My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 563 Life and Death

"Three powerful emperors, why are you crying?"

But Kun Sang didn't know when he came behind Brother Liu and stuck his head out

"I didn't cry"

Brother Liu waved his hand and said with a smile: "Everyone's test results are normal, including Daisha."

"That's great!"

Kun Sang looked pleased, "So the people in Yulia Village are also healthy, including the braised eggs."

Kun Sang smiled for a moment, then his expression suddenly solidified.

He glanced at the soldiers and said, "Does that mean I'm going to be hunted down again?"

Kun Sang said, there was still a look of concern in his eyes, "Three powerful emperors, why do I see something abnormal about these soldiers? They are motionless."

Liu Di forced out a smile and said: "They are in some physical condition. Not to mention challenging you, I'm afraid they have forgotten who you are."

Brother Liu felt bitter and unbearable

Apart from finding themselves and living their daily lives, these warriors may not be able to do anything anymore.

Kun Sang was still unaware and said with a smile: "That's a good relationship. I hope they will forget about me after they recover!"

at this time

The big man with red eyebrows who had just finished the test walked by

Kun Sang felt confident and bared his teeth: "Haha, Hongmei, I am here, but you don't remember me."

The big man with red eyebrows paused slightly

A trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, and he stared at Kun Sang for a moment.

Kun Sang was still grinning.

As expected, the big man didn't think of anything and continued to move forward.

But the next moment, he frowned slightly

He whispered in his mouth: "Da Kun Sang"

This sound was not loud, but it caused all 283 soldiers on the scene to turn their heads and look directly at Kun Sang!

Kun Sang instantly shuddered!

Why haven't you forgotten?

Brother Liu was also stunned

I have mixed feelings in my heart, I find it funny, but I also feel depressed.

But the red-browed man stepped back, looked at Kun Sang, and raised his fist

Brother Liu shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Kun Sang, be careful, they are not what they used to be, at least level n+!"


"That's not fair!"

Kun Sang was shocked and prepared to run away!

But the body of the red-browed man who raised his fist suddenly froze.

His eyes flickered towards a thin figure in the distance


The red-browed man murmured, gave up on tying Sang, and walked towards the girl

In the sea breeze

Two figures from behind, a man with red eyebrows and a huge body, sitting on the rocks

And Xiaoqiu, who is petite, sits on one side

For a long time, Xiaoqiu was far away, "Silly man, why don't you speak?"

The red-browed man seems to only be able to say one sentence, "Xiaoqiu"

Xiaoqiu sighed slightly, "Okay, just sit like this for a while, oh, thank you for the gift you gave me before, it's very beautiful."


Red-browed man, still the same sentence!

Brother Liu is standing on a high place

Looking at the two figures from a distance, I burst into tears completely out of control

Xiaoqiu will not know what Chimei has been through.

But Chi Mei has the name 'Xiao Qiu' deeply engraved in her mind.

It may not be appropriate to say that people and ghosts have different paths, but the world is so strange and weird, and fate has played a trick on people. There are only a few red eyebrows left with consciousness, so they sat next to Xiaoqiu.

Brother Liu looked up to the sky and sighed. He didn't know if this was the so-called being together.

Anyway, at this moment, it is extremely peaceful and no one can disturb it.

Ghost Island in the distance

An old fishing boat is slowly approaching

Master Tuo was wearing slippers, stepping on the side of the boat, standing in the wind

Behind him was the Montenegrin general who had just woken up from drunkenness, with a depressed look on his face.

"Xiao Hei, I really can't stand your sad face. I'll take you to Liu Di's island to relax."

Lord Tuo backhandedly

"Brother, no matter what you show me, I will be sad too."

Heishan shook his head secretly

"Yes, that island is very big. I don't need to look at your old face."

Master Tu curled his lips

Heishan smiled bitterly, knowing that his elder brother was trying to adjust his mood, but it would not have any effect.

Two old men landed on Ghost Island

Xiaochun led them, and the two of them walked slowly

When walking to the research center, Heishan's body suddenly became stiff!

Through the glass window, he saw more than 200 figures sitting among them!

He rubbed his eyes

Then he ran towards the house like he was going crazy!

The scene in front of him shocked his heart and made him burst into tears!

He ran forward, "Grizzly Bear! Tank! Is that you!"

General Montenegro was so excited that he was about to have a cardiac arrest!

Smiling through tears, they shook the shoulders of the warriors in front of them one by one!

Constantly calling everyone's code name, "It's me, instructor Montenegro! Are you okay, my children!"

Montenegro is already incoherent

They kept running around the field, but the soldiers looked dull and didn't make any moves!

Montenegro has tears and runny noses!

When he saw Brother Liu coming slowly, he immediately shouted excitedly, "Good boy, you are lying to me, they are fine! Haha, that's it!"

But Brother Liu lowered his eyes and whispered: "They are already dead."

Heishan still laughed heartily, "How is that possible!"

But when Heishan's eyes swept across the faces of each soldier, the smile gradually disappeared.

He suddenly felt an ominous feeling, "What happened to them?"

But Master Tuo stepped forward, frowning, feeling the pulse, and looking at the whites of the soldiers' eyes and tongue coatings.

For a moment, Mr. Tuo's lips trembled and his face was bitter. "There are records in ancient medical techniques. There is a strange disease called 'living corpse'. The patient looks dull and has lost all thoughts. In fact, he should be dead and be kept alive by a fungus." "

Montenegro is like being struck by lightning!

Brother Liu frowned and nodded.

Mr. Tuo is well-informed and what he said is roughly similar.

But Brother Liu was also puzzled, why could the soldiers remember him and Kun Sang, but not the Black Mountain instructor?

Devil Boy: "Maybe the mission is important to the soldiers, but they are unwilling to bear it in their hearts. After all, it means fighting, killing, and even death. In contrast, they are more willing to remember some beautiful things."

General Montenegro looked excited, "I want to take them away, they need to return to the team, I want to heal them!"

Brother Liu walked out slowly and shook his head calmly, "From a certain perspective, they have been abandoned."

Heishan was completely stunned, tears streaming down his face again

Of course he knows what Brother Liu means by ‘abandonment’

"Yi Tianluo is dead"

Liu Di put his hands behind his back and glanced at the 283 soldiers, "They no longer need to bear any mission, and they are no longer under anyone's jurisdiction!"

General Montenegro refused to give up and shook Grizzly Bear's shoulders vigorously, "Grizzly Bear, don't you recognize me? I am an instructor!"

But the grizzly bear finally responded dully, "I don't know you."

Montenegro completely froze

Brother Liu put his hands behind his hands and his eyes flashed, "There is an old saying in China, which contains endless courage. It is read as 'You should be a hero in life, and you will be a hero in death'!"

"From now on, Yi Tianluo no longer exists, and you are called Guixiong Tianluo!"

Brother Liu waved his hand, "Stay in my ghost island. I, Brother Liu, will spend my whole life curing you!"

General Montenegro heard Liu Di's words and his body kept trembling.

There was a roar in his mind, and countless images flashed through his mind!

The battles of the soldiers, the blood and tears of the soldiers, and their unmarked tombstones

The grizzly bear is still repeating, "I don't know you."

Montenegro gritted his teeth and burst into tears!

For a long time, he seemed to have aged 10 years in an instant, and he choked out: "I don't know you either."

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