My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 578: Offense and Defense

Brother Liu's smile gradually faded and he fell into deep thought.

Of all the people present, only Ah Jia knew what was behind Brother Liu. It was far more complicated than ordinary people could imagine!

He waved his hand and everyone dispersed.

Ah Jia patted Brother Liu on the shoulder and turned to leave.

He knew that at this time, he, a 'civilian official', could not help him.

Shangguan Yanzhi seemed to be slow to react.

Suddenly a lightbulb flashed!


I've seen that old man on the news!

The little face is full of shock again!

Emperor San

8 major Internet company bosses

national leaders

The identities of these visitors are simply terrifying to death!

Scholars are so awesome!

It was so fierce that in just one morning, more than a dozen big names that ordinary people would never see once in their lives appeared back and forth!

Moreover, the scholar has been sitting on the main seat without moving his buttocks!

"Um, scholar, I'll withdraw first. Haha, just pretend that what happened today didn't happen."

Shangguan Rouge stood in front of Brother Liu and stuck out his tongue.

Brother Liu did not divert his attention and replied calmly: "I will contact you again."

Shangguan Rouge ran away as soon as he was pardoned.

Brother Liu looked out the window.

The Punisher, Ghost Island, and himself are all stateless.

But Gemini is not, and neither are the thousands of Gemini employees and users.

If you want to take root and develop in the land below your feet, you have to worship the Earth Temple!

After all, no country is willing to watch a force like Liu Di slowly rise in its own territory!

As Mr. Song said, how can you sleep peacefully when there is a tiger beside your bed?

But Brother Liu also knows in his heart that this is China and this is the motherland. It is absolutely impossible to act violently. You must judge the situation and be within proportion to make people convinced!

It’s quite difficult!

Right now.

Brother Liu received a piece of information in his mailbox, and the sender was Nan Tianhai.

Brother Liu shook his head and smiled. Mr. Nan Tianhai was originally a financial officer of China, but Mr. Song drove him to the shelves and became a liaison ambassador.

He probably thought that since he had a close relationship with Nan Ruoyi, he would give Mr. Nan some slack.

Therefore, Mr. Nan was responsible for all kinds of 'bad things'.

Thinking of the reserved look of the dignified Finance Minister before.

Brother Liu smiled again.

This time, Mr. Nan was really embarrassed!

But this also shows that his status in Mr. Song's heart is not low!

Liu Di opened the email in the perspective.

Suddenly his eyes narrowed.

This is clearly the information from that modernization exercise.

‘China’s largest war department exercise in 21st – the battle of three passes! ’

‘sss level secret! ’

As he read the information, Liu Di had an amazing feeling!

Chinese officials have actually been preparing for this exercise for 2 years!

Actually, a 500-kilometer exercise base was built in Ningbei, China!

Not only have the camps and fortresses of both sides been built, but also complex combat terrains such as valleys, cliffs, and tropical jungles have been built!

Cost 160 billion!

The war involved 100,000 personnel from both sides.

A total of 30,000 units/vehicles of various types of combat equipment were mobilized!

Satellite networks, energy supplies, temporary airports, missile bases, logistics facilities, etc. can be mobilized and built on site!

Brother Liu knew clearly.

To describe this exercise as "the biggest of the year" is a bit over the top.

This is simply the largest, most complex and sophisticated exercise in history!

Although it does not involve more than 100,000 people.

But this is a modern exercise with long-range heavy weapons strikes and cyber technology warfare as its core.

It's entirely conceivable.

Once the war starts, it will be earth-shattering!

Brother Liu looked at the Chinese forces and felt inexplicably turbulent.

The Chinese side and the opponent are two forces, using the 2vs2 mode.

One of the forces in China was the Mohist school.

The other branch is vacant.

Brother Liu knew that this vacancy was reserved for him!

My heart suddenly exploded.

Even though Liu Di has experienced countless breathtaking and incredible scenes, he never thought that one day he could represent China and lead soldiers to participate in international exercises!

Because the rules of this exercise are that Brother Liu and the Mo family can bring some of their own strength, but more, they have to rely on the strength of the war department prepared on site!

In other words, Liu Di and the representatives of the Mo family became battlefield generals from the moment they entered the exercise!

Bear the glory of China and conquer other countries!

This made Brother Liu's blood boil.

Look at the Mohist information again.

Brother Liu frowned.

Obviously, although Liu Di and the Mo family both belong to Chinese forces, there will be competition between you and me in the process.

However, the information shows that the Mohist family participated in the preparations for this exercise as early as a year ago.

He even participated in the design of his own venue.

But the time left for Brother Liu was only 7 days!

"Mr. Song is unfair."

Brother Liu looked solemn and muttered to himself.

Mr. Song wants to conquer Brother Liu and the Punisher for his own use. It is urgent but inevitable.

But Brother Liu was relieved immediately.

The Mohists have assisted successive emperors for more than a thousand years, and it is only today that they have gained the qualification to represent China.

And his own punisher has only risen to prominence in the world once, and he has received such attention and such rights.

It can also be seen as a kind of trust in disguise.

After all, this exercise concerns China's face in the world.

At the same time, in this SSS secret, the top strength of the Chinese War Department is clearly visible. Mr. Song did not shy away from showing it directly to Brother Liu, which can be regarded as not treating Brother Liu as an outsider!


"This is very interesting. Not only do we have to win the Mohist School, but we also have to win the war. We must stop at the right time and expose ourselves as little as possible to avoid Mr. Song's further worries."

"It really takes both offense and defense!"

Brother Liu smiled lightly, relaxed his mind, and began to conceive strategies.

But when he saw the Chinese opponent in the exercise, he couldn't help but smile playfully.


I know a lot about this opponent. After all, he is an old friend who has fought several times!

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