"Hei Laogui, you are too cruel!" "You actually mobilized troops here?" Duan Hua, the leader of the Haishi Special Warfare Group, stared at everything, feeling a little confused! "Hehe, ruthless? I, Heishan, have gotten to where I am today because of this momentum!" Heishan looked at Duan Hua and said proudly: "You don't know the strength of this boy. If he plays a bear trick, can I stop him?" Afterwards, Heishan said to Mr. Yan: "Old Yan, let your juniors go down. They have no right to know what will happen next!" That's it.

Mr. Yan is also extremely helpless! He expected that Heishan would win over Brother Liu, but he didn't expect such a win-over method! Mr. Yan waved his hand, and the servants and the Yan family's children in the room retreated in confusion.

Only Nan Ruo also hesitated for a moment.

m Liu Di smiled softly: "It doesn't matter.

""Yes, sir.

"Nan Ruoyi had no choice but to retreat.


There were only four people left in the house, Mr. Yan, Heishan, Duan Hua, and Brother Liu.

"General Montenegro, if this junior remembers correctly, you didn't win the game of chess just now, did you?" Brother Liu said with a smile.

Heishan also became cheerful and bold in an instant. He sat down casually and said with a smile: "Brother Liu, I have to accept it. You really have many evil ideas!" "You managed those little kids until they were stunned. I enjoyed watching it!" Brother Liu curled his lips: "No matter what you say, I don't want to be a soldier.

"It's better not to be a soldier. How about becoming a policeman with me?" "Duan Hua immediately took advantage of the opportunity and said.

"Duan Hua, get up!" Heishan stood up slowly and came to Brother Liu with a solemn expression. The general's momentum was extraordinary! "Brother Liu.

"Heishan frowned.

"Junior is here.

"Let me beg you!" "Heishan's face was bitter! "General Heishan, what are you..." Brother Liu was speechless! "I'll tell you the truth, although I love talents as much as my life, I really wouldn't mobilize such a battle just for one person! "Heishan continued bitterly: "I actually want you to die.

"Uh... die.

General Montenegro, the way you speak is so subtle! Brother Liu was stunned again! "Oops... Hei Laogui, can you fucking speak?" Duan Hua came over with a broken face and said softly to Brother Liu: "Our military has a project that has been planned for a long time. For ordinary people, , is like committing suicide, but for you, it may be an opportunity for success!" Brother Liu raised his eyebrows, "I would like to hear the details.

But General Montenegro waved his hand, "No, this is a national secret. If you listen to it, you must follow me!" "Then I won't listen."

"Oh, I'm so angry!" "...at this moment.

Outside the Yan family manor.

A short old man wearing a white vest and black pants was walking slowly towards him.

But at this time, the Yan family's gate was surrounded by a group of gun-wielding soldiers.

“Old man, this place is under martial law, please go for a walk elsewhere.

"A soldier said seriously.

"Baby, let me show you these things. After you're done, just let me in, okay?" The old man grinned and turned the inside out of his torn vest.

The gun-wielding soldier couldn't help but look down.

It doesn't matter if you look at it.

The soldier trembled immediately and immediately gave a military salute to the old man! I saw dazzling medals hanging on the old man's broken vest! 2 third-class merit, 2 second-class merit, 1 first-class merit, 1 special merit, and 1 special medal of honor! "Haha, I got these from treating the babies on the battlefield.

"The old man grinned again! The soldier shouted: "Hello, old hero! "You are not a hero, just let me in. I'm going to see some friends."

"Wait a moment, I will inform you!" "...In the Yan family banquet hall.

General Heishan was already blushing, "Brother Liu, let me tell you, you have to go today, or you have to go if you don't want to go. Otherwise, you will never leave the Yan family!" "Old Hei, can you give him some time to think about it? ?" Duan Hua said helplessly.

"No!" Alas... As the richest man in Haishi, Mr. Yan couldn't get a word in at all and could only sigh quietly from the side! "Little Heizi.

"Mu Ran, an old and steady voice came from the door.

General Montenegro's ears instantly stood up.

Call me Xiaoheizi? This is... When he looked back, his expression suddenly changed, and then he became extremely excited! "Brother!" "Why are you here?" When Duan Hua and Mr. Yan heard this, their expressions changed, and they both shouted: "Brother!" Brother Liu also looked back.

Then he stood up and said respectfully: "Master Tuo!" Master Tuo, whose real name is Chu He, is nicknamed Chu Hua Tuo! 30 years ago, he was a powerful figure in the medical field! Doctors are kind-hearted and have great love! During his peak period, he repeatedly created medical miracles.

Later, he joined the Chinese army in conquering other countries, saving countless soldiers and solving countless enemy biochemical conspiracies! He and Heishan, Duan Hua, and Yan Hongxin, who were frontline fighters at that time, were considered brothers! Saved three lives several times! And the oldest.

He has always been called big brother by the three of them! The four have been friends for nearly 40 years! A few years ago, Lord Tuo left several medical patents to Yan Hongxin.

Suddenly, anonymously, a volunteer doctor took up the job.

Although the other three people could easily find Master Tuo, they never dared to disturb him! at this time.

Master Tuo put his hands behind his back and walked slowly to the seat given up by Brother Liu.

Just bend over and sit down.

Only one word came out of his mouth, “Wine.

"Heishan and others were in a hurry, pouring three glasses of various foreign wines and red wines for Master Tuo! Master Tuo just wrinkled his nose and did not move! Only Brother Liu searched through the boxes and cabinets, searched in the kitchen for a long time, and took out a bottle of Erguotou.

Brother Liu filled Master Tuo's glass.

Master Tuo then picked up the wine glass and drank it all! Then, Master Tuo slowly said: "Little Brother Liu usually helps me clean the hospital, no one can take it away!" Heishan was stunned for three minutes.

Only then did he understand a little! So Brother Liu is Master Tuo's apprentice? But Heishan couldn't help but say: "Brother, I have a compulsory conscription order, please give me some face.

" "Haha, no.


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