In front of Tuoye’s free hospital.

It seems to be an independent world here, with the lights still on.

A group of children solemnly stepped onto the stage.

One of the children lost both legs.

It was the two little girls Yan Kaikai and Yan Xinxin who helped him move the wheelchair up.

The children were filled with innocent smiles and held a red flower in their hands.

Just waiting.

Yan Qingwen looked at the children and smiled.

Turning around and frowning! Where is this guy Liu Di? ? Are you going to keep your children waiting for you? mWhile Yan Qingwen was dialing Brother Liu's unanswered phone number over and over again.

She suddenly looked stunned.

Buzz... There was a faint tremor under my feet! What's going on? Is it an earthquake? Buzz...the ground is shaking again! Rumble... There seemed to be muffled thunder deep underground... Yan Qingwen could clearly feel it.

The ground is shaking! Boom...a drumbeat sounded.

In the distance, the street lights that had just been extinguished for some unknown reason suddenly turned on.

Then it lit up in a row! so many people! Yan Qingwen's expression changed from depressed to frightened! Ahead, on the originally deserted street.

Suddenly a dense crowd appeared! And it goes on and on! Like a vast army, moving towards its goal! In an instant.

The streets are crowded! Endless, there must be tens of thousands of people! Yan Qingwen's cell phone fell to the ground with a clatter! This...what is going on! The children on the stage were also shocked.

A little boy rubbed his hands nervously and whispered: "Brother Liu said that many people would come to see us, but I didn't expect there to be so many people!" Of course, a few pure-hearted children didn't understand.

Is this more than just a lot of people? That’s hundreds of thousands of people! Even the top superstars in the world cannot attract so many people at the same time! Not to mention the thousands of media caught in it! This is simply attracting the attention of the world! Yan Kaikai and Yan Xinxin were also sluggish.

Could this be Di Yi coming? Only Nan Ruoyi suppressed the surprise in her heart in time, turned back and said to the bodyguards on the side: "Notify everyone, protect the stage, protect the children!" As he spoke, the crowd came in an instant.

At this time, "The Future Can Be Expected" has ended.

A huge crowd surrounded the free hospital.

And in the distance, any small street is also crowded with people! "Where is this?" "Who guided us here?" "Shouldn't we see Di Yi? Why are there only some children?" "Is that a stage? It's so crude!" People came back to their senses.

Start observing the situation around you, even if you just whisper quietly.

But when the voices of nearly 100,000 people piled up, they were like waves, one after another, deafening! Looking at the faintly restless crowd.

Nan Ruoyi couldn't help but worry in her heart. If there was a riot, the small three-story building of the free hospital might be destroyed in an instant! suddenly.

A faint sound of electricity sounded.

In the corner of the roof of the free hospital, a yellow light bulb placed on the ground began to flicker intermittently! A back figure wearing a white shirt sitting in front of an antique piano.

Against the bright starry sky, flickering in the dim light! Everyone’s attention was attracted instantly! On the corner of the roof of the dilapidated small building, the yellow light illuminated a spot with a radius of two meters.

In the haze, the back was thin and straight, quiet and soothing.

It's like an aerial stage that exists independently in such a big world but is full of stories! finally.

The light stopped flickering and turned on completely.

"I'm here, Di Yi.

"The figure from behind slowly spoke, and in an instant, all the speakers around him were broadcasting it! Everyone was silent for a moment! Their eyes widened, and they stared at the small patch of light in the sky! "A new song, "I am who I am" sent To you all.

"The figure didn't look back, didn't make any movement, he just said lightly.

Emperor Yi? New song? The audience was stunned.

They don't know what to do! After all, they had just experienced a fake concert, fake Emperor Yi! But coincidentally.

Everyone held their breath! They had extremely high expectations in their hearts. The figure in front of them was the real Emperor Yi! Di Yi who can bring them the sounds of nature again! Even in any simple scene, any place where it is impossible to complete the performance.

He couldn't bear to interrupt anyone who claimed to be Emperor Yi.

This is the charm of Songshendiyi! next moment.

The fingers move quickly, and the crisp sound of the antique piano sounds.

The piano is at a high place, and people are at a high place! The beautiful sound of the piano echoed in the air, seeming to form a ladder of syllables, reaching directly into the starry sky! Everyone.

Fall into the sound of the piano in an instant! The sound of the piano is like an elf dancing, the pace is getting faster and faster, and the height of the syllables is also rising! When someone is so absorbed in their thoughts that they completely forget themselves.

He spoke! It's still that voice, like the sound of nature, touching people's hearts! Everyone closed their eyes at the same time and made no sound! 'I am what I am. The sky is full of stars, but there is only one star that is the dimmest. That is when I fall into the clouds and mist, and I feel lost. I don’t know where to go. In this vast world, no one is looking forward to me. I am who I am. The sky is full of stars, but there is only one star. The star is the brightest, that's when I look at the world of mortals with a smile, unique in the world, let me go anywhere in this world, no one can stop me...'Good to hear! Brand new melody, brand new lyrics! It’s like stepping into a fairyland again! While people were silently intoxicated.

Di Yi's singing suddenly slowed down and turned into a melodious nasal sound.

next moment.

The children chanted in unison.

‘Have you forgotten? The moment a flower blooms, or the brilliant touch of a shooting star...When you are about to leave...there is always a vast expanse ahead, but there is less and less hesitation and looking back...Even if you fall into darkness again...I am not afraid...I am not afraid...’Under the dark starry sky, the clean and pure voices of the children are echoing.

It seems that dazzling flowers are blooming one after another.

Sometimes it is as soothing as a flowing spring, and sometimes it is as low as a whisper.

Like a gurgling stream, it washes the listener's soul.

Like a ray of bright sunshine, it illuminates the listener's heart.

In this tender and bright voice.

Everyone seems to feel the sublimation of the soul.

This is an indescribable feeling.

Full of power.

Full of hope.

Full of courage.

Hit the heart again! Even if you are tortured and bruised, you are still not afraid of everything.

You can still shine with your eyes, penetrate all the darkness, and look to the future! People opened their eyes.

A group of disabled children stood neatly on the extremely simple stage.

They had no inferiority complex.

Nor were they timid.

Only their hearts, like sunflowers, always faced the sun.

Gradually, in the singing.

People found a touch of emotion that they had forgotten for a long time.

This performance cannot be called a party, let alone a concert! However, the singing here is heart-stirring and soul-stirring.

It will never be forgotten!

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