My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 973: Alien Tomb Prison

Moore's eyes were spinning at this moment.

He looked at the old glass in front of him suspiciously, his eyes were empty, as if his soul had left his body.

Moore tilted his head slightly and looked behind his head.

Sure enough, there was also a crystal the size of a fingernail hidden in the hair behind this guy's head.

Moore's expression changed.

Is this little thing really that magical?

The neural structure of the human brain is so mysterious, how can a small crystal be perfectly integrated?

Then can those broken home appliances become extremely intelligent, like the roundworms in the user's stomach?

Besides, isn't there no Internet in this warehouse?

Russell suddenly came back to his senses and smiled.

Moore felt a chill on his back, and he smiled, "Dr. Russell also implanted the crystal?"

Russell nodded slowly, "I am the first one, and I am the administrator."

Moore smoothed his blond hair and posed handsomely, "I have always been eager to learn, how about Dr. Russell tell me the principle of this device?"

Russell smiled kindly, "It's too troublesome to explain, Master Moore wants to understand, why don't you install one too, the principle will be obvious?"

But Moore hesitated.

"Forget it."

Russell smiled immediately, "It will be very busy today, let's talk about it when there is a chance, after all, the customer is God."


Moore was a little puzzled.

But less than a minute later, the roar of a motorcycle came from outside the warehouse.

I saw Lu Xi, who had just left, appeared at the door of the warehouse with a motorcycle helmet in her hand.

And behind her, there were more than a dozen male and female motorcycle enthusiasts.

She smiled and said, "I thought about it, such a good opportunity, I can't waste time, so I called my friends!"

Moore's heart trembled.

This repeat customer came too quickly!

Russell naturally accepted everyone and laughed.

Jerusalem, a historic city and a religious holy place.

It is a "battlefield" in the history of Western wars, because it connects the three continents of Asia, Africa and Europe, and the main roads intersect, and it is called the center of the world.

And in the famous tourist attraction of Jerusalem, Mount Zion, 220 meters underground, there is an unknown prison with fortress-level facilities and a 20-meter-wide protective wall.

The countries of the world are seemingly united, but they have reached a unity in dealing with super-powered aliens.

They contributed their most advanced technology to build this prison.

The evil, unrepentant, research-worthy, and even unkillable super-modified people or innate evolutionists were imprisoned in this Mount Zion Super Power Prison.

Also known as the Tomb of the Alien.

At this time, in the 3-meter-thick cell 002 made of silver metal.

A figure leaned quietly against the wall.

It looks like an old man, with silver hair combed into a side part, wearing thick reading glasses, licking his fingers, gently turning the pages of the book in his hand, reading with relish, and looking very peaceful.

Like a wise man who loves reading and does not care about worldly affairs.

But his body is a monster.

He is three meters tall and two meters wide at the shoulders. It looks as if his skin has been completely peeled off, because his body seems to be made up of dark red, extremely thick muscles.

Even the muscles between his eyebrows used for blinking are as thick as a red steel bar.

Ferocious and terrifying.


He continued to turn the pages of the book, but there was a sound of iron chains.

His hands and feet were equipped with a huge iron hoop, which seemed to be close to 100 kilograms.

And behind his neck, there was a green pipe connected to it, which continuously injected him with high-concentration anesthetics.


The heavy electronic metal door of the prison opened, and a prison guard walked in slowly with a cup of coffee and a stack of bread.

The old man raised his head from the book and stretched out his hand slightly.

But there was a loud bang!

The metal walls around him released a super strong electromagnetic force, which firmly attached the iron hoop on the old man's wrist to the wall, making him unable to move.

This monster old man had one hand controlled, but he shrugged slightly and joked: "Officer Stephen, you see, these devices are always too sensitive. I just want to say hello to you."

The young blond prison guard also smiled helplessly and performed a few simple operations on the device on his wrist.

The magnetic force on the wall subsided, and the monster old man's hand could finally be put down.

The young prison guard said, "Everyone knows that Mr. Jin is no longer the Mr. Jin of the past. He is almost the most well-read and cultured person in our prison."

"Thank you for the compliment."

The old monster adjusted his reading glasses, "I once killed 1,829 people, but you know, that was my genes at work. Now I have restrained it. I just want to stay quietly in the ocean of books."

The blond prison guard slowly put down the tray, "Compared with No. 1, your crime is insignificant, and your change also makes me believe that God protects the people."

The old monster nodded devoutly, "You are right."

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The next second, the alarm of the entire Xishan Prison sounded, and the red light flashed.

'The system has been invaded'

'All personnel immediately enter emergency status'

The blond prison guard's face changed, and then he reached for the electric shock gun on his waist.

He just turned around, but saw the door of the room behind him slammed shut, and the smart controller in his hand completely failed.

But the monster old man smiled gently, picked up the coffee in front of him and took a sip comfortably.

The speaker in the room suddenly started up: "Mutated human Jin Jie, my name is the waiter."


The old monster raised his head slightly, "You were the one who invaded this prison three days ago, diluted my anesthetic, and restored my strength?"

The voice of the speaker came again, "Help me kill someone, and after you finish, I will give you a new identity and endless wealth."

The old monster smiled slightly, "I have turned over a new leaf, and now I just want to read books."

The waiter said: "10 years ago, the group that seriously injured you, arrested you, and sent you to this prison was called the Chinese Supernatural Research Association. Now it has changed its name and is called the Monster Circus. The leader is called Ming Wan. I can provide you with information about each of their members."


"I didn't expect Mr. Waiter to be so considerate."

The old monster's facial muscles surged, and he smiled deeply: "If there is anything more fun than reading, it is meeting old friends."


He gently closed the book in his hand and put it aside.

Book title: "The Art of Revenge".

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