My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 599: Europe’s trump card

20 minutes later.

Nearly 2,000 European infantrymen were knocked down, and the rest threw away their armor and surrendered on the spot!

Jianmen Pass.

Mo Jiuli had already stepped down from the wooden bird and stood side by side with Liu Di.

The communication troops kept reporting the battle situation in front.

Mo Jiuli's expression changed repeatedly when he heard that the engineers had joined the battle.


Liu Di laughed heartily, "Chinese engineers, if there is no war, the shovel in your hand can be used to build stoves and pig houses, or to build fortifications and fortresses! If there is a war, pick up a gun and wear a sword, share the same robe with you, kill thousands of enemies, and don't frown!"

Mo Jiuli's mouth twitched slightly.

He knew that Liu Shizi was giving him a hint from the side again.

The engineers have all gone up, but you Mo family are still squatting here!

Although, there are less than 20 minutes left, the Mo family will occupy Jianmen Pass for four hours.

But no one cares.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the more than 9,000 Chinese soldiers who were marching towards the European command center!

And in the European command center.

There were only a few people left. Hawkeye and Norman watched the army besieging the city, and their hearts and galls were broken.

Never expected that a modern exercise would turn out like this, and they were about to be captured alive.

A great shame!

Admiral Norman said with a decadent look: "We have no hope of attacking Jianmen Pass again. This exercise is definitely a loss. If we can defend the command center, we can still save some face."

"Not necessarily!"

Hawkeye gritted his teeth and said: "The Repton country secretly arranged a trump card for me. I didn't want to use it at first, thinking it was not in line with modern warfare, but now that things have come to this, I have no choice but to go against my principles!"

I saw 9,000 Chinese soldiers, like a steel torrent, approaching the European command center.

But at 20 kilometers, they suddenly stopped.

Ahead was a swamp area built in advance by the European country.

The swamp is not a big deal, but what makes the Chinese infantry commander frown is that there is no one in the area within several kilometers in front of him, and it is extremely quiet.

Several engineers have been detecting in the mud ahead for a long time.

"Report to the commander, there is a minefield of at least 4 kilometers ahead!"

The Chinese infantry commander's heart skipped a beat.

In order to speed up the march, the team did not carry any extra items, let alone mine-clearing equipment.

Although there are thousands of engineers in the team, this modern magnetic storm mine is difficult to remove!

Moreover, since the European country has used this method, the mine belt must surround the entire European country headquarters.

It will take at least several hours to remove it completely!

Mr. Song frowned slightly and looked at Lei Pu, "Such a wretched method, did you learn it from the island country?"

"It doesn't matter."

Lei Pu curled his lips slightly, "Since you have taken out military weapons other than those reported internationally, I also have my trump card!"

Lei Pu's voice just fell.

The gate of the European base was wide open!

Nearly a thousand figures walked out slowly. Strangely, these figures were illuminated by the lights and emitted a dark silver light!

Mr. Song squinted and frowned.

These figures were all soldiers from the European country, with bare upper bodies, but their skin was not normal, but close to silver.

On their sturdy chests, it seemed as if they were painted with a layer of silver powder. From a distance, they looked like silver statues.

"Creators?" Mr. Song looked at Lei Pu.


Lei Pu raised a finger and said proudly: "This is new technology. The biological bodies of these warriors are perfectly integrated with metal. It is more appropriate to call them biochemical warriors!"


Mr. Song frowned.

The European country has never leaked this technology, and there is no intelligence showing that they have studied this technology.

Lei Pu laughed softly.

This technology was obtained by accident. Not long ago, a person who claimed to be an old friend of Bertram, CEO of Xingzhi, suddenly visited and gave the European government this technology called "biochemical transformation".

Lei Pu then investigated this old friend of Bertram.

The information showed that he was related to some doomsday cults, but this technology was real, so he turned a blind eye and secretly used this technology in the army!

"Mr. Song"

"My biochemical warriors probably have the power of D-level cyborgs."

"But the most outstanding thing is that their body tissue composition is a technology close to nanotechnology, where metal elements are fused with human cells!"

"And this"

Lei Pu got a little stuck when he said this.

Mr. Song frowned, "Since you have forgotten the words, don't recite them, just talk about the key points!"

Lei Pu blushed and shouted, "Their body strength is close to level 9 metal, and bullets of the caliber commonly used in submachine guns cannot penetrate their skin even if they are shot within ten meters!"

"Even if it is an anti-tank missile, as long as it does not hit their bodies, even if it explodes at their feet, it cannot hurt them!"

Mr. Song's face gradually sank.

Lei Pu laughed again, "The exercise equipment can no longer fairly measure their strength. Let me tell you this. When you defeat them, I will admit defeat!"


"But I'm afraid that even if my 1,000 soldiers defeat 9,000 of you, and then seize Jianmen Pass and finally attack Huanglong, you will be helpless!"

Mr. Song frowned in his heart.

Thousands of D-level soldiers, and their skin is as hard as steel?

This is simply impossible to contend with!

Leip smiled again and said, "Don't you have cyborgs too? Send them out to compete with my cyborg!"

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