My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 523: Wild Horse on the Run

"Boss, when will we get the watches?"

Someone asked eagerly.

Liu Di smiled deeply, "Now, it's not enough for us to have these watches. The bosses of those big companies outside are all arrogant. When you hear the word acquisition, you may not even be able to get in the door!"


All the investment managers suddenly understood!

The acquisition targets this time are not those small-scale startups!

It's not so easy to meet the boss of the other party!

Liu Di paced slowly, "So we have to use the wisdom of the great leader and surround the city from the countryside!"

"Our next goal is to start with the acquisition of individual stores!"

"The first step is to let those small stores on the street hang our to Lingxi signs!"

"Form a siege and give the big stores a sense of oppression!"

The investment managers nodded again and again!

The influence of to Lingxi's stores is too strong. As long as they open, they will inevitably snatch a large number of customers!

The big stores can't sit still!

Liu Di said again: "However, these stores are too small and have too little data. My business sandbox can't play a big role."

The investment managers' expressions dimmed instantly!

There are countless small stores on the street, and the bosses are relatively stubborn. This is not an easy thing to do!


"Let me show you how to acquire a small store."

Liu Di laughed and randomly asked an investment manager to come on stage. "You play the store owner, and I play the acquirer. Remember, you are a difficult boss."

Everyone watched quietly. What tricks did the third boss of the emperor have this time?

Liu Di sat casually on the chair and looked into the eyes of the other 'boss'.

"Hello, I'm here to buy your store."

The other 'boss' shook his head like a rattle, "No!"

Liu Di chuckled, "I'll pay 500,000."

'Boss': "How is that possible? My small store only has a turnover of 400,000 a year."

Liu Di stretched out his hand slightly, "1 million."

"No! My"

"1.5 million."

"Ah? This"

"2 million."

"2 million? This"

"2.5 million."


"3 million!"


The investment manager was sweating profusely at this time!

What kind of acquisition routine is this!

The investment managers present were also petrified!

But Liu Di stood up with his hands behind his back, "Do you understand?"

Everyone nodded woodenly.

I understand!

You are just going out to spend money!

"Then my demonstration is over."

Liu Di smiled harmlessly, "Let's do it next. Remember, you only have 21 minutes to acquire a single store!"

The air fell into silence again!

After a long time, someone asked, "Boss Di San, is our company's money enough to spend?"

"Enough for you to build for a while!"

Liu Di said, looking at Hedina!

Hedina was also stunned, "Boss Liu, your way of spending money"

But Liu Di's eyes flashed, "The momentum at the beginning must be big enough. Only when the volume reaches a certain scale, we have the capital to bargain. In the later stage, a few percentage points lowered in large enterprises will be enough for us to make back our investment!"

"Boss Di San, I understand what you mean!"

"Don't worry, I will do a good job, and every penny of the company will not be wasted!"

"Boss Di San, when will you give us watches? I can't wait!"

Liu Di shook his head slightly, "When did I say that the watches would be given for free?"


"What's going on!"

The investment managers looked at each other, "We can buy it with money!"

"It's not about money."

Liu Di smiled and said, "The time is tight and the task is heavy. I will set a game rule for you!"

"Each of you will start by acquiring a small store. You will get one point for acquiring one store. When you have 300 points, you can exchange a watch from me. Then you can consider acquiring a chain store! And the number of chain stores is also worth one point!"

"Ah, this"

"We still have to pass the level and upgrade?"

The investment managers felt that they had no place to use their energy!

"A thousand miles without accumulating small steps, and the risk of ascending to heaven in one step is not small!"

Liu Di paced slowly, "I suggest you make a plan. If you want to swallow a chain store, you must first lay an ambush around it."

These investment managers are also smart and instantly understood what Liu Di meant!

Eyes shining!

The boss's plan is crazy, steady, well-prepared, and one ring after another!

"As the old saying goes, only with enough rewards can there be enough motivation."

Liu Di said slowly: "These points will not be wasted. After we complete the first stage goal, each point can be exchanged for 10,000 cash as your extra bonus!"

What? !

One point is worth 10,000? !

The scene exploded directly!

"I want to acquire 500 stores!"

"I want to acquire 1,000 stores!"

"I want to acquire 5,000 stores!"

"Hai City is mine!"

"Don't grab any of you, Kyoto is mine!"

Nearly a hundred investment managers were crazy and could not restrain themselves!

"Boss, when will the meeting end!"

"The power of the wild in my body is about to be uncontrollable!"

Liu Di smiled slightly and slowly said two words, "Now."


The scene was in chaos!

Nearly a hundred investment elites, holding their briefcases, rushed to the door in an instant!

It was like grabbing free eggs on the street, and their shoes almost flew off!

"Wait a minute, forget it!"

I saw Hedina came to Liu Di, "Mr. Liu, your moves are really brilliant."

Liu Di still had his hands behind his back, "What do you mean."

Hedina sighed, "First, you throw out the big sweet date of chain stores, and then suppress their momentum and let them acquire small stores."

"Their eyes are red!"

"You give them the idea of ​​throwing money, won't they become wild horses?"

"I believe that the acquisition speed of small stores will be amazing and exaggerated next time!"

"Then those big stores will be surrounded soon and will be captured!"

"Investment managers also have experience, plus the business sandbox Assistance, it's only a matter of time to take down the big stores!"

"It won't be long before all these Chinese entities will be yours!"

Liu Di smiled slightly, "It's not good if they all become mine. For those large entities, we will keep their signs, which will probably be in the form of a certain store + to Lingxi, upgrade their original technology, and add artificial robots."

"I understand these."

Haitina sighed again, "But do you know how much work is behind this?"

"We can't just buy the store when we see it, we have to evaluate and confirm the value."

"We have to mobilize funds, and we need Nan Ruoyi's robot production to keep up with the pace."


Haitina didn't finish her words, but was interrupted by Liu Di.

"So I'm lucky to get your help."

Liu Di gently took off the watch on his hand and put it on Hetina's wrist, "This business sandbox will help you complete a lot of work."

The action of wearing the watch made Hetina blush!

She looked at the brilliant and wise man in front of her.

She sighed in her heart.

Another beauty trap for me!

Will I never be able to escape from his clutches?

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