My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 545 Divine Punishment

"He Chu, I am very grateful for your coming."

"However, this Golden Country has some personal grudges with me, you and your people will wait and see for now."

"Or wait until I am about to lose the battle, then you can help me."

Standing in the Harrier fighter, He Chu clearly heard the voice of Liu Di coming from the communicator.

She glanced at the man on the central island, who turned his head with his hands behind his back and smiled at her.

She looked anxious instantly, and shouted into the communicator: "Brother Liu, this place is different from other places, don't take it lightly!"

Liu Di replied calmly: "Got it."

The conversation between the two was extremely smooth.

However, the crew members in the plane almost popped their eyes out!

They rubbed their eyes hard and looked at the man in white on the ground.

How did he control the aircraft communication system! ! !

He clearly had nothing in his hands! ! !

Several engineers responsible for the aircraft network defense instantly broke out in cold sweat!

The descendants of Maya, who have always been extremely proud of their technology, were taught a lesson by Brother Liu inadvertently!

Demon Child: "Brother Liu, when I just hacked into the plane, I found something. Their control system is somewhat similar to the Silver Shuttle. The female warriors in the Green House are related to Maya. It's confirmed."

"Moreover, although the technology of these descendants of Maya is much behind the Silver Shuttle, it is also inspiring. I can crack the secret of the Silver Shuttle system with some time."

Brother Liu nodded slightly, "I am happy to help the descendants of Maya find the traces of their ancestors."

And Queen Oya quietly watched Brother Liu communicating with He Chu.

"You bitch."

As she said, her eyes suddenly showed a chill, and she looked up at the top of the island.

On the top of the mountain, there is a moon-shaped stone sculpture, which has been mottled for many years.

And on the 'moon', there are twelve holes carved by humans!

At this time, the sun was setting in the west, just passing through the first hole on the moon sculpture. A beam of sunlight passed through and shone on the first golden armored warrior on the mountainside!

Queen Oya's voice was high and mighty, "Zodiac, Aries Luye!"

The golden warrior received the order.

The momentum rose instantly, and with the sunlight shining, it was so dazzling that people couldn't open their eyes!

Liu Di narrowed his eyes.

The Zodiac is the trajectory of the earth around the sun, and every 30 degrees, there is a constellation!

The origin of the ancient golden country is the Inca civilization, which was also born in Central Europe.

It is a bit similar to the Mayan civilization, and is also keen on observing celestial bodies!

And use the projection of sunlight and sculptures to distinguish the time.

However, the sundial of my Chinese civilization is 1,800 years earlier than yours!

Liu Di shook his head, so what if the sun shines?

Could it be that the sun god will give you power?

I want to see what this ancient golden country is capable of!

Looking closely.

But I saw that this Aries Luye was the one who controlled the huge slingshot and chased He Chu before!

At this time, Aries held a huge slingshot in his left hand, and a golden bullet the size of a football was condensed in his right hand!

He exerted force with both arms and pulled the slingshot into an exaggerated arc!


The bullet flew out rapidly, with a sharp sound of breaking through the air, flying towards Brother Liu, like a golden light!

The archaeological team on the Harrier aircraft felt nervous!

The power of this thing can smash huge reefs!

Looking at the posture of Brother Liu, he is not going to hide? !

The golden bullet is coming in an instant!


But there was a dull sound of impact!

I saw Brother Liu stretched out one hand, opened his palm, and lightly grasped the bullet!

At the moment of impact, there was a weak airflow around!

But Brother Liu's figure was not affected at all, as if he was on the basketball court, catching a pass from his teammates!

Brother Liu casually threw his hand and threw the bullet to the ground with a thump.

He raised his head slightly, "That's it?"


The Queen of Oya's narrow eyes slightly raised, and there was even a hint of fatal temptation, "A little strength."

And under the mask of Aries Palace Luye.

He also showed a grim smile!

He just wanted to confirm whether the other party could still control his armor!

Now it seems that the distance is too long and his ability has failed!

The next moment!

I saw Aries Palace Luye's hands hanging down, as if he was grabbing something from the ground!


The ground under his feet was shaking!

This row of twelve palace warriors originally stood on the mountainside, a row of palace roofs with a width of more than a thousand meters!

Each person's feet is an independent palace!

And the one under Aries Palace Luye's feet was shaking imperceptibly at this time!

The surface of the wall that looked like stone began to peel off!

Through the reflection of the sun, there were faint golden lights!

Afterwards, part of the roof changed!

It turned into a pool of flowing golden liquid.

And Luye's palms, like a vacuum cleaner, sucked out the golden liquid and grabbed it in his hands!

The golden liquid was then injected into his slingshot!

The slingshot took root and grew rapidly, becoming two huge horns towering on the ground!

It was 3 meters high!

At the same time, a golden bullet with a diameter of at least 1 meter condensed in Luye's hand!

He then set up the slingshot, and even the rubber band was flowing gold!


"Get ready to accept God's punishment!"

Luye laughed wildly, his body retreated several meters, and he pulled the giant slingshot with a bang!

Everyone was shocked!

At this time, the palace under Luye's feet had revealed its true form!

It was a huge golden palace!

And Luye used his ability to control the gold element to obtain gold from the golden palace under his feet and condense weapons!

Everyone looked at the huge palace, the golden Luye and the golden slingshot, and felt that everything was so unreal! !

Luye's sheep horn slingshot had been pulled into a curved arc, compressed and tight!

The golden projectile reflected a strong light!

This time, the power was several times greater than before. Once it was blasted out, it was unstoppable!


Even the sound of breaking through the air was sharper and more piercing!

The pressure was huge!

Go straight to Liudi!


A loud bang!

Liudi's body barely left the spot!

Only a shadow was drawn by his left leg!

Hard fight!

At the moment of collision, ripples appeared on the surface of the huge projectile!

Then, the projectile was hit by a huge external force and changed its direction directly, flying towards the distant sea!

A few seconds later, a slight plop sound was heard, and the projectile fell on the sea surface several kilometers away!

And Liu Di.

Has returned to his previous appearance, as if he had not moved!

But everyone present knew that his previous speed was so fast that it was dazzling, and he kicked the projectile away with one foot!

But Liu Di curled his lips slightly, "That's it?"

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