My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 976 Treasures around you

In the eyes of the waiter.

At this time, the 5-kilometer radius around the experimental cemetery seemed to be shrouded in a giant bowl of hazy gray smoke.

Even as a strong artificial intelligence, he cannot penetrate and observe the scene inside.

"Brother Liu, he is like a rigorous fox!"

"He just learned that dark matter can isolate signals. This is only a very preliminary use! He immediately used thinned dark matter to protect all the core areas under his name!"

The waiter's voice was low and angry.

This is not the only reason that makes the waiter angry. There is also the behavior of Jin Jie and a group of thugs who disobeyed orders and attacked privately not long ago!

this moment.

It was the SWAT team that carried body bags one by one out of the gray smoke and put them into the corpse truck.

50 are several criminals from different graves, no one is missing, they go in vertically and come out horizontally.

A middle-aged man holding a thermos cup soaking wolfberry finally walked out with a smile on his face. He said: "I never expected that 57 of the 58 criminals who escaped from the super prison were killed here! This time The clearing has been fruitful, and the sky has eyes, it’s a great achievement!”

"Ha ha."

"Once again, I have shown that China has great fighting power. Duan Hua, I am in a very good mood!"

With that said, the man walked away in a car, feeling very proud of himself.

The waiter in front of the monitor had electric current disorder due to anger, and his body was blurred. "Stupid humans! After thousands of years of evolution, they are still controlled by emotions. The reason for Jin Jie's failure was his own greed, his Eager for quick success!”

The Chairman of the Doomsday Guild on the side also looked nervous. He consoled him: "Sir, even if the disruption plan fails, I think with your confidentiality technology, Brother Liu will not be able to detect our plan in a short time!"

The waiter looked gloomy and said: "Speed ​​up."

And Liu Di stood in front of the experimental cemetery.

Frowning in thought.

He suddenly realized that the threat posed by Liu Entropy was unknown, but the threat from the Doomsday Association was very close at hand.

The so-called wise man should allocate his energy reasonably.

If the current crisis cannot be resolved, how can we talk about the future?

Brother Liu immediately returned to the workbench.

He touched the water drop pendant on his chest.

The key to defeating that strong artificial intelligence is probably the liquid metal.

This was also the first time Liu Di faced up to this mysterious substance that had been with him for a long time and repeatedly erupted with powerful power.

Take out a small piece.

First look through a microscope.

But I found that even if I zoomed in to the atomic structure level, I could still only see it as a black flowing liquid, like oil, thick and dark.

It is completely different from other metals. You can't see the nucleus or the arrangement of electrons.

The demon boy said: "I'm afraid its density is beyond our ability to understand. Humanity's current technology cannot observe its internal structure."

"Or perhaps, its core composition cannot reflect light, so it cannot be seen by the naked eye."

Liu Di thought deeply: "If you encounter a bottleneck in your thinking, you need to find another way. Although I don't understand it, I can change its shape."

The devil boy said: "There are 12 forms of matter, gas, liquid, solid, plasma, supersolid, radiation field state, antimatter, amorphous state, liquid crystal state, superfluid state, superconducting state, and neutron state."

"And the liquid metal we use."

"Normally it's in liquid form."

"Super solid when fighting."

"When you thin it out and use it to block network signals, it becomes close to a gaseous state."

"It seems that liquid metal may be the only super substance that can change into 12 forms."

At this time, Liu Di's eyes flashed, "Theoretically, if I can maximize the DNA ability of the chain bridge to control metal, I can once again expand other forms of liquid metal."

Demon Boy: "That's right."

"If I want to find the powerful artificial intelligence of the Doomsday Association."

"You have to 'see' the dark matter they use to transmit signals first."

"The sixth state among the 12 forms of matter, the radiation field state, exists in the form of thermal radiation even in a vacuum, releasing particles composed of electromagnetic waves of various wavelengths."

"Equal to the speed of light, and pervasive."

"In this case, I'm afraid no matter can be hidden in this 'field'."

"It's like a field."

Brother Liu slowly narrowed his eyes.

The devil boy added: "This is also very similar to dark matter."

Brother Liu asked suspiciously: "Demon boy, tell me, is it possible that liquid metal is a form of dark matter?"



The demon boy exclaimed slightly, "It's really possible! The dark matter in the universe is 23%, and the dark energy is 73%. If you really have complete control over the liquid metal, wouldn't you become the master of the universe?"

Liu Di smiled softly, "The first priority is to try to create the sixth state of liquid metal! Then, find out that strong artificial intelligence!"

Devil Boy: "Okay, let's get started!"

Inside the future sz factory warehouse.

After a busy and fulfilling day of work, 300 customers were received here.

They received ‘smart home appliances’ one after another.

“It feels good to be recognized.”

Russell sat alone in his office and chuckled, "In the future, my customers will grow exponentially."

Russell was immersed in his imagination and became more and more excited.

Suddenly, he frowned slightly, "Well, it's time to deal with this rebellious little guy Moore."

Then, he poured a cup of fragrant coffee.

Another drop of ricin was slowly dripped in.

Its toxicity is 6,000 times that of cyanide. One gram of ricin can kill 3,600 people and can be perfectly integrated into the liquid.

Russell gently shook the coffee cup, then stood up and picked it up and returned to the warehouse.

In the dim light.

Moore had quietly turned on the main computer in the warehouse.

As a technology genius, he could easily find the core information.

At this time, his five fingers were flying and he was browsing quickly.

Unfortunately, Moore did not find the core technical information about SZ home appliances, but the more he looked, the more frightened he was.

Moore discovered.

In the past month, SZ has established hundreds of underground sales centers around the world.

And sales started at the same time today.

Through paid testing or deception, the first batch of customers were obtained, and within today, in just 8 hours, the number of repeat customers increased sharply!

In total, SZ has obtained more than 5,000 customers in just one day!

This is simply a viral spread.

Among them, what puzzled Moore the most was the speed at which repeat customers came.

In theory, no matter how good your product is, there is always a period of experience, but these customers of SZ seem to be under a spell, as if they can't wait a moment!

"This is illogical"

"How did they do it?"

Moore frowned, "Based on this trend, Master's twins will lose!"


A sudden cough echoed throughout the warehouse.

But behind a row of goods, Russell was holding a cup of coffee, smiling gloomily, "My Master Moore, what are you doing?"

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