My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 969: More Than the Future

Early the next morning.

In a high-end villa area in Haishi.

A beautiful mixed-race woman with long wavy hair, a short black silk skirt, and a proud mountain peak stood in front of her single-family villa with a helpless expression.


"I spent countless wonderful nights with my ladies in this villa."

"But today, this beautiful memory ends."

"According to market conditions, this house is worth about 30 million."

"Brother Liu."

"I, Heidina, can't do much. I can only sell the house to support the 15 minutes of your great project."

"I really feel a little powerless."

The sexy beauty shrugged, raised her hand, and posted a blank piece of paper on the mailbox in front of the villa - for sale at a low price.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rings.

Brother Liu's relaxed tone came, "Tina, I got hundreds of millions of dollars."

The mixed-race beauty nodded, she really couldn't get excited, "That's great. With your strength, Mr. Liu, it must be a big number. You can support us for one more hour anyway, right?"

"How can you say I am short of time?"


"There's a lot of money."

Liu Di solemnly said: "But it's a little troublesome to withdraw this money. You have to contact Mr. Nan to export it from the official."

Heidina shook her head helplessly, "I know, I will take care of it."

Just hung up the phone from Brother Liu.

There was a call from a hidden number.

Heidina frowned slightly. In this era, the people who can hide their numbers are not gangsters, but big bosses.

"Hello, Miss Hetina."

"This is the China Official Bulk Fund Management Office. I am Qi Peng, the director of the Currency Manufacturing Department at the time."

The other party was a rather majestic baritone, but there was a hint of respect in his words at this time.

Hedina's heart trembled slightly.

Department of Currency Manufacturing?


The other party is quite humble!

"What do you want?"

Heidina was actually a little frightened.


"The Minister of the South has personally arranged for me to assist you in withdrawing 298 trillion world bonds. Of course, you can also choose to exchange it with the country and withdraw cash."

298 trillion? !

Exchanging bonds means giving money, right? !

Hetina's vision went dark, and one of the buttons on her chest burst open!

"Director Qi, are you sure?"

"yes, I'm sure."

"Is this the money our Mr. Liu made?"

"Sorry, given my level, I don't have permission to know this, but based on my personal judgment, I'm afraid this is the case."

Heidina directly held the mailbox, took three deep breaths, and tore the four words 'sold at low price' into pieces!

Money, enough!

After hanging up the phone, Heidina walked on the road almost in a daze.

She really didn't understand that staggering number!

I can't understand every bit of it!

Jingle Bell.

The phone rang again.

Heidina looked at her phone and saw another hidden number!

"Miss Heidina, I am Mr. Huaxia Song's secretary."

Hetina was stunned again, "Which Mr. Song?"

Someone seemed to have snatched the phone away from the other end of the phone, and then came the voice of a majestic old man, "Song Wei."

Hetina's body was completely stiff.

Just listen to Mr. Song say: "The money that little friend Liu got did not come from China. The number was too shocking, so I had to personally take action to help him rationalize it. This is our agreement."

Hetina was puzzled, "Then what did you mean by calling me?"

Mr. Song smiled and said: "The money comes from foreign countries, but the expenses must be spent at home. Do you understand what I mean?"

Hetina thought rapidly in her mind, the Queen of Investment is not a wasted reputation.

The next moment, Heidina answered seriously: "We purchase all materials from domestic sources and strictly pay taxes. In short, we use foreign funds to drive the domestic economy."

Mr. Song pondered for a moment, "He is indeed that boy's right-hand man."

Hedina was slightly relieved.


I heard Mr. Song say again: "Gemini's servers saved my life at China Network before. I can grant special approval for the expansion of your server's land in the future."

Special approval from Mr. Song?

Heidina exhaled slightly, Brother Liu, what on earth did he do?

Then I heard Mr. Song say: "That's okay. Let's end the call."

"Mr. Song, please wait."

Heidina smiled slightly, "What a coincidence, our company just has an expansion plan recently, with a total land area of ​​460 pieces, including 54 space areas. How about I send the relevant information to your secretary right now?"

The corner of Mr. Song's mouth on the other end of the phone twitched slightly.

I was just being polite, but I didn't expect you to be so rude.

Today I really got to know this famous investment queen!

If I had known I wouldn't have called you in person!

But with Mr. Song’s status, how could he go back on his word?

He pondered for a moment, "Okay"

Hetina covered her mouth and snickered, and the mountain peaks trembled.

And Mr. Song hung up the phone.

Sitting at my desk, looking at the latest report, I finally felt some comfort in my heart.

Just last night.

Changes to the world's supercomputer rankings.

Supercomputers from various countries have withdrawn from the list and disappeared without a trace.

And China’s supercomputer ‘Sunway TaihuLight’ has won the top spot!

It caused the whole world to marvel!

Even the computer manufacturing companies in China were affected, and they were overwhelmed with overseas orders!

Mr. Song looked at a piece of news - 'China's computer manufacturing technology can become the world's hegemon in the next three years! '

Mr. Song chuckled.

Not just in the future?

With that kid here, now is the time!

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