My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 534 Everyday Rogue


Two fists collided!

Two figures retreated!

One was a golden fist glove that was more than twice as big as usual!

The other was an ordinary fist that was still a little white!

But he didn't expect that Ajia, a relatively thin young man with a white-collar temperament, had a punching power that was evenly matched with the terrifying momentum of Ferro!

To be precise!

Ferro's golden gloves had deflated!

Ferro stretched his fingers and the golden gloves quickly recovered!

He smiled deeply, "The Punisher's skills are just so-so. As the right-hand man of Emperor Wu, you are only a D-level cyborg?"

Ajia chuckled and said, "My main task is to run the company. I accepted the transformation just to deal with some daily hooligans who robbed and looted."


Ferro grinned, and the gold area on his arm increased again. More gold emerged from his clothes and wrapped one arm!

He said arrogantly: "It's a pity that you met me today!"

Ajia said disdainfully: "Yes, I said, deal with everyday hooligans!"



Fero's face turned red when he was choked by Ajia!

He rushed up again, with the same moves, and punched again!

"Even if you wrap yourself like a mummy, gold is still too soft and can't withstand a blow!"

Ajia roared, raised his hand and punched, with more power than before, bringing a whistling sound!

Fero's eyes narrowed, "The power has increased, E-level?!"


The two fists collided, and Ferro's metal boxing gloves had a huge dent!

At first glance, Ferro was completely defeated by Ajia!

But Ajia was confused, because he found that Ferro's two followers were just standing there with a smile on their faces!


Fero's sneer came, "Stupid, the advantage of gold has never been hardness, but ductility!"

The next moment!

Ferro's golden arm produced ripples, and the golden armor changed its appearance instantly, as if golden tentacles were born, and spread to Ajia's arm in an instant!

It quickly wrapped his fist and couldn't pull it out!

Ajia frowned and was about to kick!


Ajia's face changed drastically!

There was a sharp pain in his chest!

His face turned pale instantly!

The suit on Ajia's chest was cut by a sharp blade, and a palm-sized three-edged blade, like a thorn flower, broke through his suit and flew into Ferro's hands!

Then, Ajia's body instantly lost strength, retreated repeatedly, and fell to the ground!

His chest had been cut with seven or eight finger-length vertical and horizontal wounds, and blood was pouring out!

Ferro took back the gold on his arm, and the three-edged blade in his palm slowly changed and returned to a card!

Ajia covered his chest, already a little short of breath, "That business card! Despicable!"

Fero smiled evilly, "Yeah, you really think highly of me, you always carry the business card with you?"

A flash of lightning flashed through Ajia's mind!

Suddenly I understood how the heads of those international Internet companies suffered accidents!

It must be this kind of unpredictable gold!

Fero stepped forward!

Lifted Ajia's collar and lifted him up to the air!

"I guess your heart has been cut, and within 10 minutes, the blood in your body will stop flowing."

"If you tell me who Emperor Wu is, I can help you call an ambulance!"

Fero stared at Ajia with a disdainful grin on his face, "Haha, this deal is very cost-effective, your reward is your own life!"

Ajia felt that his strength was getting weaker and weaker!

Every heartbeat brought him excruciating pain!

Ajia's face twitched and said, "Don't kill me, I'll tell you."

"Very good!"

"You Chinese have an old saying, those who know the times are heroes!"

Fero smiled contemptuously, his eyes full of disdain, "Twin Zhang Tianjia, is he still a coward!"

Ajia weakened and said, "Come closer."


Fero put his ear close and concentrated.


"The real identity"

Ajia gritted his teeth, "Have you heard of a song in China? He is the name of that song."


Fero frowned in confusion!

Ajia suddenly smiled, "He is a brother who sleeps on my upper bunk! His feet are a bit smelly, and he stole my school flower!"

Ajia's face suddenly became fierce, and he rushed towards Ferro, "Fuck your mother, you are qualified to ask his name!"


Fero was caught off guard, and his cochlea was bleeding after being hit by Ajia, an E-level cyborg!

Fero, who took three steps back, was furious!

"Looking for death!"


He kicked towards Ajia's chest, hitting Ajia's injured chest!

Ajia's body slid backwards, blood oozing from his mouth!

"Kill him for me!!!"

Ferro roared, and the two followers stepped forward with sinister faces!


The pressure nearby doubled!

A figure fell from the sky!

Like a meteorite falling, stepping on the shoulders of the two followers, from top to bottom, crushing their bones and breaking them into pieces!

In an instant!

The two human figures of Ferro's two followers turned into two pools of meat mud on the ground!

The visitor said: "Ajia, I have explained to you many times that it is not me who has smelly feet, but Da Zhuang in the second bunk!"

When Ajia saw the visitor, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't quibble, it's you."

Ferro was frightened by the momentum of the visitor and broke into a cold sweat on his back!

The two C-level followers turned into meat mud in an instant!

"You you you are"

Fero stretched out his hand and pointed at the young man in white with trembling hands!

I saw that Brother Liu's eyes were cold: "I am the last new face you will see in this life!"

The next moment!

Brother Liu was calm and punched straight at Ferro!

For Brother Liu, who had extraordinary physical strength, this level of battle was boring!

He disdained to use any moves!

But in Ferro's eyes, it was like an illusion!

The man was clearly 5 meters away, but he came close in an instant!

Ferro's heart was shaking wildly!

The metal control ability was immediately maximized!

A golden shield appeared out of thin air!

Brother Liu's fist hit the shield, and the shield was like colloid, stretching and deforming!

Ferro retreated again and again!

"Haha, gold ranks first in ductility among metals. If you want to touch me, go through this shield first"

But the next moment!

Ferro's pupils suddenly contracted!

In just a moment, Brother Liu's fist appeared in front of him, and it was getting bigger and bigger!


With a loud bang, Ferro's head exploded!

It turned into extremely fine meat paste, spraying all over the wall!


Ferro's body fell straight down!


The golden shield that was stretched several meters seemed to be a beat slower in reaction, and it broke at this time!

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