My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 539 The bell rings


On the bedrock island, there is a black reef more than two people tall.

It was as if someone had planted a detonator in it, and it exploded into pieces!

Several figures wearing expedition camouflage uniforms were revealed behind the reef.

These people looked miserable.

There are more or less scars on the body!

One of them, a tall European man, was the most miserable. One of his right arms had been cut off before and was barely tied up with rag strips. However, the broken arm was uneven and the blood was bright red. It was very scary!

Among these people, a beautiful woman wearing camouflage hot pants and a ponytail stood out the most!

She looked solemn and said, "Everyone, if we retreat and run towards the hinterland of the island, it will only take a moment as long as we can!"

Several people lifted up the man with his broken arm and continued to move, but he was in a miserable state!

They just moved another piece of reef behind!


The rock exploded again, and several people had to flee in confusion again!

During the movement, in order to cover the team, a team member raised his weapon and fired a shot into the distance!

The firearm in his hand was nothing special.

Rather, it is much wider and larger than ordinary firearms!

The gun body is covered with electronic components. The streamlined gun body and the barrel area are shining with a bright blue light.

And the bullet he fired was a beam of blue laser!

This laser beam penetrates straight through, like a blue straight line, across the sky!

Directly attack the two figures towering on the rocks in the distance!

And these two figures stood on the rocks blown by the sea breeze, radiating like two golden-armored gods of war!

They were covered in golden armor, and the golden armor was staggered, like gilded ancient warriors!

That blue laser beam passed through the reef, and the reef shook and shattered!

But when it hit the golden-armored figure, there was just a ripple all over the body, and the attack power disappeared!

And the weapons used by these two golden armored humanoids are also quite weird!

One person, holding a 5-meter-long golden whip!

Although it is just hanging down casually to the ground now, the power contained in it cannot be underestimated!

The other person's weapon is more classic!

It was actually a 1-meter-tall golden slingshot!

This slingshot is carved with complex patterns and has a sacred atmosphere!

This man stretched out his hand to condense a golden projectile as big as a palm, and set it up on the golden slingshot!

His cold eyes were exposed in the gaps in the facial armor!

He suddenly stretched the slingshot, and the golden projectiles shot out!


One of the densest metals!

That golden projectile weighed more than ten kilograms!


The projectile hit a rock, and the rock was shattered again by huge force!

Several soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms were exposed again and could only flee in confusion!

"Miss He Chu, my photon wave weapon is completely ineffective against them!"

“Gold is too atomically stable to break down!”

"We can only run away with our heads in our hands!"

While fleeing, a camouflage soldier shouted to the ponytail beauty!

This team was exactly what Brother Liu once met by chance in the desert.

That archaeological team led by He Chu!

However, the equipment in their hands has fully proved that they are no ordinary archaeological team!

At this time, He Chu was also a little panicked!

After going through all kinds of hardships, they finally found the latest ruins of this golden city!

But I didn’t expect to meet the descendants of the Golden Kingdom here!

And their armor just suppressed their own weapons!

Everyone hid in the rugged depths of a reef again!

He Chu clenched the copper bell in his hand, his eyes full of anticipation!


The player with a broken arm sighed leisurely.

This man is none other than team member Fan Hall, who is also the cousin of He Chu’s family!

I once competed with Brother Liu in the carriage!

In the previous battle, he was not careful and his right arm was broken off by a golden figure!

He grinned and said, "He Chu, I suddenly realize that your great bell is useless!"

"Although that great god is powerful, he doesn't have the ability to teleport. He doesn't even know where he is in the world at this time. When he comes, we will be disappointed."

But somewhere, his brows were furrowed.

Even during this short respite, she remained silent and gently shook the bell in her hand!

Several expedition members were silent for a while!

"How can we rely on this little bell at a time like this?"

A team member stepped forward and said: "I have contacted Elder Fanxi in the family. Their aircraft is very fast and equipped with high-power photon cannons. They will definitely be able to save us in time!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a glimmer of hope rose in everyone's hearts.

But the next moment!


The reef they relied on was once again shattered by a metal projectile!

Everyone was about to get up and run for their lives.

But he saw two golden rays of light behind him that were extremely dazzling!

The only way to escape is the two golden figures standing on one left and one on the right!

Two golden armors stood quietly, like a death stare!

The archaeological team’s spine went cold!

Click, click, click!

The archaeological team members quickly picked up their guns and shouted: "You should know who our family is, kill us, you must think clearly about the consequences!"

But it can be clearly seen that the hands of these archaeological team members are shaking slightly!


The figure in golden armor holding a long whip snorted disdainfully, which answered everything!

He dragged his whip closer slowly!

Ding Ding Ding

He Chu was still shaking the small copper bell in his hand behind his back!

But in the eyes of the archaeologists, this was meaningless!

In the eyes of the two golden-armored figures, this was just trembling!

The golden-armored figure with a slingshot as his weapon was condensing a projectile, ready to deliver a fatal blow!

But he suddenly looked stunned!

He looked up at the sky!

The other golden-armored man did the same!

The archaeologists didn't understand why, and they also looked subconsciously!

The sky was blue, with only a few scattered clouds, very peaceful!

But indistinctly, there was a tiny sound of breaking through the air!

It was like a whistle in the clouds!

A black dot appeared in people's vision, and he fell rapidly, getting bigger and bigger!

The reason why this island is called Bedrock Island.

It is because this island is made up of reefs and volcanic magma after cooling and bonding!


The subsequent loud noise was comparable to the detonation of ten kilograms of explosives!

A figure, like a javelin, landed straight on the ground!

The ground of this stone island, with him as the center, had spider-web-like cracks!

There was even seawater overflowing!

Along the coast, there were loose reefs that sank to the bottom of the sea!

"Don't worry, He Chu, I'm here, they can't move forward even half a step!"

The man stood with his hands behind his back, his slightly long hair fluttering in the sea breeze!

It was Liu Di who rushed over quickly!

Because the situation was critical, he had to jump down from the Silver Shuttle thousands of meters in the air!

But his body of the new human system was as solid as a rock!

Not only was he unscathed, but he also made the island tremble!

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