The two of them walked on the wooden bridge over the pond, keeping half a body distance apart. The sound of my feet stepping on the old wooden boards was covered by the crisp chirping of cicadas. The lights of the villa behind illuminated the shadows of the two people, which blurred as the light spread, casting onto the sparkling water.

Come with me to relax for a while.

Hanabi looked at the girl who didn't mean what she said and said, Okay.

The goblin sat down at the end of the wooden bridge, threw off his wooden clogs, and put his crystal-clear feet into the water, waving happily like a duckling. The handsome boy and the shy girl were reflected in the water. The mirror was broken like a mirror in the water, and ripples appeared in the girl's heart.

I have never told you about my family affairs. The goblin breathed a sigh of relief, Now I want to find someone to talk to. So you just need to be grateful and listen obediently. Although it is not a happy story.

A story about a strict mother and a rebellious daughter.

On the long summer night, the girl's voice is as beautiful as wind chimes. The goblin shows a quiet and melancholy side, which is completely different from the noisy side in front of people. Even the night wind couldn't bear to disturb it and gradually subsided.

It is precisely because of unhappiness that novelists are born. Even if it is self-satisfaction, I still want to write something beautiful and resist the reality full of regrets.

The fairy looked at Hanabi's side face in surprise and smiled softly: Really? That's what you think.


(Even if no one understands the fat house article I wrote, only you...)

I have decided. The elf raised his feet and splashed the water. He stood up on his bare feet and said energetically, From today on, I will change my job to a dark elf.

Hanabi smiled bitterly and said, You can say whatever you want. Can you put on your clogs first? Where is the paper? I'll look for it...

They are so delicate and flawless that it would be a shame if they got stained. As if coaxing a child, Hanabi picked up the fairy's three-inch golden lotus and gently wiped it. The girl put her hand on his shoulder obediently and tapped one foot. This pair is like a knight and a princess.

If Hanabi was a foot control, she might not be able to resist kissing the girl's soft and tight insteps.

At this point, the contract is established. The goblin put on his clogs with satisfaction.

Hanabi felt that it was a very bad contract, such as taking care of a wayward young lady for the rest of her life.

The goblin walked back lightly, passing Hanabi, and then said playfully: Emily, this is my real name. When the day you propose to me, you must call me by this name!

Fireflies were flying all over the sky, flying up from the ground, as if responding to the girl's sonorous words. They were like countless cheerful forest elves, gathering into spiral ribbons, surrounding the two of them, like a fairyland on earth. Under the beautiful scenery, the girl's bright eyes were like dancing flames.

At this moment, she was a fairy favored by nature, as if even fireflies were paying tribute.

I have indeed received this contract called love.

Okay, Emily.

Wait... didn't you agree to wait until the day of the proposal? The goblin huffed and put his hands on his hips.

Hanabi couldn't help laughing: Because I like you, I can't help but confess to you every word from now on. I'm afraid I won't be able to wait, so... leave a mark first.

The fireflies were like bright aurora, erratic and enveloped the two of them. Hanabi slowly lowered her head and kissed the elf lightly on the forehead. This feeling and scene turned into the girl's most romantic memory.

The author has something to say:

Real name liberated! Emily Arturia Pendragon, EX Curry Stick!

Chapter 128 Game of Kings

I just hope you have a better ending.

Demon King, wake up.

A soft voice came to his ears, Hanabi opened his eyes drowsily, and saw the fairy sitting on him with a smile. Hanabi woke up from the memory of fireflies flying. When he touched his side, he found that it was empty and the quilt had been cold for a long time. He immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the time with Shiyu was staggered, otherwise it would be Shura Field again.

Hanabi smiled and said, Good morning, Emily.

The goblin thought that every call was a confession, and blushed unsatisfactorily. Doesn't he look like he's been eaten to death by the Demon King? Her eyes evaded and she said: Good morning, so, just like what is written in the dead house novel, I want to give you good morning...


No! The goblin looked embarrassed.

So it's Morning Kiss? If you don't mind that I haven't washed up yet. Hanabi put her arm around the girl's waist and stopped teasing.

(How could you mind?)

The goblin lowered his head in confusion as if he had drunk alcohol. The moment they were about to kiss, the door was knocked open with a bang, and the uninvited guest interrupted the tenderness between the two of them.

Murasaki was wearing a pink yukata and holding a spoon in one hand. Apparently he came in a hurry while making breakfast. He gritted his teeth and said, You sneaky cat!

Tch~ The goblin felt very regretful.

Just when she was reluctant to get off Hanabi, the latter pecked her lips with lightning speed. The goblin covered Cherry's little mouth in confusion, while Cun Zheng screamed and couldn't speak.

(The first gone.)

Sorry, I don't like to leave regrets. in line with the fact of cheating. Hanabi smiled.

(He is clearly a carefree villain, so why can’t he be hated by others?)

The goblin also bent his eyes and smiled.

There are many round tables in the tea restaurant in the villa. Everyone had breakfast and got together to chat. The three remained silent on the previous farce. The goblin soon stopped laughing.

Teacher Yamada Fairy. Chris said with a serious smile, Don't forget about the game producer. You are not allowed to go there all day long until the work is completed.

Eh- The goblin lay on the table in frustration.

Then, Chris said politely: Everyone, I have to go to work first, and I didn't treat you well.

Shido Kunimitsu and Izumi Masamune looked at each other and said quickly: Chris-san, I don't know if there is anything we can do to help. Besides, there are many things to learn from our seniors.

Chris Yamada is a famous editor who has made many first-rate light novelists famous, aside from fairies. And Guoguang is also the newcomer he brought, so it is almost understandable to set him up. The so-called writer does not just write novels, but also has connections and resources. This is the reality.

Chris glanced flatly, nodded and said, Follow me.

Shiyu watched the three of them go away, with a hint of ridicule on the corner of his mouth: It's really boring.

Why don't Hanabi-kun go? This is an opportunity. Murasaki asked.

After all, he is not a writer of the same faction. Hanabi looked at Goblin with a gentle look, I think this is more important. Goblin, did the game producer encounter any difficulties...

Yeah, I'm finally free! Let's play games while my brother is away! The goblin jumped up happily, stretched out, and wondered, What's wrong?

Hanabi smiled helplessly: It's nothing.

This is the carefree fairy. It’s okay to be playful, we can make up for it together later.

Hoho, when it comes to the seaside in summer, there must be watermelon beatings, fireworks, courage trials, and... the king's game! The goblin was already prepared. He took out a set of playing cards and introduced the rules, There are four people here. . Then, take 1 (A), 2, 3 and the king. The person who draws the king card can order any two people to do one thing!

Everyone is no stranger to the game of kings. During this period, the goblin and Cun Zheng suddenly slipped aside and whispered, which looked suspicious at first sight. When they returned, the two girls had bright smiles on their faces.

The first round of the game begins! The elf opened the cover and said, Lucky, I am the king! What order should I give~

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