It's too much, it's too much, meow! Rin cried out in anger and hit her with a tortoise fist.

In the end, it was Hanayo who comforted Rin; while Ruby was hugged by Hanamaru and comforted gently. The hot water looks like lilies in bloom.

Nicole sat alone in the corner, checked her chest, and found that she was the smallest in the room, and she was petrified in silence.

Strange, why are there bath towels here? Yao picked up a towel from the water. Looking around, everyone's bath towels were placed on the shore. After all, no clothing can be brought into the hot spring, otherwise it would be very rude.

Riko said: Did Chika forget to clean the bathhouse? It's so careless.

Eh? But yesterday I clearly... Qian Ge muttered.

Everyone understood it and smiled knowingly. Honoka and Chika are both stupid girl types. Qiange struggled for a while, and even she began to doubt her memory, thinking it was an oversight.

Nozomi suddenly looked at Eri who had been hiding behind the stone. She is aware of her best friend's conservative character, but she doesn't feel out of place because of her hot spring baths. A flash of panic flashed in Eri's eyes, and her face turned unusually red. Xi looked thoughtful and crossed her arms, making her look fuller. Even she gets shy sometimes and then lets go.

Everyone, if you keep soaking in this place, you will become a useless person.

Huh? But I still want to soak for a while. Honoka complained.

Hai Weishi smiled and said, I'm talking about you.

Why don't we go back to the room and play cards? Does μ's have a ghost-drawing king? Xi said with a smile.

Haiwei looked embarrassed, he didn't have the confidence to count the fallen ears but the fruits. There were eighteen girls present, so she couldn't be the loser every time, right? At this time, Haiwei felt proud and agreed.

But, if you don't go home... Some members of Aqours hesitated.

Then let's live together. I always feel like there are endless things to talk about and endless games to play. This is how we stay together at the beach! Honoka said happily.

Genuine feelings are contagious. The girls have formed a deep bond. Someone was ready to make a move and persuaded Qiange to get more bedding so that everyone could make bunks on the floor. The 100,000,000-yuan hotel bed and bed linen is probably going to be robbed. The idiot group has already discussed what kind of puzzle they will lay out on the tatami.

Senior Eri won't come? Deiya asked hopefully.

Eri said perfunctorily: I...want to stay a little longer. You guys can play first.

Xi said meaningfully: Don't be stunned by the hot water vapor.

Eri's heart seemed to be beating wildly, and she forced herself to cheer up. Everyone said hello to her, put on towels and walked out of the bath. Finally, even the locker room gradually became quiet.

Hanabi got out of the bath, breathing heavily. Only at this time, my sister's beautiful figure became a liability and almost caused a breast murder case. He just breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Eri suddenly falling down, her chest being compressed, and there was a wonderful, soft touch, as if he could even hear the girl's heartbeat.

Hanabi raised her hands to show her innocence and asked tentatively: Sister?

Eri's eyes were closed tightly, her face was flushed, she was dripping with sweat, and she had lost consciousness.

Hanabi's heart trembled. Could it be that she had heat stroke? He didn't care that the girl's body was open and closed and full of spring. He stood up with his sister in his arms, and the water poured from their bodies like a waterfall. When he touched the shore, his whole body felt bad.

Why is there only one bath towel left?

Xi sat in the room with a group of girls, playing with towels boredly, saying to herself: Ah, I accidentally took an extra one. Well... forget it.

The girl showed a sly smile.

(Eri-chan, I can only help you so far.)

Xi sniffed the bath towel, smiled foolishly, and thought to herself: It smells like my younger brother...

Hanabi's inner world is at war. There is only one bath towel, who is it going to be used as a fig leaf for? He smiled to himself, looking at Eri's face with love. Only when Eri is invisible can it be left undisguised.

Isn't the answer obvious?

Even if I am regarded as a streaking pervert, I still have to protect my sister.

The towel swirled around, wrapping the girl's body as white as jade. Hanabi was protected in a princess hug, and she couldn't explain why she was caught jumping into the Yellow River. In such a predicament, he felt so passionate that he wanted to shout Ola Ola like the protagonist in a hot-blooded comic. He suddenly exerted force on his feet and rushed towards the room like the wind.

Dong dong dong——

Footsteps passed down the corridor.

Just... was there anyone outside? Xiaoniao opened the door and looked around, but found nothing.

In the Ayase siblings' room, Hanabi helped Eri tuck the blanket, twisted the cool towel and placed it on her forehead. After a while, Eri woke up, sat up, and slid the wet towel to her chest. She realized she was naked and hurriedly grabbed a corner of the blanket.

Do you feel better? Hanabi was sitting in front of her, still wrapped in a bath towel.

The girl said nothing and sat hugging her knees. Slowly, like a tiny caterpillar, it moved dozens of centimeters toward the corner of the room. The mattress was so wrinkled that it could no longer protect the girl's buttocks, so she sat down on the cold tatami.

Such aggrieved and shy sister looks so cute!

Hanabi laughed dumbly and said, Sister, you are gone.

Eri closed her legs in a hurry and ladylike manner. Hanabi inexplicably thought of a very dirty word - too happy to close her legs, and it was because of her resentment. This hot spring incident was like a dream. In that situation, the siblings had almost no secrets. I don’t know how many times I have looked at it and touched it so many times.

My sister was wrapped in a quilt, protecting herself like a shell.

Hanabi couldn't get rid of her defenses, so she had to say: Then, let's go to bed early. Or go play cards with them.

Eri neither said yes nor bad, her eyes were blurred.

Turning off the lights, the siblings fell asleep back to back for the first time.

Hanabi was a little disappointed. Maybe I have hurt my sister forever, and maybe I can never go back to a pure relationship.

In the darkness, the girl gently untied the blanket and whispered into his ear. The warm breath made his ears itch, giving him the illusion that his sister was picking out his brother's ears. The gentle voice instantly caused Hanabi to reach intracranial orgasm.

Good night.

The author has something to say:


Chapter 110 Whirlpool

There is no banquet in the world that never ends. μ’s met a group of lively and lovely juniors and fought side by side. It was a precious adventure. This journey has finally come to an end.

Everything is packed. Eri said.

Hanabi stood by the window, looking out at the blue sea for the last time. The young man put his hands in his pockets, his broken hair messy in the wind, and his indifferent and sunny smile.

Well, let's go. He responded softly and picked up the suitcase.

Eri felt a little sentimental in her heart. Not only are they reluctant to leave their new friends, but they are also greedy for the time alone between siblings.

(will not forget.)

A forbidden seed was planted in the girl's heart, and she didn't know when it would grow into a towering tree.

(The memories with my brother will never be forgotten.)

There have been times of shyness, embarrassment, awkwardness... and more of a feeling of compatibility. The relationship between Eri and Hanabi is not as good as that of ordinary siblings. There is only a thin veil between their hearts.

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