My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 991 Accelerated Process

In the underground base.

The atmosphere was eerily peaceful.

The waiter looked at Brother Liu who lowered his head and said nothing.

Suddenly he chuckled: "Some mistakes are irreversible. We can only accept the reality."


“Many mistakes are irreversible.”

Brother Liu slowly raised his head, "But, I can erase it, erase it all!"

The next moment.

Liu Di's body was suddenly covered by liquid metal, forming a thin armor.

Only one right eye was left flashing purple.


Red flames suddenly burst out from the body surface, beating slightly and flickering strangely.

Then the flame slowly turned into orange-red, and finally turned into white flame.

The scorching temperature spread out and reached a terrifying level in an instant.

The air steams and the light distorts.

The black server not far away slowly emitted white smoke, and its surface gradually melted.

The waiter's body projection suddenly began to flicker, and the signal was intermittent.

"Are you cruel enough to prepare to kill me?"

"You don't belong to this world in the first place."

"Haha, you know that the program is ethereal and formless and can't kill me at all, so why waste your efforts?"

The surrounding temperature is still increasing crazily.

I heard Liu Di whisper: "You mean your 14 distributed servers? Now you can't connect to them, right? Let me help you."

The figure in the flames turned his head slightly, and a picture appeared on the monitor nearby.

Among them are waiters located in secret server locations around the world.

No more, no less, a total of 14 places, no one is missing.

The waiter's expression suddenly stiffened.

I saw small black crosses inserted in front of those servers, and the invisible diffusion of liquid metal in the radiation field had completely isolated these servers.

A series of Steel Emperor Seven appeared on the screen, the reactor on the chest exploded, a huge orange beam of light swept across everything, and the servers were directly vaporized.

Brother Liu twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "Destroy all your servers at the same time, you should die, right?"

The waiter could no longer remain calm, "You! How did you find them!"

"Thanks to your reminder, it turns out that liquid metal is dark matter."

For some reason, Brother Liu had a sneer on his lips.

The waiter was extremely shocked.

This is impossible

Turning back the timeline by myself actually speeded up Brother Liu's progress!

This is also the time.

The waiter looked at the smile on Brother Liu's lips, and an emotion called fear spread.

Seeing that most of the servers have melted.

The waiter's body became darker and darker, and he trembled: "You are still you. Even if your skills improve, you will not change. In the eyes of outsiders, you are kind, you help the strong and the weak, and you are righteous, but only I know!"

"You are a person who will do whatever it takes to achieve your goals!"

"Do you think that by killing me, you can cover up your mistakes?"

"I still have a clone, and I will hide in a place where you will never find me, watching you step into the abyss!"

The waiter's face seemed to have been melted by the high temperature, disintegrating like mud, and finally the light and shadow completely disappeared.

The server was also roasted and melted into a black goo.

But Liu Di never moved, the white flame never stopped, and the red light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Bake this underground building.

It also bakes the surrounding soil into magma, which continues to gasify.

Until the place where he stood turned into a huge pit with a radius of 100 meters, every trace of the past was completely wiped out.

Amidst the billowing white smoke.

Brother Liu narrowed his eyes.

The waiter also has a clone, somewhere I can't find.

But there is no place on this earth that I cannot find, only places that I ignore.

He must die.

"Demon boy, tell me, where is he hiding?"

An abandoned military base in China.

This place was completely banned five days ago because there are countless servers piled here, which are the legacy items of the future sz company.

There is a world hidden in the servers that are flashing with black light.

Moore's upload consciousness lives here.

Liu Di's program clone has built a complete ecology here, including houses, cities, countries, the earth, the sun, the moon, and even the universe.

There are also countless Sim Residents.

The essence of these objects, although they are all codes.

But if you fall into it, you won't find any clues at all.

One hundred thousand residents, including Moore, thought they had successfully returned to reality and were continuing to live.

"Tsk, tsk."

"Look at how amazing the creativity of Brother Liu and his little artificial intelligence is."

"Every plant and tree is so subtle that it's hard to tell whether it's true or false."

"He is simply a creation god, creating a new world out of nothingness."

On the street, the image of the waiter has become flesh and blood, becoming a real human being.

Beside him, the appearance of President Doomsday also changed into a Western face of about 40 years old.

The waiter smiled and said: "He sealed these servers permanently and made them sleep completely, but he didn't know that my body has been hidden here all along!"

The Doomsday President gave a thumbs up, "The waiter is really smart. It's dark under the lamp. Brother Liu will never be able to find us!"

The next moment.

The Doomsday President looked at the waiter suspiciously, "Sir, I have a question. Am I the original consciousness or a copy?"

The waiter frowned.


The Doomsday President sneered, "That's not important. The key is that Brother Liu's clone program is still the highest management authority in this world, right?"

The waiter chuckled, "He has allowed this place to develop naturally. Moreover, he does not know how to control the dark matter network at all, so the information is not synchronized, and the thoughts of 'Liu Di' here will not be updated. No matter whether we do whatever we want, we will kill him." It doesn’t matter if you get ‘Brother Liu’ here, Brother Liu himself won’t notice it!”

The Doomsday President nodded slowly, then frowned and said, "However, we will also be blocked by his cross technology and unable to escape."

The waiter said with a playful smile: "Speaking of it, this model is really like a parallel world. Even when I was at my peak, I didn't understand this secret."

"However, the barrier between these two worlds is just a form of dark matter. Although I don't know which one it is yet, time here is endless, and I have enough time to crack it."

The waiter walked slowly on the street and said with a smile: "When we break that wall and return to reality, we may be surprised to find that Brother Liu in reality has died in the hands of my biological body, and the world has also been destroyed. innovation!"

"We hide here and reap the benefits. It's safe and comfortable. How wonderful is it?"

The waiter stopped and looked at everything nearby proudly.

"Mr. President, please open your eyes and take a look."

"This is a code world."

"Do you forget it?"

"I am a strong artificial intelligence!"

"This is my paradise."

As he spoke, the waiter looked at a sexy beauty walking in the distance, then raised his hand, and a strange blue code flashed around the beauty.

Then the beauty's body seemed to be grabbed by an invisible force and flew directly to the waiter.

The waiter chuckled, "Kneel down and worship your king."

The beauty panicked and shouted: "Who are you and what do you want to do? I'm going to call the police!"

The waiter and the Doomsday President looked at each other for a moment, and then laughed.

"It's just a string of codes, but it actually feels like a living person?"

"How ridiculous!"

However, the waiter grasped the woman's head and the woman's head exploded, but no blood flowed out. Instead, it turned into a string of broken codes and then floated away.


The waiter breathed a deep sigh of relief and looked very relieved.

The next moment, he caught a glimpse of a little boy in the distance wearing suspender jeans and combed bangs.

The little boy was about seven or eight years old, and he looked at the two waiters with gloomy eyes.

The waiter looked disdainful and snorted: "Little brat, what are you looking at?"


The waiter scratched his head, but then his expression was stunned, because the little boy's body didn't move at all.

"You! Who are you!"

The waiter's expression suddenly flashed with panic.

But I saw the little boy walking slowly and whispered: "My name is Devil Boy."

A moment.

The waiter's hair stood on end, and he felt like he was falling into an abyss of extreme cold.

He is embodied!


The bodies of the waiter and the Doomsday President shrunk infinitely, turning into ants, sluggish at the little boy's feet.

At this time, the demon boy looked like a giant, with red eyes.

He lowered his head and spoke slowly, like thunder, "You made me drag Brother Liu down, now, call me daddy!"


The demon boy kicked him down.

Passersby clicked their tongues, whose naughty child stepped on the ants!

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