My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 510 Mohist School


During the Warring States Period more than 2,000 years ago, he founded a whole set of scientific theories of geometry, physics, and optics!

In the pre-Qin era.

He created the Mohist school, and it was precisely because of this school that the Chinese nation's science and technology made rapid progress at that time!

In the "Mo Jing" more than 2,000 years ago, Mozi explained the principle of pinhole imaging in detail.

It was earlier than Euclid's "Elements of Geometry" in ancient Greece!

In addition, when Mozi was alive, he proposed the concept of the unity of time and space. He believed that space was a concept inseparable from time.

And this concept coincides with Einstein's "Theory of Relativity" two thousand years later!

And he put many theories into practice in life!

He completely elevated the war weapons at that time to another dimension!

Crossbow carts like machine guns!

There are also many siege weapons such as ladders, carriages, and rocking carts!

This is the "Mohist Mechanism" that has been passed down in later generations!

It is recorded that the Qin Emperor unified the six countries relying on this Mohist knowledge!

Unfortunately, in the early Han Dynasty, Mohist doctrine was completely banned!

Disciples were massacred!

As a result, the largest scientific and technological organization in ancient China suddenly disappeared without a trace! ’

Liu Di looked at the Mohist information that emerged in his eyes.

A sense of awe rose in his heart for no reason!

Mo Tong: "The Mohist mechanism is an advanced mechanical technology, and the 'Mohist Nine Calculations' is a deduction algorithm for a large number of big data!"

"If they had received due attention at that time, and the development of Mohism had never been restricted, then China's technology would have been ahead of the world now!"

Liu Di's heart was touched!

If these black-robed people really came from Mohism, it means that Mohism has been secretly developing silently for thousands of years!



A huge gong sound came from the air, crisp and long, reaching everyone's ears!

Liu Di looked up!

I saw the black-robed young men who rushed out of the darkness, and suddenly unfolded a round shield with flowing light on their arms, like an electronic energy shield generated by the void!

The three dark-skinned young men didn't seem to have any special abilities, but they were extremely strong, like mad bulls!

The three of them punched the energy shield, and a series of gong sounds were produced!

Even if they were a hundred meters apart, they could still feel the air currents stirring!

Seeing the black-robed young man holding the light shield being punched, his body retreated half a meter!

Although the electronic round shield was not damaged, the physical fitness of these black-robed men was not as good as their opponents!

The next moment.

I saw a black-robed young man in the lead, and he shouted in a low voice: "Mechanical technique, three!"

Several black-robed men quickly separated!

They were divided into various positions and surrounded the three wild bulls!


The power of the precision instruments on their arms increased, and a substantial barrier spread out instantly!

A sphere slowly formed, surrounding the three wild bulls!

Then, in order to hide from others!

The black-robed man controlled the sphere to slowly descend and landed on the top of a tall building!


The three wild bulls madly bombarded the energy shield, and the ground shook, but they could not break it!

Mo Tong: "Their principle is also a plasma energy shield, similar to the Ghost Island defense system!"

Liu Di was shocked.

Mostly Mohists!

These young men in long robes who looked like ancient warriors were masters of using technology to fight!

"Hah, the best sorghum wine!"

I saw Mr. Song next to me drink a cup of wine, a little drunk, but his face was flushed.

"Why is Western civilization short-lived?"

"But China has lasted for thousands of years?"

Mr. Song was very interested and poured himself another glass of wine, saying: "Because China has never been a country, but a civilization called a country!"

"Since the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor, China has called itself the descendants of the Yellow Emperor!"

"There is a unified sense of origin!"

"After eight hundred cycles of sedimentation!"

"Until Qin Shihuang established the great unification, it was determined that the wheels were the same and the writing was the same!"

"China's great unification thought has been passed down from generation to generation!"

"Throughout history, there are Laozi's philosophical thoughts, Confucius's travels around the countries, and Mozi's leading the times"

"There are many talented people, and they are united!"

"Is China what it looks like in the eyes of outsiders?"

Several people at the scene suddenly understood!

Mr. Song's drunken words contain endless momentum!

A picture emerges in people's minds. China is like a golden dragon condensed by time, containing endless secrets and endless power. Just watching everything with cold eyes, there is no opponent that can match it!

"My friend, Brother Liu."

Mr. Song glanced slightly, "I wonder who is better in technology between my Mohist disciple and your Ghost Island?"

Brother Liu did not speak.

His eyes were fixed on the three young men trapped in the energy shield!

The radiation value in their bodies is now growing wildly!

It seems to be reaching a certain critical point!

But a few seconds later!

I only heard one of the young men shouting: "Ji Gua, Gordon, full strength, explode!"

Then there were three roars!

The three young men suddenly raised their arms, cracks appeared on their skin, and blood mist spurted out!

Their momentum soared!

Demon Child: "Good guy, these three people are like batteries, storing radiation and can suddenly explode!"


The power of the three people soared!

After a few punches, the energy shield flickered and began to flicker!

Fists followed one after another.

The energy shield rippled like water waves, and suddenly turned into starlight and disappeared!

Several Mohist disciples groaned and retreated!

The three wild bulls were covered in blood, and with the power of their legs, they jumped up again and ran towards the small building!

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