My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 581 Battle of Three Passes



The dignified President of the European Union looked hysterical and patted his thigh repeatedly, "Stop this exercise!!!"

Brother Liu still smiled, "Impossible."


Repp covered his chest again and fell back into his camp. He was supported by several generals before he stood firm!

"Mr. Tongguo, what's wrong with you?"

Admiral Eagle Eye and the others suddenly panicked and had no idea what was happening!

"he and I"

Leip pointed at Brother Liu tremblingly, his mouth watering, "Anyway, you just want to give me a solution to my death!!"


Among the European camp at the scene, only General Carmen had seen Brother Liu. At this time, his eyes widened and he murmured: "Kingeight"


However, Mr. Song, who was sitting firmly on Mount Tai, finally stood up and smiled heartily.

He came to Brother Liu and shook hands with Brother Liu heavily!

Then, he turned to look at Rep and said forcefully: "My little friend has arrived, this exercise must continue, but considering your status as a guest, I can ask you to make three conditions!"

Brother Liu was surprised when he heard this.

What a great Mr. Song!

Not to mention that the preparation time was only given 7 days, and now the frightened Repti was asked to put forward three conditions, which was clearly to limit himself!

Brother Liu smiled and nodded.

However, this is exactly what I want!

"Three conditions?!"

Repp suddenly became energetic, his eyes rolled, he glanced at Brother Liu with fear, and then looked at Mr. Song with hope, "Are you serious?"

Mr. Song also glanced at Brother Liu and said in a long voice: "Seriously."


"This is number one!"

Lepp stretched out his trembling hand and was about to point at Brother Liu, but he suddenly retracted it, as if he was afraid that Brother Liu would bite his claws off!

"First, this kid can't participate in the war himself!"

Rip almost shouted angrily.

Everyone is confused!

Is Lei Putongguo sick?

This is a war exercise with 100,000 people. So what if he joins the war alone?

But Repp's expression was - 'Don't worry about it, just listen to me! ’

Brother Liu nodded slightly, "Okay."

Rep's expression relaxed, and then he shouted: "You can't use the power of the Internet outside the battlefield, including my white palace, my family, my country, you can't touch anything!"

Brother Liu smiled softly.

He knew what Lepp was planning. After all, Lepp knew that he was the Fourth Emperor!

He didn't use the Internet outside the battlefield because he was afraid of being hijacked!

As for the inside of this battlefield.

The troops on both sides use independent mimic networks, independent satellite control, and even the core battlefield command headquarters use wired networks, just to prevent network intrusions!

In other words, within the battlefield, there is no stage for Brother Liu to display his unparalleled hacking skills!

I saw Brother Liu's face remained as usual, and he said slowly again: "Okay."

Rep breathed a heavy sigh of relief again, and shouted with some excitement: "Third, you are not allowed to use your own personal power. You are not allowed to use any spring, summer, autumn, winter, or underwater monsters!"

"You are not allowed to use it!"

Rep actually yelled and added another sentence!

Brother Liu sighed inexplicably.

Did you hurt Rep so deeply?

Originally, Brother Liu felt a little sorry about 'borrowing' his flying saucer, but in his heart he just regarded Rep as a slightly crazy friend.

Thinking about it now, except for the micron bugs that he just researched, it seems that all of his methods have been used by Repp!

He is quite pitiful.

There was even a trace of sympathy in Liu Di's eyes at this time, and he said calmly: "Okay."

Rep was granted amnesty!

It's like he just climbed out of the guillotine!

So far.

All the generals from Europe, as well as some unfamiliar generals from China, all took a breath!

They stared blankly at the young man in white, who was calm and harmless to humans and animals.

My heart is in turmoil!

According to what Rep said before, that personal power, that spring, summer, autumn and winter

Isn't this young man in front of me the Punisher Emperor Wu? !

In an instant, everyone's backs felt cold!

He is the savior who flew thousands of meters into the sky with his bare hands and shattered meteorites!

It is completely another existence that wanders outside of normal human beings and normal military warfare!

No wonder Rip didn't allow him to personally participate in the war before!

It’s scary to think about it!

The expressions of the two European generals, Hawkeye and Norman, finally calmed down at this time.

The arrogance that had always been on his face gradually stiffened, and a hint of fear appeared!

Mr. Song was strategizing at this time and said loudly: "Now that the conditions have been agreed, let's talk about the rules of the battlefield!"

The big screen behind him changed instantly.

A long and narrow map appeared.

Everyone then gathered in front of the screen, only to see that it was Mr. Song himself who was giving the explanation.

On the map, there is a straight passage running for 500 kilometers.

The starting point on the left is the red camp of China, and the starting point on the right is the blue camp of Europe.

And in the middle of the channel.

There are three checkpoints on average. According to the drawing, they should be three military fortresses covering a large area.

"The title of this exercise is called Battle of Three Passes."

Mr. Song put his hands behind his back and said, "Since ancient times, there is a word in our Chinese tactics, which is called the battleground for military strategists!"

"And the three battlegrounds of China's military strategists are the most famous."

"First, it is the throat of ancient China's land transportation to the outside world, and it is a must-pass pass on the Silk Road, named Yangguan!"

When Mr. Song said this, the checkpoint near the Chinese camp on the map lit up.

"Second, it is across the Mother River from the West Mountain in the north, and borders South China with Hangu Pass in the east. It is known as the transportation hub of 'the sound of cocks crowing in three provinces'-Tongguan!"

At this time, the checkpoint near the European camp on the map lit up.

Mr. Song's eyes flashed, "The third one was called the world's most important pass in the Shu Road in ancient times. It has 72 peaks, tall and steep, and it is truly the Jianmen Pass where 'one man blocks the pass and ten thousand men cannot open it'!"

The huge checkpoint in the center of the map lit up!

But a group of European generals were confused!

In their military exercises, the bases have always been named in a1, b1, and c1 ways, which are simple and easy to remember!

But when it came to China, they came up with so many strange names, and there were ancient poems in between?

It takes a lot of effort just to remember these names!

Mr. Song seemed to guess what they were thinking.

He said proudly: "China has a history of 5,000 years, with a long history of civilization and rich heritage. Now that we are conducting exercises in China, we must name the fortress with Chinese culture! Otherwise, how can we be a great country?!"

An old Chinese general looked at Carmen angrily and added: "When we went to your European country for exercises before, your map was full of bird language? Now it's a good time to exchange gifts!"

Mr. Song also smiled deeply and continued: "The rules of engagement are very simple. The Chinese troops guard their Yangguan, and the European country guards its Tongguan!"

"At the same time!"

"Use all your strength and all means to attack Jianmen Pass in the center of the venue. Whoever can plant his national flag on the wall of Jianmen Pass for 4 hours will be the winner!"


Mr. Song glanced at the two bright red Chinese flags standing on one side of the venue.

He looked at her with a stern look in his eyes and said, "Brother Liu, Mo Jia, you each hold a flag. Remember, there is only room for one national flag at Jianmen Pass!"

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