Brother Liu stood behind the virtual screen.

But at this time, the screen was just blue and devoid of any content.

He glanced at nearly a hundred investment managers and said with a smile: "I will test everyone, under what circumstances will the other party be willing to sell the business that they have worked so hard for?"

"Boss Di San, let me tell you!"

An investment manager raised his hand first and said: "There are two situations. The first is that the other party believes that cooperation with us can have better development prospects! The second is that he encounters a problem that cannot be solved and the business cannot continue!"

"To put it simply, he wants to make it big, or he wants to cash out and run away!"

"Very refined!"

Brother Liu paced with his hands behind his hands, "But no boss is willing to reveal his business situation to the outside world, and understanding other people's business models is another technical job!"

"If you don't understand physical stores, you will be confused even if you find these two opportunities!"

Hundreds of investment managers nodded.

Di Sanda’s words spoke directly to their hearts!

Brother Liu smiled slightly, "So I took the time to develop a tool to help you acquire stores!"

Everyone was stunned.

development tools?

Is that a piece of software?

Everyone present knew that Di San was a master of technology!

However, can the acquisition of other people's business be done through software?

I saw that Brother Liu was a little empty!

Three lonely small houses suddenly appeared on the blue light screen!

Brother Liu said: "Take our Huaxia chain store, Fuyuan Food Square, as an example!"

The words just fell.

In front of the three small houses on the screen, a plaque appeared, which read: ‘Fuyuan Omnivorous. ’

"Fuyuan Zongshi originated from a snack bar 50 years ago. Because of its high quality and low price, the business has grown and branches have been opened continuously."

Brother Liu said.

The virtual screen changed, and customers appeared in the small shop constantly coming in and out.

Streets gradually appeared in the surrounding area, with numerous houses appearing and becoming busy with traffic.


The second and third Fuyuan grocery store kept appearing in the distance of the screen!

"Ten years ago, they had more than 1,000 stores, and they renamed their stores to Fuyuan Catering Group, and their restaurants became mid-to-high-end stores."

at this time.

The scope of the virtual screen has expanded to the entire China, and the number of Fuyuan restaurants has also become densely packed.

Moreover, the shape of Fuyuan's stores has also changed from the original three small rooms to buildings or high-end stores!

The plaque also changed to ‘Fuyuan Food House’!

"It now has 4,000 chain stores across the country."

“It can be said to be a time-honored restaurant!”

"So far, the store has been making a profit, the signboard is loud, and it can continue to generate revenue."

Brother Liu said slowly.

But all the investment managers in the audience stared blankly!

Because what appeared on the virtual screen at this time was a complete map of China.

All are constructed with 3D models, and every ‘Fuyuan Food Factory’ in the middle appears in its real location!

And all this happened through an evolution of less than 1 minute.

It’s like fast forwarding through history, clearly recording every step of the development of ‘Fuyuan Food House’!

Liu Di smiled and said: "From this perspective, there is no reason for Fuyuan Food Factory to sell!"

"But the only thing in the world that won't lie is data!"

Brother Liu just finished speaking.

A set of data appears in the upper right corner of the virtual screen!

It’s the business data of ‘Fuyuan Food House’ in the past five years, and it’s so detailed that it’s outrageous!

"it's easy to see."

“Fuyuan Catering’s store expansion rate is declining at a rate of 22% per year!”

"Their revenue in the past three years, although the average profit is as high as 600 million!"

"But according to historical data, this number has dropped by 8% year-on-year!"

Brother Liu looked at the investment managers with a smile!

And the investment managers all stared at the data!

Judging from the data, Di Sanda is right!

At the same time, they are constantly ‘digging holes’ in their hearts!

Where did Di Sanda get such detailed data?

Brother Liu waved his hand again, "Let's see what the specific problem is!"


A 'Fuyuan Food Square' flagship store on the screen zoomed in, and then the scene inside the store appeared.

But they are two windows from the same angle.

The left side shows 2 years ago, while the right side shows the situation this year!


This scene starts to fast forward!

Analytical data is also constantly generated!

'According to comparison, during the two years, their number of people entering the store in a single day dropped by 36! ’

‘Per capita consumption of customers dropped by 50 yuan! ’

‘Customer stay time dropped by 15 minutes! ’

‘The return rate of old customers dropped by 20%! ’

Pieces of data are constantly appearing!

And it’s getting faster and faster!

Finally, there is an analysis of other stores in Fuyuan!

People were surprised to find that the data of the first store just now was already the best among all stores!

Investment managers are sluggish!

I'm afraid Fuyuan himself can't summarize these data!

Liu Di's voice came, "To put it simply, Fuyuan is in decline! It is precisely because his signboard is too old and the freshness of customers is constantly being lost!"

"And its annual revenue of several hundred million yuan is only supported by the number of stores!"

Brother Liu said this.

The final statistics on the screen appeared: According to the current trend, Fuyuan Catering Group will be completely closed down in 7 years!


The investment managers were silent.

This powerful data analyzes the opponent thoroughly!

If used for negotiation, it is simply a magic weapon for investment acquisition!

"But the real result will not be like this."

I saw Liu Di shook his head, and the screen changed again!

Before, the time on the screen was from 50 years ago, increasing until this moment.

It was fixed at 10:36 on January 13, 2021.


In the stunned eyes of the investment managers, this time began to move!

It began to exceed the current time and move towards the future!

10:37 10:38 The next day, the second week, the second month!

The 'Fuyuan Food Court' on the screen is still operating in an orderly manner, with sunrise and sunset, and a constant stream of people!

Until 8 months later!

There was a riot in the store, and some employees went on strike!

Customers could not eat food and left angrily!

In the upper right corner of the screen, a piece of news also appeared: "Fuyuan Group Chairman, Sun Fuyuan, was sued for divorce by his wife because of an extramarital affair, and then lost the case and compensated the other party 50% of his wealth!"

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