Just when the soldiers were panicking.

From the trees beside the road, a figure suddenly jumped out! She was wearing a matte black tights, with a curvy figure, an iron sand mask on her head, and a weird steel glove on her right hand! As soon as she appeared, she started moving rapidly! Like a phantom, it jumped directly into the black mist! The time was short, and only a few soldiers reacted.

But before he could raise his gun to shoot, he was directly hit by the phantom and flew away! In an instant.

The Phantom has already rushed in front of the Audi in Montenegro! The steel glove on her right hand suddenly flashed with electric light, and she grabbed it towards Heishan's car door! Unimaginable! Remember http://for a second, the thick Audi car door was wrinkled by her scratches in an instant, and then slowly twisted and deformed! ...On top of the mountain road, Master Tuo and Brother Liu could see everything clearly because of their height advantage! Master Tuo’s pupils shrank! "I'm afraid they are here to assassinate Xiao Heizi!" Liu Di also frowned and looked into the distance! in his perspective.

All the action data of that ‘Phantom’ has already been captured by the devil boy! Speed, strength, and reaction time are all beyond the scope of ordinary people! Moreover, her figure is clearly that of a woman! "Brother Liu, this is very likely not an ordinary person!" "The Black Mountain team was caught off guard, and he is in danger!" Master Tuo was unusually calm at this time, turned to look at Brother Liu and said, "Can you stop her?" no problem.

"Then, Brother Liu's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp! He slowly lowered his body, his body slowly tightened, and his bones crackled like a bow with full strings! The next moment.

The ground shook slightly! Brother Liu bounced up like a cannonball! Between the two mountain roads, the height difference is 7 or 8 meters, and the width difference is 10 meters! Brother Liu jumped across half of the mountain road! Another jump and he has reached the sky above the battlefield! Next to the Audi car at this time! The 'Phantom' suddenly exerted force, and the Audi door was torn off! Then, she swung it hard and the car door disappeared! The next moment, a fist in the car suddenly attacked the Phantom with a whirring sound! Bang! Montenegro's fist was held tightly by the 'Phantom', unable to move! There was a flash of light, and a dagger emerged from the other palm of the 'Phantom'! Montenegro is in danger! crucial moment.

A white figure fell from the sky! He landed on the roof of the Audi, and the glass on all sides shattered instantly! Then, Brother Liu frowned and immediately took advantage of the situation to punch! When the 'Phantom' saw Brother Liu, he was stunned! She was stunned for less than half a second.

It's too late! Brother Liu's fist came at him like a beast, there was no way to dodge or avoid it! boom! The 'Phantom' was punched on the shoulder, blood spurted from its mouth, flew several meters upside down, and fell directly into the trees in the mountains! Brother Liu, who had just punched, was a little stunned! There is no pursuit of victory! Demon Boy: "After the comparison just now, this person's body shape data is close to 95% similar to hers!" Then, a name slowly appeared in Liu Di's perspective.

Complete shock! "Go and search, don't let him escape!" At this time, General Montenegro had already walked out of the car and immediately ordered the soldiers to enter the bushes to search! ...Master Tuo was not the only one who saw the entire battle situation.

There are also Ouyang Fengyu, Zhou Tiancheng and Lu Ziming who are standing higher! at this time.

Zhou Tiancheng rubbed his eyes vigorously, but the scene in front of him remained unchanged! Brother Liu is like a god of war, standing majestically on the roof of the Audi! "I wasn't dazzled just now, were I?" "That boy Liu Di jumped more than ten meters from one mountain road to another mountain road?" "Then he punched the assassin away like a superman?" "What about him? Is Mom acting in a movie?" Lu Ziming came to his senses at this time, "You read that right..." "Tiancheng, are you saying you want to die with this pervert?" "You want to kill him when he is alone? "He?" Zhou Tiancheng said with a look of horror, "I didn't say that! I admit it, I'm scared!" "Brother Liu, please take care of yourself!" As he said that, he rolled and crawled towards his car! He wants to leave here.

Never contact the Yan family again! I never want to see Brother Liu again! Because, that brother Liu is simply a devil! ..."Brother Liu, are you okay?" Heishan came closer and glanced blankly at another mountain road more than ten meters high above his head.

He looked Liu Di up and down again.

This kid is more exaggerated than he imagined! "I'm fine.

"Liu Di easily jumped out of the scrapped Audi car.

"General Montenegro, do you know who assassinated you?" Brother Liu asked with a frown.

"I have been fighting for half my life. I have many enemies and I am often assassinated. I don't know yet which faction she belongs to.

"Heishan thought for a moment, "But judging from her clothes, she should be a member of the International Killer Organization, but which party is unknown.

"Brother Liu nodded slowly without saying a word.

Until then.

Mr. Tuo walked down the mountain road leisurely.

He said with a smile on his lips, "Heishan, you owe Brother Liu a life!" "I will remember this life-saving grace!" Heishan nodded towards Brother Liu.

Ten minutes later, a soldier returned to report.

I searched the nearby trees and couldn't find the killer! She ran away! "Clean the battlefield quickly. Don't let the outside world know about this!" Heishan's face was now covered with a layer of gloom.

This killer gets more powerful every time! This time it almost cost him his life! The most horrifying thing is that this killer is obviously no ordinary person! It seems to be close to the level of transforming people! It seems that the hostile forces’ research and development has already left China far behind! Hei subconsciously cast his eyes towards Master Tuo for help.

Master Tuo sighed, "I know, I will do it as soon as possible!" "General Heishan, don't you think it's a bit strange that this happened in Yan's Manor?" Brother Liu suddenly asked!

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