Sister, what's wrong? Hanabi was at a loss.

Eri sobbed: Mom said... When you grow up, your sister cannot marry your brother.

Hanabi defended her sister and glared at her mother.

The unscrupulous mother laughed to tears and coaxed: Erili, Russia and Japan do not allow siblings to get married.

Eri looked between her fingers eagerly and said, Then, which country allows it?

Probably none on Earth.

Eri cried even more happily.

Hanabi shouted angrily: Mother!

Okay, okay, my sister-in-law little brother is going crazy. The mother knelt down and took the two little guys into her arms, Erili, even if I can't get married in the future, my brother will love you forever.

Really? Eri opened her big, watery eyes that were red from crying.

Mom heard that kiss is proof of love. Hanabihuo, why don't you express it quickly? her mother encouraged.

Hanabi's face froze, and seeing Eri on the verge of tears, she hurriedly said: Really. I like my sister the most!

The blonde loli pouted shyly and leaned forward. Hanabi had no choice but to take a peck, feeling distracted.

My sister's first kiss tasted sweeter than candy... I'm not a lolicon!

Later, perhaps because her mood was affected, Eri lost the election. Since then, he gave up his beloved ballet and alienated his beloved younger brother.

The siblings drifted apart.

Today, ten years later, the two of them have a tacit understanding, recalling their youthful memories.

Sister, I'm sorry. If that thing hadn't happened, maybe you wouldn't have lost the election. Hanabi expressed the guilt that had been hidden for ten years.

Eri's eyes were filled with water, and she smiled slightly: It turns out that you still remember. The one who really should say sorry is my sister. If I hadn't been alienated from you, how could I have caused you to get lost.

I thought that the children's quarrels would soon be reconciled, but in the end they turned into a estrangement that was difficult to erase. Both parties were feeling guilty, and neither could speak first.

You are the perfect sister, and I am the scumbag who plays with love.

I thought you would never forgive turns out that's the case. Hanabi murmured.

Eri said excitedly: How could I hate my brother! Every time I see you trying to please me but being left out, I feel heartbroken. When I see others sending you love letters, I get crazy with jealousy! You will never treat a woman like a girl. Treat me like a friend...

Before I became a sister, I was a woman! I could be jealous, I could act coquettishly, and I also needed someone to pamper me! Eri said what was in her heart, feeling much happier.

(What...did I say? Isn’t this a confession to my brother?)


Hanabi, if you laugh again I'll get angry!

Hanabi Ninja smiled and said: Sorry, sorry, because I didn't expect that my innocent sister who is the student council president would say such things.


Is this my sister's coquettishness?

Hanabi's heart was pounding and she said, Sister, can I kiss you?

Eri said in a panic: Don't you like sneak attacks? You still need to ask me? When I celebrated my birthday, you even used it as an excuse to clean up the cream...

This time is different.

Hanabi picked up Eri and laid her down on the bed. The girl's cheeks turned red and she closed her eyes. The beautiful and slender eyelashes trembled slightly, showing the inner unrest. Hanabi was greedy for her sister's shy look, and kissed her delicate lips deeply.

(It’s actually the mouth, and it’s a wet kiss...)

Eri's mind went blank, her eyes widened, and she was intoxicated by her brother's tenderness, and responded awkwardly with her sweet tongue. Finally, I had to swallow the fluid.

The thrill of electric shock and the sense of immorality became the catalyst for excitement. Hanabi had kissed countless times, but never before had they been so intimately connected. His sister's soft and plump body pressed against his chest, but he didn't dare to press any further.

Hanabi reluctantly parted ways and said, It's been ten years, I feel so nostalgic. My sister's kissing skills haven't improved at all.

Eri's palms were sweating, and Hanabi held them gently.

She couldn't hold back her emotions and said, Teach me.

(Obviously she is the elder sister, but she couldn’t stand being kissed by her younger brother. It’s very embarrassing. She is obviously the elder sister...)


Yes... yes, it's normal for siblings who have a good relationship to kiss each other. Especially for foreigners.

Everything my sister said is right.

So, um...

Sister, be bolder, don't be shy...ah, I bit my tongue!


The siblings were lying on the bed. Eri rested her head on her brother's arm, while Hanabi turned sideways and lifted the hair beside her ears, smelling her favorite hair fragrance.

Hey, brother, can you get married later? Eri begged.

Hanabi was slightly startled and said with a smile: Based on your age, you got married earlier than me.

Japan allows men to get married at the age of eighteen and women at the age of sixteen. And Eri is already seventeen.

Eri bit her lip and said, I won't get married. When you have a wife and children, can I still stay by your side?

Hanabi calmed down and said, If you don't marry, I won't marry.

Eri turned her head, looked at Hanabi's serious expression in surprise, and smiled happily.

We actually all know that this is not possible. We are walking on the wrong road, and we just want to be wrong for a while before we arrive at the crossroads of life.

Perhaps you were my crush in my last life, so I was reborn as a sister in this life.

Don't arrange it, sister!

But why...if gods really exist, why do they want me to travel through time and become Ayase Eri's younger brother? !

Hanabi smiled palely.

Really, Lord Kami. It’s already this kind of life, even if it happens once, at least let me have a happy dream.

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