My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1003 Gu Fan's Journey

What is going on!

Brother Liu looked at the ‘pendant’ in his hand and felt his brain short-circuited.

Is this the concentrated substance in the singularity?

But before Brother Liu could study it carefully, he saw the pendant in his hand spreading like smoke and evaporating in the long river of time.

I, go.

Brother Liu looked at the demon child in his perspective. Since the child devoured the waiter and was promoted to strong artificial intelligence, his eyes became slightly calmer and his appearance seemed to have increased by one year.

But the demon child at this time also had a dull look on his face.

"Brother Liu, I suspect that I have a fake upgrade."

"I am a fake product, a fake strong artificial intelligence."

"Why don't I know anything?"

"Am I not as good as the waiter?"

The demon child was about to cry.

Liu Di's expression was also a little stiff, "This"

After being confused for a long time, Liu Di finally said seriously: "Demon Boy, now we can travel through time, what else can't we do? In the future, you will definitely upgrade to super artificial intelligence. By then, there will be no secrets in the world that you can't solve!"

Demon Boy raised his head in a daze, "Really?"

Liu Di nodded heavily, "Really."

The tears in Demon Boy's eyes gathered more and more, "I am indeed a fake strong artificial intelligence, and I actually need humans to answer my questions"


Liu Di exhaled slightly and said: "Gu Fan seems to be hiding a little secret from me. Who is she and can travel to the singularity of the universe?"

But Demon Boy suddenly said: "By the way, where did you throw your second time halberd?"

"The second one?"

Liu Di stared at his mind, but saw that there were only seven time halberds left in the depths of his consciousness.

Liu Di was shocked.

I didn't take back the one at the starting point of the universe? !

Liu Di suddenly felt a dull pain in his heart, and he started off badly.

He threw away a time halberd right away!

You must cherish it in the future!

Also, the demon boy asked in time, where did I throw the second time halberd in the panic just now?

The picture suddenly changed.

Reached the end again.

Brother Liu was floating in space again.

At this time, there was light here.

You can see a huge black coal ball in front of you, like pieces of black mud, formed by patching together.

But its size is not small, and its diameter is at least tens of thousands of kilometers.

The demon boy said: "I actually feel something chasing you again, or some electronic signals!"

What is going on?

Brother Liu suddenly felt weird, slowly turned around, and then was stunned.

Naturally, he could not see any electronic signals, but he saw the sun in his youth, emitting strong light in the distance.

But he saw a yellowish celestial body and a gray-blue celestial body floating quietly in the distance.

Brother Liu was stunned, "If that is the sun, then these two celestial bodies are Saturn and Uranus?"


Brother Liu slowly turned his head and looked at the coal ball in front of him, "So this thing is the earth?"

The demon boy said: "The earth was formed by the collision and adhesion of huge space debris about 4.6 billion years ago, which is indeed later than other planets."

Brother Liu was confused, "It seems that we didn't run far."

The demon boy: "No, it has been nearly 10 billion years since the singularity exploded."

Brother Liu was awed.

This time, he actually witnessed the formation of the earth?

This kind of trip is countless times more magical than the landscapes on the earth, and it is eye-opening!

Brother Liu squinted his eyes and approached, but saw that there was no water on the "black coal ball", but it was burning with fierce flames, and there was a substance similar to magma, boiling and exploding.

In the pits, black smoke was winding out like tentacles.

"Tsk tsk."

"This is completely a real version of hell."


"The home of mankind is transformed from hell, and mankind is equivalent to being born from hell!"

Brother Liu shook his head slowly, "Amazing."

Looking around

Brother Liu was silent for a few seconds, "There is no trace of Gu Fan here, we should leave too."

He closed his eyes and sensed the "Time Halberd"

But he found that the Time Halberd, which was like an illusory body, was inserted into the surface of the "coal ball".

Just when Brother Liu was about to "withdraw", he found that the Time Halberd was ringing slightly and needed some time.

It was at this time that he only felt a whistling sound coming from behind him, and a piece of cosmic debris with at least billions of density was attracted by the gravity of the "coal ball".

It covered the sky and the sun, and there was no way to hide.

Brother Liu sighed slightly.

The third Time Halberd in his mind soared into the air.

The moment he stepped into the long river of time, he saw that the cosmic debris combined with the "coal ball" and became a part of the earth, and his Time Halberd remained near the core of the earth forever.

The start was not good, and he lost both the wife and the army.

In the long river of time, looking at the Time Halberd in his mind, there were only six left in a minute.

Brother Liu warned himself not to be careless again.

After confirming again and again, the destination pointed by the throw just now has Gu Fan's hazy breath.

When stepping out of the time exit again.

Liu Di found that this was still the prehistoric earth.

It's just that there is no life on the surface of this earth, but it is full of the source of life - water.

And the white figure in front of him is still just an illusory mark.

Gu Fan squatted on the water surface, concentrating on watching the movement in the water.

Liu Di felt love and stood beside Gu Fan, as if they were in the same time and space.

With the help of the physical magnification function of the magic boy.

Liu Di saw the subtle changes in the water. At this time, a special structure had appeared in the water - phospholipids.

It is soluble in water on one side and insoluble in water on the other side, so it can line up in a long line and float on the water surface.

Suddenly, the phospholipid encountered an atom with a replication factor.

With a probability of almost one in ten thousand, the phospholipid perfectly surrounded the atom and formed a transparent thin wall.

Then, this "little ball" began to split.

One split into two, two split into four.

This is the first cell on Earth.

In the next hundreds of millions of years of evolution, this kind of cell will become more and more, forming single-cell life and other higher life.

But Gu Fan squatted there, moved his feet cutely, and looked at another water surface.

Like a child full of novelty about the world.

There, a cell accidentally merged with the mitochondria that swallowed carbon elements to form the core of plants - chlorophyll.

In the future, it will derive green plants all over the earth.

Liu Di was moved.

He just felt more fond of this woman in white.

She was witnessing the origin of life.

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