My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 964: Natural Evolution

Deep in the ocean.

This was once a secret submarine fortress in Europe, but it was abandoned for many years.

Now it has been quietly modified, and the interior is filled with servers emitting black light.

The waiter and the Doomsday President stood among them.

President Doomsday said: "Sir, our company's press conference was completely disrupted by that kid."

The waiter smiled slightly, "This is the best result, because Brother Liu will underestimate the enemy and even ignore this 'weak' company, and sz will have ample room for development in the future."

"Have you forgotten what I said?"

"The real fatal threat always grows silently."

President Doomsday was still puzzled, "But you just acquiesced to Russell's free gift plan, which will cause the company to lose a lot of money."


The waiter chuckled, "In this era where the Internet controls everything, money is just a string of codes."

The president of the Doomsday Guild said cautiously: "That Young Master Moore is weird, he should be the one arranged by Brother Liu."

"How do you say that?"

"It's called cleverness, but it's misguided by cleverness."

The waiter chuckled and said, "Of course, Brother Liu should not be underestimated. I still need some tricks to continue to attract Brother Liu's attention."

Say it.

The waiter waved his hand, and more than a dozen super hacker programs flooded into the world's network in an instant!

The Doomsday Guild Master laughed ferociously, "What kind of level is the waiter? Maybe these attack programs will be enough to destroy Brother Liu!"

"You're still ignorant."

The waiter said calmly: "Network attacks are just a category of weak artificial intelligence. Brother Liu and I are the ceiling in this field, so no one will win or lose in this battle."

"But it is undeniable that this is undoubtedly one of Liu Di's journeys to destruction."

The Doomsday President chuckled, "I still think the waiter is better. The first of the thirty-six strategies is to hide the truth from the enemy and secretly infiltrate Chencang!"

The waiter chuckled, "This is a double stratagem, because Liu Entropy will be helpless and he will not be able to interfere with the timeline of natural evolution!"

"So-called, kill two birds with one stone!"

Experimental cemetery.

At this time the sun rises and the air is pleasant.

Liu Xiaodi picked up his schoolbag and went to school, but his face was full of resentment.

He looked back at the roof of the experimental cemetery. Liu Di and Gu Fan were sitting cross-legged, facing the vast scenery.


"You are so unlucky, Violent Bear. It's another full moon night, why don't you hey, hey, you actually brought your girlfriend to the room?"

"And you sat there all night?"

"If you don't make rice and cook it, what the hell are you going to do on the roof to cultivate immortality?"



Liu Xiaodi left angrily.

on the roof.

Gu Fan closed her eyes, her face was rosy, and the morning mist condensed into a dewdrop on her long and narrow eyelashes, still trembling slightly.

She said vaguely: "Let everything go, as if it were in the mind, feel the plants and trees, and feel the peace of the whole world."

But at this time, Brother Liu's heart was racing with Godzilla.

Because he had just glanced at the financial status of the Witness Company, the funds in the account were disappearing at a rate of nearly 100 million yuan per second.

Obviously, Ah Jia and the others are quite efficient.

It's hard for Brother Liu to calm down. I'm afraid it won't be long before he runs out of ammunition and food.


Liu Di exhaled slightly, "Gu Fan, I understand. If you want to learn how to release your mental power, you still have to enter that subconscious state. Unfortunately, my talent is still as good as ever. I am as calm as death now, but I can't feel it at all. Mental strength."

"That's right."

Gu Fan opened his eyes, covered his mouth and smiled: "What I want to tell you is that peace cannot bring about any breakthroughs, change can make people awaken."

Gu Fan paused and looked into the distance, "If you want to master your mental power, you have to be stimulated, so don't be hasty."

Brother Liu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He slapped his old waist for doing nothing, "So, we meditated this night in vain?"

Gu Fan pouted, "How could it be? Every minute and every second I spend with you is precious."

Brother Liu smiled slightly.

The two of them were speechless and looked into the distance.

This small world is extremely peaceful and belongs only to the two brothers Liu.

But the whole world was turned upside down.

Starting from the east coast of Europe, whether it is public lighting or furniture lighting, it first flickers continuously and then suddenly goes out!

Immediately afterwards, as if God turned off a switch and took away the light from mankind, five power outages appeared throughout the Western Hemisphere. Then, like an explosion, darkness began to spread and gradually enveloped everything.

Of course, not only the lights, but all electrical facilities came to an abrupt halt!

Even the White Palace office fell into darkness instantly.

But within a second, the reserve power was activated and the lighting restored.

Reflecting Rip's stiff expression.

He immediately stood up and looked out the window at the darkness.

He didn't move or yell violently, but a drop of cold sweat slowly dripped from his forehead.

He knew that Brother Liu would not make such a joke.

It must be the man behind the scenes!

He turned around suddenly and immediately ordered: "Activate the highest level network security warning and summon all network security experts!"

Just 15 minutes later.

Nearly fifty network security experts have gathered in the largest conference room on the top floor of the White Palace.

Leip stood at the front, looking at the holographic map on the table with a pale face.

This is the map of the entire European country, with blue lines like meridians representing the entire country’s network security channels.

But at this time, these pathways have turned red one by one.

It was just a daze by Rep. The last bit of blue disappeared, and the whole thing collapsed!

"Mr. Repp, it's not good!"

"The power supply network across the country has been maliciously suspended!"

"This is life-threatening! The hospital's emergency power supply can only support four hours on average. Once the power supply cannot be restored, countless critically ill patients will die!"

"Mr. Repp, we have lost control of thousands of missile silos!"

"The aviation radar is also paralyzed. At least nearly a hundred aircraft will collide in the next two hours!"

"Sir! Good news!"

"All of our banking systems are out of power!"

"But they are all controlled by ransomware, and our funds are disappearing at a rate of billions per second!"

"The hacker behind the scenes said that if we dare to cut off the funds, he will delete the country's financial information! And expose all your scandals!"

"Mr. Rep, the island country called and said that they have also been cut off, and that the 57 nuclear power plants across their island country are controlled by malicious programs and are now being adjusted to overload!"

“Once these nuclear power plants explode, the island nation will evaporate!”

"Mr. Repp!"

"Nearly 30 Western countries called, saying that they were also attacked by hackers and were in danger. Let us help!"

At this time, Repp felt like hammers were hitting his head one after another!

His body was shaky, and he asked the network experts behind him, "Why don't you take action quickly?"

"Mr. Tongguo, I'm sorry! We have never seen a hacker of this level. We haven't even seen the shadow of his program. He is just a ghost!"

Internet experts all bowed their heads in shame.

"A bunch of trash!!!"

Lepp sat down on the chair and said tremblingly: "Quickly, find Di Si!"

At this time, China.

Mr. Song also gathered with a group of network experts at the National Cyber ​​Security Center.

5 minutes ago, more than a dozen Eastern countries, including China, were also invaded by hackers!

Electricity, transportation, and finance have all been hijacked.

at the same time.

As a large country in the East, China has also received requests for help from many countries. At this extremely urgent moment, China has also become the hope of all countries!

It is different from Europe.

China upholds the ideas of its ancestors - hide its strength, bide its time when there is no war, and make full preparations.

So now the entire domestic emergency energy has been activated, and it has perfectly covered all key facilities.

The overall situation is much stronger than that of European countries.

To put it simply, the captain of a Chinese passenger plane made a safe emergency landing while losing his field of vision, which is a basic act!

But Mr. Song knew that the situation at hand was complicated.

He said in a deep voice: "Go and invite Brother Liu."

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