Yui said happily: Isn't it great? You must make us look better, otherwise we won't forgive you!

As commanded.

In the end, Yui held Yukino's arm affectionately, and in the latter's reluctant expression, she turned into a beautiful figure in the photo album.

Thank you~

Hanabi sends the photo to Yui. According to her habit, she immediately uploads it to Moments to show off and share the joy of the day with her friends.

Yugahama! At least cut off my part!

Hey, I don't want to! Wouldn't it look very lonely if Xiaoxue is not around?

Two girls play around every day. Maybe only in front of Yui, Yukino will be a little childish like a high school girl, or maybe her IQ has been lowered.

Xiaotiao came to Hanabi's side and smiled: They have a really good relationship.


Xiaotiao quietly looked at his face and said quietly: Just like Xiaotiao and Umi-chan.


Now, time flies so fast. When I started working as a maid, I was always clumsy and throwing dishes, just like what happened yesterday. At that time, it was your piano sound... Xiaoniao smiled happily, with water in his eyes. Light.

Hanabi reached out and was about to touch the girl's budding cheek when she suddenly stopped. He passed by the bird, walked forward with his head lowered, and said, Want to hear it? I'll play it for you.

The fingertips that missed the face of deep love can only fall on the keys of the piano.

Yeah! The little bird is my...favorite!

Hanabi once again sat in front of the piano. The little bird poured a glass of water, then held his face by his side, like the most loyal listener. When the crisp sound of the piano sounded, the entire cafe stopped to listen. Yukino and Yui saw the extraordinary Hanabi.

Listen, Flower Dance.

This moment belongs to Nan Xiaoniao alone, as if he is immersed in the scene. The petals are flying in the air like stairs in the clouds. He opened his arms among the gorgeous sea of ​​flowers.

The author has something to say:

Daily abuse of birds

Chapter 146 Brothers and Sisters

There is a high-end bar called Angel Ladder on the upper floors of high-rise buildings in the city center. It is the next target of Hanabi and others. There is an unwritten rule here that customers must wear formal clothes to enter the venue, otherwise they will be turned away, thereby eliminating the chaos of mixed crowds.

The three of them took the elevator, and the indicator light came on above the twentieth floor.

Hanabi loosened her tie, feeling uncomfortable all over, and looked at Yui and Yukino again. Yui is dressed in red, as delicate as fire; Yukino is wearing a cold black dress, revealing her fair arms. They were covered in jewels and wore high heels, making them look elegant, tall and charming.

The youthful student spirit was gone.

Hanabi sighed: People rely on clothes, just like gold. Now I understand why women always like to buy clothes and jewelry.

Thank you, can I interpret it as a compliment? Yui said happily, Thanks to Xiaoxue for lending me the dress. Let me tell you, Xiaoxue's family is really big~

Yukino's demeanor after putting on the dress all showed that she was from an upper-class society.

Hanabi secretly thought: Of course, Yukinoshita's father is a member of the Chiba Prefecture Council, and her mother is of a nobler background. No wonder she could train a lady like Yukino.

Yukino didn't want to continue this topic, her expression was stiff and she said, We're here, don't forget the business.

The splendid bar has a restrained style. The lighting is dim, creating a cozy atmosphere. The crowd was in twos and threes, chatting interesting things on the stage in the hall, deliberately controlling the volume, and it was even quieter than a Western restaurant. Hanabi moved her ears and heard the melodious sound of the piano, performing only classical music.

That's...awesome! Yui couldn't resist.

The girl resisted looking around for fear of being seen as short-sighted and short-sighted.

Hanabi hugged Yui's waist, feeling soft at the beginning. He whispered: If you want to pretend to be a female companion, you should be more intimate.

Yui relied on Hanabi and smiled: Yeah!

Yukino was half a body away from them, standing with her arms folded, not knowing what she was thinking.

The bar was brightly lit, and they spotted the real owner at a glance. Kawasaki Saki looks exactly like a butler, standing straight and wiping a wine glass in a bored manner. Because there are really not many customers in this store.

Yo, Kawasaki.

Hanabi hugged Yui and sat down on the high platform. Yui hurriedly broke away, her face flushed, and there was no need to hide it in front of her classmates. However, Kawasaki's disdainful eyes were clearly on the rich second generation who was hugging each other and going out to have fun.

(It’s a pity that Yuigahama and Yukinoshita are also gold diggers.)

Kawasaki frowned and said: I said that there are always people preaching recently, and it turns out it's you who are the cause. I've heard of the Service Department, so who is the client?

Ketel one martini, dry, two olives. Hanabi smiled slightly and asked Yui in a low voice what she wanted to drink. The latter shyly said that she also wanted to try it, so Hanabi ordered a glass of whiskey mixed with green tea to take care of women. As for Yukino, he didn't need to worry about it at all.

Hearing this, Kawasaki bartended on the spot and quickly put three glasses of good-looking drinks on the bar.

Hanabi smiled and said: Kawasaki-kun doesn't seem like the legendary delinquent. Both in terms of English proficiency and skillful bartending skills.

On the contrary, you are exactly as the rumors say. Kawasaki mocked rudely, You haven't answered my question yet.

Well, it's not the first time I've been called a scumbag. Isn't it inappropriate to be entrusted by others and sell the employer's information before completing the task? You can probably guess it.

Kawasaki's movements stagnated, he changed to a goblet and continued wiping, muttering: Stupid brother.

Kawasaki-san has been working part-time at night for a long time, and he still has to complete the job internship at school. Is it very hard? Hanabi narrowed her eyes, Let me guess what your difficulties are. You have younger brothers and sisters at home, and they have reached the age of going to school. You Want to earn tuition for yourself?”

So what if I know? You are young men and young ladies who were born with a spoon in your mouth. You have no idea about the difficulties of ordinary families. Kawasaki sneered, Can you help me go to college?

The three of them were silent.

Ayase Hanabi, you have an older sister who is the student council president. If it were you, if only one of you and your older sister could advance to college, the other one would have to find a way on his own. What would you do? Kawasaki said.

Hanabi said nothing, picked up the glass and drank it down, put down the money, and left with Yuki Yukino.

Are these brothers and sisters? Yukino looked complicated.

Yes, Kawasaki Taishi didn't say it, but he was actually worried about whether his sister would sell his body. Even if there was a little misunderstanding, they still missed each other. The answer is obvious. Hanabi glanced at the bar for the last time and said, He My sister is stronger and more self-loving than anyone else, and she is a very gentle sister.

Yui got drunk after just a little bit of wine, her face flushed, and she rested her head comfortably on Hanabi's shoulder. She touched Hanabi's head and said with a smile, Do you want to compliment me on my gentleness? Yoxi, my brother is also very good.

Hanabi slapped her hand away angrily and said, Sorry, you are not my sister.

Eh? Not really! Yui said in shock.

Hanabi complained: Why do you have to look like you're done!

But remember you will hold me...kiss me... Yui said in a dreamy voice.

Hanabi coughed and interrupted, peeking at Yukino. The latter pretended not to hear, unable to hide the faint blush on his side face.

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