey seduced by a banana. She took one bite, and her bulging cheeks were filled with happiness. Hanabi couldn't help but want to take a bite, because the girl's round face looked sweeter than the steamed buns.

Arigado... Honoka said vaguely, Wait, you use my steamed buns to bribe me?

Hanabi laughed loudly: Have you finally discovered it?

Ah, too much!

Okay, what do you want me to do for you? Hanabi changed the subject wittily.

Honoka suddenly looked at Umi. The latter helped Honoka pack up her homework and said to herself, Don't forget, you have to do your homework tomorrow too.

(I understand that Umi-chan always takes care of me tenderly. Really, I am so clumsy. Once I lose Umi-chan and Kotori-chan, I won’t be able to survive, right? So, I want to find the happiness they lost.)

Honoka said seriously: My wish is...

Interrupted by the sudden sound from outside, Takasaka's mother shouted: Honoka, Yukiho, mom is going out for a while. Come down and look at the store together.

Eh? I just saw the most exciting part on TV, so I asked my sister to go. Boss Xuesui was not happy.

You kid.

The words reached her lips and she swallowed them back. Honoka stood up and said with a smile: I'm going down first. Hana-chan, Umi-chan will be left to you.

As soon as people go out, the Japanese sliding door closes immediately. Hanabi and Umi were the only ones left in the room, looking at each other in silence. Since their breakup, the two have returned to being just friends. Haiwei is an upright girl who will not change her style for love, and she is usually peaceful.

But at this moment, a strange emotion spread in the air.

I (I)... the two said in unison, and then fell into silence at the same time.

Hanabi paused and said, Ladies first.

I want to go down and help. Haiwei looked slightly flustered and put his hands on his skirt.

Let's go together. Hanabi smiled.

At what point did we have such a tacit understanding that we had nothing to say.

Haiwei's eyes were sore and he lowered his head to prevent him from noticing. Hanabi is a man who attracts bees and butterflies, but he always stays away from her. The lovers above AUO are not yet satisfied, and the distance is just right.

(Perhaps it is the so-called a good horse never turns back.)

After going downstairs, I saw Honoka busy receiving customers, and asked curiously: Why are you down here?

Of course I can't worry about you.

Hanabi and Umi each took a crisp white apron from the wall. Hanabi reached her hands behind her back and tied them awkwardly. As a result, I touched a pair of warm little hands. He was startled slightly and stopped moving. The familiar, delicate touch lingered for a few seconds.

Don't... move around, I'll tie it for you.


Hanabi put on plastic gloves as if nothing had happened, picked up a stainless steel bread tong with one hand, and kneaded open the food bag with the other hand. Facing the endless stream of customers, she politely said: Excuse me, what would you like?

Thanks to the fireworks, Honoka only had to wait and collect the cash, and she immediately felt much more relaxed. A pair of slender hands, like dancing butterflies, were seen picking up the steamed buns and picking them into the bag at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye. Honoka and Umi were stunned to see them.


How many years have you been single, little brother?

Hanabi smiled leisurely and said, No, I have a girlfriend.

I envy your girlfriend.

Customers marveled, attracting more passers-by to watch, which boosted business in disguise. After seeing off the last group of guests, Hanabi's forehead was already covered with beads of sweat, while Honoka and Umi were also very tired.

Honoka shouted excitedly: I want to learn this trick!

You can't learn. I used to work part-time in a bakery. Practice makes perfect. Hanabi said casually.

[Complete Memory] can perfectly hone muscle memory, making your skills as skillful as if they were refined over time. The proficiency that ordinary people accumulate by working day in and day out for several years can be achieved by Hanabi in just a few days. This is a cheat that makes learning and experience improve by leaps and bounds.

Honoka squeezed Hanabi's arm enviously. Not to mention, he does have some muscles. She muttered: With your talent, it would be a shame not to be a pastry chef.

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