Hanabi and Eri are both very kind people. Sagiri is lonely, but Arisa is the only one who has strong hostility towards Chihiro.

Hanabi smiled and said: It's okay, just call her sister, her tail will be raised high immediately.


Humph. Arisa turned away dissatisfied.

It's really hard for this kid to call a junior high school student sister.

After the meal, Hanabi drank tea and chatted, acting like the head of the family, and asked with concern: By the way, Chihiro will start school soon. Where do you go to school?

It's at Jingu High School.

Oh, it's farther than Otonogizaka. I'll drive you to and from you.

Life in the Ayase family returned to peace as before.

The author has something to say:

PS: Jingu High School is not made up by me, it is the high school where Taki from Your Name is. Qianxun is from It would be great if I had a sister. The sister you want is not discussed yet.

Next, write about Fruit King. Someone please teach me how to conquer Fruit King. It’s quite urgent to wait online.

By the way, a book friend reminded me of the previous chapter, so I will correct it. I used to know that there were many countries that allowed cousins ​​to marry, but I thought no country was stupid enough to allow brothers and sisters to get married. After checking it out, oh my god, he is really that stupid.

Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Finland, Belgium, Netherlands

→Blood relationship (father-daughter, mother-son), sexual intercourse, legal marriage

→Have the same father and mother (brother, sister, brother), you can have sex, you can legally get married

Japan is a country where sex is allowed but marriage is not allowed. Of course, there is no crime of incest in China.

On the contrary, Germany, everyone's favorite country, has always had a crime of incest among blood relatives, and only recently supported the decriminalization of marriage between brother and sister.

If Mader hadn't told me earlier, my book would have been destined to be no longer a true sister, and it was immediately boring. No more talking, I will get married first and then come back to write a book.

Chapter 157 Honoka Crisis

Who will save me! came the cry from Honoka Takasaka.

Hanabi looked at the number over and over again and said, Are you Hanayo? It's connected. Bye~

Wait, don't hang up! Hanabi-chan, I really need help from Jianghu. There are only three days left in the summer vacation, but I haven't started writing the homework yet...

Are you an elementary school student? Hanabi asked angrily, Anyway, Minami Kotori, the world's number one fruit cook, will help you complete your homework.

That's what I said, but Kotori-chan is busy working part-time, and Umi-chan is with me now... Honoka carefully removed her phone and glanced into the room.

Sonoda Umi cast a murderous look.

...I can't do it! Honoka was so frightened that she cried loudly.

Hanabi couldn't help laughing: If it were Umi-sama, he would definitely say sternly, 'Do your own thing,' and then put on a pretty face to supervise you.

Honoka was shocked: Why is it like you saw it with your own eyes?!

because of……

My former lover, Hai Wei.

Hanabi showed a faint smile, and after thinking for a moment, she agreed as she had nothing else to do in the past two days. The uneasiness caused by the end of summer vacation needs something interesting to dilute. Honoka is a person with interesting qualities.

He came to the entrance, changed his shoes, and said, Sister, I'm going to Suicun.

I know. Eri nodded and did not ask further questions.

Hanabi's schedule is often filled with girls. If Eri interferes with everything, she might be jealous all day long. His sister always gave him the utmost indulgence or doting.

Hanabi asked: Are you training today?

It's three days off. Let's relax for everyone during the last days of the summer vacation. Besides, some members still have to catch up on homework, such as a certain sophomore... Eri smiled.

So you know.

On a hot summer day, Hanabi stopped in front of a chic wooden house under the bright sun, making her sweat profusely. The signboard says Suicun. This is the wagashi shop owned by the Kousaka family. Generally speaking, it is Japanese snacks, generally including dumplings, mochi, steamed buns, dorayaki, etc.

Hanabi held her schoolbag in one hand and opened the curtain with the other and said, Excuse me.

Welcome. Ah, I remember... you are Honoka's classmate. Mrs. Kosaka said in surprise.

When Muse's friend came to see Honoka, she had seen this boy and she was somewhat impressed. He has outstanding appearance and temperament and he is the only boy. It is difficult not to remember him.

Hello, my name is Hanabi Ayase. I'm studying with Honoka. Hanabi wiped her sweat and said, The weather is really hot.

Come in quickly. Honoka is upstairs. Anyway, you must be the one teaching her to learn. I don't know how much my idiot daughter weighs.

I don’t know why, but Mrs. Kosaka’s smile was particularly bright, and she was filled with the sense of relief that “the idiot’s daughter has finally come to her senses” and “anyway, as long as the idiot can get married, she will be able to support herself”, which made Hanabi shudder. He hurriedly went upstairs and breathed a sigh of relief when he turned the corner out of sight.

Honoka's room is... Hanabi muttered, opening a door.

A girl with short brown hair, about fourteen or fifteen years old, with a slender body, cool clothes and fashionable nail polish. Hanabi immediately recognized it as Honoka's younger sister and Arisa's best friend, Yukiho Takasaka. Because I heard that my good friend Ji's brother was coming to visit, I changed my slovenly behavior at home and hurriedly grabbed my jeans and pulled them up.

Don't look at anything inappropriate.

With a pop sound, Hanabi quickly closed the door. He took a deep breath and walked to the next door, opening the door.

I heard Honoka say on the phone that Hanabi is coming and I look okay, the girl had many thoughts. While Honoka went to the bathroom, Umi stayed alone in the room and couldn't help but look in the mirror and make a stiff smile, which happened to fall into Hanabi's eyes.

Catch, a CG of Sonoda Umi’s facial expressions.

I'm sorry. Hanabi silently closed the door.

The next moment, the two girls rushed out of their respective rooms, viciously forced Hanabi into the corner, and asked with a dark face: Did you see it?!

Hanabi said calmly: Not at all. You are too close, don't you feel hot?

Five minutes later, in Honoka's room, Yukiho brought juice and snacks with a bright smile: I didn't treat you well, please use it. Arisa's brother, I often hear her nagging about you.

Really? Hanabi scratched her hair.

Now no matter how much you pretend to be a good girl, I will never believe it!

Honoka got the advantage and behaved well. She took a comfortable sip of the drink and said disgustedly like swatting away flies: Okay, Yukiho can go back and watch TV.

Yukiho's veins suddenly popped out, and she forced a smile: That's really too much, Onai-chan~

After she excused herself, there were only three people left in the room. Honoka urged impatiently: Hanabi-chan, did you bring your homework?

It turns out that the leisurely feeling before was just an act. Hanabi said, opening her school bag, I brought it with me, although I don't know how complete it is.

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