Yukino's cheeks felt slightly hot as she listened to the magnetic voice, and she said coldly: Go to hell.

When Yukino gave the gift and explained the cause and effect, Yui was stunned.

She glanced at Hanabi and said sheepishly: Thank you. But, my birthday has passed long ago. 0821 is...Hanabi's birthday!

(Even the mobile phone password is the boy’s birthday, so embarrassing!)

Yui covered her face.

There was no emotion or anger on Yukino's face. She looked at Hanabi and said, You didn't tell me on purpose, just waiting to see me make a fool of myself?

That's not true. Isn't this an opportunity for you to reconcile? Hanabi smiled lightly.

Yukino knew she meant well, but she couldn't help but get angry in front of this boy.

She simply stuffed the things into Hanabi's arms and said loudly: Congratulations, you must 'enjoy' your birthday gift!

Hey, do you think I'm a ladies' man?

Yui snickered from the side.

Hanabi said: By the way, Dango. Come to my house for dinner on the night of my birthday.

Hey! Meet the parents? I'm not ready yet! Yui grabbed the dumpling's head and whimpered like a pitiful puppy.

Hanabi didn't invite Yukino. There was no room for opening any invitations from the beginning.

At the end of August, the mainstay of the Ayase family celebrated his birthday and held a party as usual.

Arisa rolled up her sleeves and prepared to work hard in the kitchen. Eri happily put on the new apron given by her brother, but suddenly wondered: Strange, why did you choose orange?

Ding dong——

Here we come! Eri wiped her hands on her apron and walked quickly to open the door.

The black-haired girl outside the door is no stranger. Eri remembered that her name was Black Cat, that she was a cartoonist trained by Hanabi, and that they once went on a date to watch fireworks.

(Hanabi finally has a long-term lover?)

Looking up and down in Eri, the girl has good looks and temperament. She was quite satisfied and felt inexplicable emotions.

The black cat felt uneasy and quickly bowed: Well, my name is Wu Geng Liuli, and I am...

My girlfriend. Hanabi's voice broke in, smiling softly, Sister, leave this to me, you go and do your work.

Eri said angrily: Are you still afraid that I will eat her?

Liuli breathed a sigh of relief and followed Hanabi upstairs.

The doorbell rang again.

This time it was Arisa's turn to open the door and asked in surprise: Sister Yui?

Yeah hello!

Hanabi hurried down and said, This... is also my girlfriend.

Half an hour later, the dining table was enveloped in a strange atmosphere. No one dared to joke and frequently turned their attention to the protagonist celebrating his birthday.

No, it can no longer be said to be a love triangle, it is a magical isosceles triangle. Hanabi never brings her week-long lover home, which means this time she is serious about it.

Sagiri was so angry that she burst into tears, threw her chopsticks, and ran back to the room.

Sagiri. There was a worried look in the painting.

Hanabi said calmly: Don't worry about her, I will explain to her later. Today, there are guests at home.

The fireworks at this time exuded an undeniable momentum. Even Eri couldn't resist, nodded, and picked up the dishes again.

(My younger brother has grown up and become independent.)

Arisa pouted. The plan to join forces with Sagiri to punish her brother was ruined due to the Cream War.

She murmured to herself: I never expected it! I tricked my brother into dating Yukino-san, but ended up dating Yui-san?

What are you mumbling about? Hanabi turned the tail of her chopsticks and gave her a love whip.

Bullying and carefree Onii-chan! The little tiger at home immediately bared his teeth and claws.

The meal was a near miss. Everyone gathered in the living room to drink tea and chat.

Liuli wanted to help clear the tableware, but Eri dismissed her with a smile. She secretly looked at the girl named Yuigahama Yui, and logically she had to call her senpai.

Yui met her eyes and forced out a guilty smile.

Liuli had made up her mind and said calmly: I'm going back. I don't feel comfortable leaving my two sisters at home.

Hanabi picked up the car keys and followed him out of the entrance, saying, I'll drive you off.

Liuli's eyes were gentle, she stared at it for a moment, and then said softly: Yes.

This means you forgive me.

Hanabi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In the car, Liuli gave a gift. It was a black dress similar to cosplay, which matched well with the fallen angel black cat suit.

I made it myself, although I measured it for you before... Liuli's face suddenly turned red as she thought of something, I don't know if it will fit.

I like everything you do. Hanabi said, leaning forward and kissing Ruri on the cheek.

Driving! The girl stared.

(If you continue like this, you will be able to do anything frivolous in the car.)

Liuli complained on the surface, but she was actually happy in her heart.

When Hanabi returned home, Yui also wanted to leave.

Arisa held her hand and begged: Sister Yui, can you stay the night? I can give up the room and sleep with my brother.

Huh? Everyone stared at her.

Arisa broke into a cold sweat and immediately said, No, I mean you sleep with your brother.

Hmm~ Everyone looked away.

Yui blushed and waved her hands repeatedly: No, no, no.

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