My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 568: Forgotten Information

Brother Liu didn't expect it either.

This research center, which exudes a sense of confidentiality everywhere, has aroused Shangguan Rouge's strong interest!

The little girl's face was full of excitement.

Then he took Brother Liu and turned towards the corridor.

Brother Liu remained motionless, "Where are you going?"

"Server room?"

"Don't worry, I will take you to the finance room later, let you steal, and help you carry the money!"

Brother Liu pointed to the other side, "The computer room is over there."

"Impossible, I have studied the structure of this house before!"

"I never fight unprepared!"

Shangguan Yanzhi didn't look back, but he couldn't pull Brother Liu away, "Oh, okay, I'll show you the drawings."

With that said, she turned on her palm computer, and the moment the drawings appeared, she let out a sigh.

"It wasn't like this before?"

"Am I remembering it wrong?"

"Okay, go that way!"

Brother Liu smiled softly.

Then the two began to shuttle through the building, up and down, until they entered the basement of the building, in front of a door that looked like no one had opened it for a long time.

Shangguan Rouge scratched his mustache and said, "This doesn't look like a computer room at first glance!"

"This is the computer room."

Brother Liu's tone left no room for doubt.

Shangguan Yanzhi looked helpless. There wasn't even an electronic lock here, only old-fashioned ball locks.

She sighed softly and took out a small cloth bag, which contained various lock-picking tools.

"Fortunately, I'm here, otherwise you would have stolen some yarn!"

But he saw Brother Liu reaching for the door handle, with a shocked expression on Shangguan Yanzhi's face.

There was a cracking sound inside the door, and Liu Di turned the handle abruptly, breaking the lock spring!

Shangguan Rouge's lips twitched, "What a direct way to open the door."


"Such a lot of dust?"

The moment the door was opened, a lot of dust flew up.

Shangguan Yanzhi took out a small flashlight and observed the situation inside the house.

"Brother, what's going on? This is the archives room!"

In the room in front of you, there are rows of shelves, among which are neatly arranged file bags!

And most of them are covered with dust, as if they have been dusty for a long time!

"Wrong go."

Liu Di's eyes flashed with the same light, he regained consciousness and slowly closed the door.

Shangguan Rouge pouted: "Is it so casual?"

For a moment, the room was extremely quiet, with only Shangguan Rouge's small flashlight shining.

She suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Brother, what are you doing? I'm a man. You can't be nice, can you?"

Brother Liu slowly rolled up his shirt cuffs and said, "To avoid being discovered, the lights can't be turned on here, and nothing else can be done."

Shangguan Yanzhi's eyes were full of horror, "What do you want?"

Brother Liu walked to the center of the shelf and said, "Yes, I want to find some information."


Shangguan Yanzhi looked at the four or five rows of bookshelves that were ten meters long and was slightly startled. "Do you want me to lend you a flashlight?"

"No need."

I saw Liu Di's right eye flashing with purple light, and his perspective covered the entire bookshelf.

Although there is a lot of information here, it is summarized and organized clearly, and the title of the information is clearly marked on the exposed spine.

With night vision.

In a moment, nearly 10,000 information lists flowed into Liu Di's mind.

The moment he invaded the base's network, the demon boy had already accessed the entire base's database.

The data stored in the computer server are only some daily records and experimental data.

The real core patent is the use of paper data storage!

next moment.

Brother Liu moved, very quickly, and accurately found an inconspicuous file on a shelf. He flipped through it with a dazzling speed.

It took him less than 30 seconds to create a document that was at least 50 pages thick!

Then, he came to the next shelf.

Keep scrolling, it’s ridiculously fast!

Shangguan Yanzhi was stunned.

You are worthy of calling yourself a scholar!

So awesome!

In this dark basement, you can flip through books faster than you can print them!

You can see a ghost!

Are you afraid of being a psychopath?

Shangguan Yanzhi was wondering when she saw something in the corner, which instantly cheered her up!

a computer!

It should be the management system in the archives room!

But it must be connected to the entire base's servers!

Ha ha.

That's enough!

Shangguan Yanzhi no longer cared about Brother Liu and quietly came to the computer.

After turning it on, I was ecstatic.

It really works!

She then took out a small pink USB flash drive, inserted it into the computer, and moved her five fingers together to start implanting the virus!

As for Brother Liu.

As he flipped through the information, his brows furrowed more and more.

What Liu Di selected were all patented contents of this organization, some from 5 years ago, 10 years ago, or even 20 years ago!

He gradually discovered that the main research direction of this institution was not the secret of the brain.

But human consciousness.

More than half of their patents prove that human consciousness exists independently!

It is not that consciousness dissipates directly after death, as outsiders understand.

‘The moment a human dies, the body loses 21 grams of weight. ’

'And many people who suffer from false death will gain 21 grams of weight the moment their heartbeat recovers. ’

‘Human consciousness is very likely a kind of particle. ’

‘When you die, the particles of consciousness transfer to another space and continue to survive. ’

‘When a vegetative person falls asleep, this particle will produce fluctuations. It is speculated that it may be consciousness particles traveling between real space and unknown space. ’

‘And this unknown space is likely to be another universe. ’

‘21 years ago, a well-known neuroscientist in my country invented equipment to monitor the existence of consciousness particles. ’

‘And he and his scientific researchers manipulated the equipment and witnessed the consciousness leaving the body. ’

As Liu Di continued to read, he suddenly found that the second half of the information in his hand had been destroyed.

Only a very old photo was left.

After seeing the person in the photo clearly, Liu Di's body was shocked!

In the photo, he had seen the middle-aged man in a white coat with a shy smile countless times.

Of course.

It was only in the photo album that my mother treasured.

This man is called Liu Zhengqing.

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