It's so noisy! Shiyu shook his hand and knocked over the carton.

Little gifts were scattered all over the floor, crackling like broken pearls.

The girl with long black hair and straight hair felt a little angry about getting out of bed. She rubbed her eyes and said impatiently: You have been very noisy since just now.

The classroom was silent, and Shiyu vaguely understood the situation. Eri's hands froze in the air, and a trace of anger appeared on her face, which quickly disappeared. She knelt down silently and packed her things.

A trace of guilt flashed in Shiyu's eyes, and he didn't care about the criticism from others, just staring at the blond girl.

Why don't you blame me?

Eri said: I know you didn't mean it.

I see, as long as you use 'carelessness' as an excuse, will you forgive me? You are such a great student council president. Ayase Eri, living your life as others expect is a happy thing for you. ? Shiyu's sharp eyes saw through the girl's true nature in an instant.

Eri suddenly emphasized her tone: You don't need to worry about it, Kasumigaoka!

Shiyu showed a wicked smile.

(One day, I accidentally steal your most precious thing, and you will reveal your true weakness.)

(I am looking forward.)

One year later, on Christmas Eve, Eri and Arisa went home carrying large and small bags.

Arisa jumped up and down, wanting to surprise her family first and open the door first. Eri couldn't help laughing, but also felt disappointed.

(Hanabi must be dating another girl, right?)

The warm home is about to come into view, but Eri feels bored.

At the same moment, everywhere in Tokyo, everyone's life is moving at their own pace. Pedestrians hurried, there were couples quarreling with each other, and there were also lonely girls.

Touma endured the cold and opened Ayase's email, but only waited for ordinary greetings. She stopped on the street blankly, suddenly raised her delicate face, and murmured: It's snowing.

Yukino stood by the frozen fountain in the park, wrapping her scarf tightly.

(That guy won’t come, and which girl has he been seduced by?)

Yukino took a step forward and walked on the sidewalk in despair, passing by the flying black hair. The two girls suddenly looked back, recognized each other's identity, nodded in greeting, and felt a sense of sympathy for each other.

(They are idiots who like the same person.)

Really white and wearing a pink fluffy coat. Even in the harsh winter, she wore a cute dress and sat silently on the bench. There is more and more snow, and it will fall if you lower your head. His frozen little face had an unhealthy blush, white mist came out of his mouth, and his eyes gradually blurred.

I also want to spend Christmas with Hanabi.

Finally, the girl fell down weakly, and the voice of the black cat came to her ears: Mashiro-senpai, wake up!

On the upper floor of the hotel, Shiyu only wore a bathrobe and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, with a panoramic view of the snowy scenery of the entire city. She made coffee as she and Hanabi often stayed up late writing together. At this time, the phone lit up and she answered the call, her happy expression instantly solidified.

I've even booked a room, but you dare to let me go! Shiyu gritted her teeth, Ayase...Hanabi! Just go spend the holidays with your precious sister, and don't come back to see me! No, don't even think about it. Get into my bed!”

Listen to my explanation... The ringing mobile phone was thrown out by the girl and shattered into pieces.

Shiyu fell on the bed, pressing his forehead with the back of his hand. I suddenly felt the urge to cry.

(Even if I give you all my most precious things, I still can’t be your only one.)

Why do you make me so vulnerable? My phone is broken. Shiyu's eyes dimmed, Forget it, let him compensate me, I have to squeeze that guy dry. Really...

(You won, Ayase Eri.)

The door slowly opened, and Eri stared blankly at the boy's sunny smile.

Hanabi, why...

I'm not going anywhere today, I just want to spend time with my family. Hanabi thoughtfully took the things and looked back at the entrance with a smile, Ah, I forgot to mention it. Sister, welcome back.

Eri also smiled: Well, I'm back!

Long live Onii-chan!

Hey, you are so old, and you are jumping on me! Get down quickly, Arisa!

The brother and sister were playing around. Hanabi struggled to free herself, and touched her neck with lingering fear. Almost strangled to death. With such a big commotion, other members of the family also opened the door and gathered in the living room.

Oh? Sagiri can actually take the initiative to walk out of the room, which is a good improvement.

Sagiri was dissatisfied with being treated like a child and pouted: If I want to, of course I can do it!

Hanabi smiled and turned to look at the boy with short hair, as delicate as a woman, and the younger brother he cared about most.

Qianxun, you have been coming to our house for a while. Let's have a lively Christmas together, because we are family.

Family? Qianxun was in a daze for a while, then firmly said, I understand, Aniki (eldest brother).

(I want to protect this daily life.)

Dang Dang Dang! Arisa jumped out in Christmas clothes, looking petite and cute. When it comes to gifts, of course I have to become Santa Claus!

Hanabi complained: A woman with her own sound effects. Besides, things like Santa Claus don't work when people see her.

Scare! Arisa muttered with a distressed look on her face, If I had known, I would have sneaked into my brother's room in the middle of the night...

I heard it all.

Qianxun asked curiously: Hey, where did this suit of clothes come from?

I can customize it casually. Anyway, I swiped my card. Arisa said with a smile.

This girl is absolutely pampered. Well, there's nothing bad about it.

Ayase Eri appeared at the top of the stairs coquettishly. The golden ponytail is like the bright sunshine in winter. She was wearing a red and white Christmas dress that was one size smaller. Not only did a pair of pink and jade-carved arms leak out, but the plush dress was too short to be seen. The girl suppressed her shyness and held down the hem of her skirt, but she still couldn't stop the happy couple.

Arisa, did you order the wrong model?! Eri shouted angrily.

Arisa rubbed her hair in embarrassment: Ah, I'm sorry, it seems to be the same size as Arisa.

From the perspective of Hanabi looking up, it's a feast for the eyes.

This is the absolute realm, no, it is the truth of the universe hidden in the stunning scenery!

Hanabi covered her nose, gave Arisa a thumbs up and said, Great job! Double your pocket money next month!

Brother! Eri yelled, only becoming more lethal.

The family happily decorates the Christmas tree.

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