My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 501 What is Technology


‘il Intelligent Life’ slowly walked into the venue! It waved gracefully and bowed to all the audience! It looked at the ‘Violent Bear’ again, and actually put one hand on its waist and hooked its fingers with the other! “It’s actually provoking!” The audience was directly cracked! This is without human control! It can make movements by itself, and even express contempt! Looking at the ‘Violent Bear’ again, it still has that kind of tattered feeling, with a dull face, and the light bulb-sized eyes flickering! One is full of futuristic feeling! One is full of stupidity! m The audience felt a little disappointed, and the child’s robot probably didn’t work! The next moment.

‘il Intelligent Life’ set off, like a foreign aristocrat, so elegant! 3 minutes, answer 10 questions! 100% accuracy! Then.

This ‘il Intelligent Life’ actually stretched out its middle finger and pointed at the ‘Violent Bear’! The audience was stunned again! This works too! But Master Moore chuckled and said, "Everyone, I'm really sorry. As you know, it's now self-controlled. I can't do anything about it. I apologize to everyone on behalf of the 'il Intelligent Life'!" Hiss... The audience gasped. This x let you pretend, absolutely amazing! The little boy looked cautious! The 'Violent Bear' appeared! The 'Violent Bear' looked at the questions in front of it, mumbling in his mouth, and his whole body was electronically sounding, as if he was doing mental arithmetic and oral arithmetic, talking to himself! It moved! Click, click, the body moved forward, answering questions one by one, not slow! Then! The results came out! Nearly 10,000 spectators felt like they were riding a roller coaster! Because.

The results of the 'Violent Bear' were exactly the same as those of the 'il Intelligent Life'! Tied for first place again! The audience was shocked, this was too coincidental! How to deal with this, the competition has been completed! There is only one trophy! Moore stood on the suspended platform, looking stunned, "This is illogical!" At this time

But the little boy was walking around and approaching Brother Liu slowly. "Brother, you have given up one after another. I appreciate your kindness!" "Don't worry, I won't let you down!" The little boy said, patting Brother Liu on the shoulder, slowly turning around, imitating Brother Liu, looking at the audience with his hands behind his back! But.

There was a strange light flashing in his eyes, and his smile was full of a faint evil.

Brother Liu was startled.

The boy's expression can be summed up in two words: mean! At this time.

The lights in the venue were turned on, and violent music came from the speakers! Fireworks were sprayed! The host was almost crazy, "It's so exciting! I have hosted three VTNs, and finally encountered this situation!" "It's the most exciting and craziest overtime, a robot fight!" "In 3 minutes, 'IL Intelligent Life' and 'Violent Bear' will compete for the championship through fighting!" "This is the charm of our VTN, the passion that makes VTN popular all over the world!" The scene exploded instantly! The audience was also almost crazy! They suddenly remembered the least noticeable rule in the competition rules! If the score is tied, then it will be overtime! Whoever's robot can destroy the opponent and stand to the end will win! Liu Di also understood instantly! You are so good, you little bastard! So you were acting before! You acted weak and pitiful in front of me, and showed positive energy, just for this overtime? ! Liu Di picked up the little boy directly, "Little bastard, do you know that I sacrificed trillions to fulfill your wish!" "Brother.

" "Calm down.

Liu Xiaodi blinked his eyes and said: "Do you still remember that sentence? Once you enter the world, you can't help yourself...what about family ties and morality..." Liu Xiaodi is so helpless! As a 'father', he is really a failure! Why does this kid need education? At such a young age, he can even plot against me! "Brother, tens of thousands of spectators are watching, do you want domestic violence?" "Besides, this player is going to compete!" "Little brother Liu was calm and composed! Brother Liu sighed! "Go! Go for it! "The scene of the competition! The organizer quickly circled an area! Ten meters square! For two top robots to fight! 'Il Intelligent Life' and 'Violent Bear' faced off! Moore's veins were exposed, and he was frantically debugging the computer in his hand! Good boy, I've come to this point! Then I don't have to hide! The 'violent bear' is waiting to be turned into a pile of scrap metal! The 'il Intelligent Life' arm sprayed out with a command. Flame! “It’s equipped with a flamethrower! "Master Moore has been prepared for a long time. The defending champion cannot be underestimated!" "The audience exclaimed! But Liu Xiaodi smiled disdainfully! Press the controller lightly! The slogan 'Violent Bear' chirped! The two lightbulb eyes flashed frequently, suddenly turning into blood red! Then its arms turned around! The palms of its hands turned into The original shoulders and elbows turned into two huge steel claws! Above them, there were rapidly rotating saws! From a cute robot to a ferocious steel monster! The tens of thousands of spectators were trembling! But Moore was gritting his teeth, good boy, you are hiding something, right? "3..." "2..." The referee's countdown was not over yet! Go up! The serrations in its claws are buzzing! The fierce figure is falling from the sky! 'That round head is full of technology! Tsk... The chainsaw buzzes and sparks fly! As the 'Violent Bear' squeezes hard, the bald head of 'il Intelligent Life' is cut! He quickly suppressed it and the petals fell apart again! "This is illogical! "Moore clicked on the tablet frantically! But the 'il Intelligent Life' was out of control! In one round, the body was crumbling! The 'Violent Bear' didn't stop at all! The sharp-clawed chainsaws all started! Click! Click! Boom!' il Intelligent Life was cut into pieces! It is completely vulnerable! "Haha, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time, sissy robot, sissy master! "How dare you look down on my little brother, and how dare you give me the middle finger, let you see what technology is!" "Little brother Liu was holding the controller and laughing non-stop! In the stands.

Brother Liu covered his face with his hands...

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