Brother Liu still smiled softly.

He turned to look at Ouyang Fengyu again.

"And you, you sanctimonious son-in-law of the Yan family!" "Oh... is it my turn?" Ouyang Fengyu shook his head and smiled bitterly. He put on a caring expression and said softly to Brother Liu. : "Brother Liu, you can say whatever you want. Brother-in-law, listen, don't hold it in your heart.

"Ouyang Fengyu's expression.

He looks like he doesn’t want to argue with a psycho! It seemed that even if Brother Liu said something against him, everyone would not believe it. Instead, they would only sympathize with Ouyang Fengyu! "Can you tell me, why didn't I see my eldest brother-in-law today, the Vice President Zhao Ze who has been following me all this time?" Brother Liu did not directly point at Ouyang Fengyu, but he asked this question.

"Vice President Zhao? This is a gathering of our Yan family. Of course he won't show up. Brother Liu, what are you talking about?" m Ouyang Fengyu said with an impatient look.


Brother Liu nodded lightly and said, "I'm not talented, but I know a little bit about fortune telling. Please ask my eldest brother-in-law to bring a message to Vice President Zhao."

"Tell Vice President Zhao that his hall is dark and there will be a bloody disaster in the near future!" Ouyang Fengyu was a little helpless, "Vice President Zhao accidentally hit someone when he went out yesterday and broke a tooth. The whole company knows this, so there is no need for you to be mysterious here!" "No, no, no, I want you to tell him..." Brother Liu grinned, "Not only did he suffer a bloody disaster yesterday, he will also suffer a bloody disaster tomorrow!" "In the next month, he will suffer bloody disasters every day!" ""What did you say? "Ouyang Fengyu's eyes widened and he said angrily.

"I said that for the next month, he would not be able to survive or die, and his life would be like hell!" "Because he listened to things he shouldn't have heard, did things he shouldn't have done, and messed with people he shouldn't have messed with!" Brother Liu narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice: "Because you are the son-in-law of the Yan family, I kindly remind you!" "If you don't restrain yourself in time, the next step is to set yourself on fire, and you will end up with the same fate as him!" The words made Ouyang Fengyu's heart suddenly tremble! He suddenly thought.

What happened to Zhao Ze in the past two days is very evil! Accidents happen every day! Either get hit by a car, get smashed by a flower pot, or even be beaten violently for no apparent reason! A tooth is lost every day! It's getting more and more wrong! Especially the past two days.

Zhao Ze is already a little nervous and is particularly afraid of going out! I'm afraid that an accident from nowhere will take away one of my teeth again! Ouyang Fengyu looked at Brother Liu with strange eyes.

I was horrified.

Could it be that what happened to Vice President Zhao was Brother Liu? Could it be that the hired killer was exposed? So that means that his conspiracy has also been exposed? But how did Brother Liu know this? Will he deal with me next? Taking away one tooth every day, how cruel this method is! Thinking of Ouyang Fengyu here, his hands and feet instantly became cold, and his mind was pounding! When he looked at Brother Liu, his body couldn't help but tremble! I have long forgotten to refute Liu Di’s words! "That's it.

Mr. Yan stopped shouting, shook his head and sighed: "Brother Liu, what's wrong with you today? It's all nonsense!" I am disappointed! Yan Kaikai was also dissatisfied and said: "Brother Liu has made his mistake again!" Start bragging again! How can you be more popular than Di Yi when you hold a concert? Di Yi is a super popular king and our idol! Invincible! "He also said that Brother Tiancheng's company is going to close down. How is that possible? We are all queuing up to go travel to North India!" "Uncle Yan."

Zhou Tiancheng cupped his hands towards Mr. Yan and said, "I think Brother Liu has some psychological problems because of his low self-esteem. If he talks nonsense again, I'm afraid it will make the elders and Miss Nan laugh."

"I suggest that we invite Brother Liu out first so that he can calm down for a while!" Liu Di smiled helplessly: "I haven't finished speaking yet."

"Stop talking!" Ouyang Fengyu plucked up the courage and shouted: "You are just talking nonsense and talking nonsense!" When you see young talents who are better than you, you feel jealous and make sarcastic remarks to them all! "It's really hard for you!" Whenever I meet someone, I can always make up a set of incredible words to slander the other person, without even using the same words! "You're just mocking me, Ziming, and Tiancheng!" "Is it possible that next, you will even dare to slander Miss Nan?" "Do you know who Miss Nan is?" ""hehe.

Zhou Tiancheng said sarcastically: "Speaking of which, I'm still a little curious. For someone as impeccable as Miss Nan, Brother Liu, what kind of words can you make up?" "About Miss Nan..." Brother Liu glanced at the stunning beauty opposite who was wearing an exquisite cheongsam and was as calm as water, and was about to speak.

"Brother Liu, be careful! Miss Nan can't comment on what you can!" Mr. Yan also said coldly.


"Liu Di didn't speak anymore, but took out a cigarette from his pocket and put it in his mouth.

But Liu Di was not looking for a lighter.

Instead, he clasped his hands on his chest and tilted his head slightly.

"Brother Liu, you have nerves..." Zhou Tiancheng just complained for half a sentence, and his expression suddenly froze.

Throughout the banquet, Miss Nan Ruoyinan, who was silent and indifferent to worldly affairs, suddenly stood up.

She gently pushed the chair away, walked gracefully around half of the dining table, and came to Di Liu's side.

Digging through his bag he found a lighter.

Snapped! Slender fingers pressed the lighter, and the flames jumped.

The next moment, Nan Ruoyi bowed slightly, maintaining the flame with one hand and passing the lighter to Brother Liu with the other.

Phew...Liu Di lit up his cigarette and puffed out smoke.

And Nan Ruo also put out the flames.

Standing quietly behind Brother Liu!

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