The next moment.

Liu Di stared at the brain-computer interface transformation machine in the warehouse.

Then he suddenly reached out and touched the back of Moore's head, feeling the heat from the small crystal.

His body suddenly stiffened.

The concept of consciousness leaving the body is simply sensational to ordinary people.

But in Liu Di's world, it has appeared countless times. After all, Liu Zhengqing had made a breakthrough more than 20 years ago.

As for controlling the flesh puppet, even the fool Mo Yu had already mastered it!

Looking at the extremely real Moore in front of him, Liu Di had a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

It can't be what I thought.

He rushed to the computer in the warehouse, dancing with his ten fingers, and quickly cracked the system.

A series of terrifying information flashed before his eyes. It was the future sz sales center around the world. 110,000 people were implanted with this brain-computer interface!

But Russell, who was nailed to the wall, laughed, "Want to crack our system? Dream on! The encryption technology of my system is something that no one can"

Russell stopped talking here.

Liu Di waved his hand, and the projector beside him started up, projecting a sky full of blue codes, all of which were numbers 010101.

But it was not a plane, but like a vortex, swirling in the sky.

Russell's face changed instantly!

Our core code

He was cracked so easily!

Moore was also stunned, "I hacked into this computer before, why didn't I find these contents?!"

Liu Di looked up, and did not move for a long time, his face was reflected by the code.


But Russell suddenly laughed, "You just opened the monitoring window, so what if you can see the code? You can't understand it at all, and you can't modify it, because this is not a regular binary code at all!"


In the eyes of outsiders, this is just endless '1' and '0', arranged in a three-dimensional sequence, with different colors.

But Mo Tong found a solution to crack it in an instant. This is a three-dimensional code that is not mature and cannot be applied at the moment.


In Liu Di's eyes, this is a picture.

Endless white space, thousands of people kneeling on the ground.

Moore was also among them, typing on the keyboard with dull eyes.

Inexplicably, Moore glanced at Brother Liu from a distance.

Brother Liu's eyes were already moist, and he turned his peripheral vision and found the camera in the corner of the warehouse.

The voice of the man in the white shirt trembled slightly, "Moore, I know where you are."

But the real Moore suddenly stepped forward and said puzzledly: "Master, what's wrong with you, I'm here!"

Russell on the wall was shocked.

He was skeptical.

No way, this Kun Sang can understand the skills of the waiter?

Impossible, even I can't understand it!

The next moment.

Russell called his backer through the brain-computer excuse, "Waiter?!"

There was no response.

He was ashamed again, the waiter ran away? ? ?

At this time, Brother Liu's face was extremely ugly.

He tentatively opened a gap in the plasma fluid metal covering the sz warehouse.

The next moment, the gray smoke appeared again.

It evaporated and connected to the distance.

The code in front of Brother Liu also changed.

In that white space, the number of people increased from thousands to more than 100,000.

Brother Liu's eyes twitched.

The warehouse in front of him was just the tip of the iceberg!

They uploaded the consciousness of so many people through the network means that I could not detect!

This is the dark matter network!

Brother Liu turned back angrily, and his right eye turned red again, "Russell, uploading consciousness is not the current technology, you are a running dog of the Doomsday Association!"

Russell was stunned for a long time!

Then he said hysterically: "You are really excellent. Our plan has only been developed for a few days, and you have discovered it!"

"But so what?!"

"You are too late!"

"Your beloved disciple has already belonged to me!"

Russell struggled desperately, and suddenly laughed, "Let's see what you can do now! You kill me! The Lord of Intelligence will give me electronic immortality! I am still the king of another world!"


"You will never know the real plan of the Lord of Intelligence!"

I saw that Liu Di's anger doubled, "Real plan?!"

It was because of the gap in the liquid metal that the waiter connected to Russell's crystal again. He growled, "Too much talk!"


Russell's brain suddenly exploded!

The brain burst and turned into a headless corpse!

Liu Di was about to burst, but at this critical moment, he first chose to reach out, and the liquid metal gushed out, protecting the back of Moore's head.

At this time, Moore was completely confused and couldn't figure out the situation at all.

Liu Di slowly raised his head.

He saw the grand code in the sky change again, and some of the numbers fluctuated strangely.

Russell's figure appeared in that snow-white world.

He looked up at the sky and laughed wildly, "Hahaha, Kun Sang, I really can't understand, you are just an unknown Gemini technician, but you have such ability and strength!"

"But it's all useless!"

"I am in another dimension now!"

"You are excellent and can see me, but you can't touch me or touch me!"

"I will live forever here!"

"Tsk tsk, look at you, full of anger?!"

"Keep it in your heart!"


Russell walked slowly, came to Moore who was kneeling on the ground, stretched out his palm and slapped his cheek!

Russell laughed wildly: "Look at your apprentice! He is not even as good as a piece of trash, let me slaughter him!"

At this time, Code Moore, with both hands still on the keyboard, raised his head and said woodenly: "Lord Russell, I will manage this code world for you."


Russell laughed wildly, "So good!"

At this time, Brother Liu was already trembling all over!

The other party's signal transmission method is dark matter. Now I can only block it at most, but I can't interfere!

There is no place to release a violent force!

After a while, he fell on a chair beside him, and even his arms began to twitch.


The shaking of Brother Liu's arm has knocked the table!



Russell laughed out loud, pointing at Brother Liu and said: "Look at you, you are so helpless, so fucking pitiful!"

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