

The girls laughed and cursed.

The brand new fake standing in front of Aqours made everyone exclaim. μ’s is about to take the stage at the school information session, and Aqours is also going to the Lovelive concert by car.


Come on!

They were united and high-fived each other goodbye.

Uranohoshi Academy's information session for the public was deserted. There are only a few spectators in the school auditorium, which reduces the risk of being exposed. Honoka was stunned, remembering the empty First Live. The situation is so similar. When Muse was in the most pain and depression, he wished someone could lend a helping hand.

It's the same now.

(I want to give them a hand.)

Well, we are Academy Idol A...Aqours! Honoka almost forgot how to pronounce the word. The other members smiled stiffly and roared inwardly: How can there be an idol who can even forget his own name?

Listen, Mermaid festa!

The beautiful girl sings the voice of a mermaid, which seems to have the magic power to charm humans. The little girls in the audience fell into intoxication. Later, when they found out that Aqours had never released this song, they would probably feel weird, like having a mermaid dream.

Are you still dreaming? It's full of childish dreams.

whisper in your ear

I just sighed with my eyes closed, and it wasn't because of you

The moonlight shines on me and merges into the sea water

Before jumping into the sea, I looked at you with such affection

But I won't tell's a secret

The graceful figure dances to the melody. The jade-white hands were placed on the hem of the skirt, as if the mermaid's tail was swinging lightly, making ripples of blue waves, indescribably graceful. The choreography of this song is of unparalleled beauty. The girl danced non-stop until the mermaid's love faded into nothingness at dawn, and she reluctantly said goodbye.

I am really happy!

Thank you.

We'll meet again, right?

I'm so lonely...

That's it.

Eri looked heroic, crossed the crowd, and said goodbye in a cold tone: Goodbye (Russian).

μ's mermaid

While the audience was still immersed in the singing, Muse quietly slipped away from the backstage, leaving the rest to the students of the school. In the dusk of sunset, they ran along the coastline, their laughter and laughter carried by the sea breeze.

Aqours' game is about to begin.

Hurry up!

Wait for me……

In the coffee shop on the first floor of Shiqian Hotel, the TV broadcasts the Lovelive qualifying matches in Shizuoka area simultaneously. Hanabi held a cold drink in her hand, chatting and laughing with the landlady, looking forward to Chika and the others' appearance.

After a while, everyone rushed in panting, pointing at Hanabi and saying, Ah, how cunning, you actually escaped first!

No, I am very confident in everyone's ability to perform on the spot. Hanabi quibbled.

Unconsciously, the muse is growing. Even if they encounter an emergency and perform on an unfamiliar stage, they can handle it well.

Everyone crowded together to watch TV, and the small coffee shop could hardly fit in the room.

At this time, Holy Snow took the lead. Shikaku Seira and Shikaku Riya are looking cool and handsome in cool-toned military uniforms. With his cute ponytail exposed under the hat, Shengliang lowered the brim of his hat to eye level and smiled confidently: Everyone, are you ready?

The rapid prelude sounded, it was Senbonzakura. Just as Hanabi expected, the Shengliang sisters were very reductive and performed this palace-level divine song with full expressiveness.

They are so amazing! At this level... they are almost catching up with A-rise, right? Hua Yang admired.

They can't help but worry, can Aqours really defeat such a powerful enemy?

When nine young and bright girls appeared on the stage, everyone realized that their worries were unnecessary. The girls pulled up their hair in buns, revealing their pink necks, and dressed in Showa-style attire. They stood out first and immediately attracted everyone's attention. With their colorful kimonos and swirling dance steps, Aqours seems to blend into the long night, enjoying the beautiful scenery together.

The author has something to say:

With some more benefits, the dungeon can finally be cleared. No one will read when I write LL. I will starve to death if I go underwater.

Chapter 106 Flower Bonfire

In the Shizuoka area, Aqours won and won the ticket to the Lovelive finals in September. Everyone happily welcomed their triumphant friends and decided to hold a celebration banquet.

Mari Obara has been influenced by American culture since she was a child, and she suggested without hesitation: When it comes to a happy party, it must be BBQ!

The girls were attracted and interested, and that was it. The white sand beach is shrouded in twilight. Before dinner time, a total of eighteen beautiful girls with different styles put on their swimsuits and ran to the sea with joy. Splashing water, playing, and laughter like silver bells could be heard from afar.

They were really stifled.

Gao Haizhiman drove his own minivan to transport picnic supplies. She sat in the driver's seat, rolled down the window, and looked at the children's backs lovingly.

Wearing only swimming trunks, Hanabi showed off her well-proportioned figure. She stepped on the beach and walked slowly and slowly, saying, Thank you for your hard work, Shiman-san. I'll move the things.

Thank you. The boss lady's eyes drooped and she smiled kindly, Hanabi-kun still works hard without complaining. My little girl is spoiled. Even if she becomes an idol, she is still a playful person.

Everywhere, someone has to do something. Hanabi is used to being a coolie. After all, he is the only boy, so he would be embarrassed to play wildly with the girls all day long without putting in some effort.

In the countryside, the rules are loose and do not hinder the making of fires. Gao Haijia's Shiwanwan Hotel is very down-to-earth. Bringing relatives and friends to the beach is like the most simple farmhouse.

Hanabi chose a place with beautiful scenery and little sea breeze, and moved the stove, charcoal, ingredients, marble soda... one by one to the beach. Making a fire was a technical job, and he managed it after blowing ashes all over his face. The bonfire lit up the night sky, flickering on and off, reflecting the sparkling waves of the sea not far away, and the graceful figure of the girl was looming.

The poetic and picturesque scenery touched the fireworks. He sang softly in the night.

In thoughts that are about to be forgotten

Light a lamp, like a firefly

It's what made me fall in love with you

A light aroma that makes people nostalgic

It always makes me very anxious

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